You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

188 lines
7.0 KiB

if not __debug__:
from trezor.utils import halt
halt("debug mode inactive")
if __debug__:
from trezor import io, ui, wire
from trezor.messages import MessageType, DebugSwipeDirection
from trezor.messages.DebugLinkLayout import DebugLinkLayout
from trezor import config, crypto, log, loop, utils
from trezor.messages.Success import Success
if False:
from typing import List, Optional
from trezor.messages.DebugLinkDecision import DebugLinkDecision
from trezor.messages.DebugLinkGetState import DebugLinkGetState
from trezor.messages.DebugLinkRecordScreen import DebugLinkRecordScreen
from trezor.messages.DebugLinkReseedRandom import DebugLinkReseedRandom
from trezor.messages.DebugLinkState import DebugLinkState
from trezor.messages.DebugLinkEraseSdCard import DebugLinkEraseSdCard
from trezor.messages.DebugLinkWatchLayout import DebugLinkWatchLayout
save_screen = False
save_screen_directory = "."
reset_internal_entropy: Optional[bytes] = None
reset_current_words = loop.chan()
reset_word_index = loop.chan()
confirm_chan = loop.chan()
swipe_chan = loop.chan()
input_chan = loop.chan()
confirm_signal = confirm_chan.take
swipe_signal = swipe_chan.take
input_signal = input_chan.take
debuglink_decision_chan = loop.chan()
layout_change_chan = loop.chan()
current_content: List[str] = []
watch_layout_changes = False
def screenshot() -> bool:
if save_screen: + "/refresh-")
return True
return False
def notify_layout_change(layout: ui.Layout) -> None:
global current_content
current_content = layout.read_content()
if watch_layout_changes:
async def debuglink_decision_dispatcher() -> None:
from trezor.ui import confirm, swipe
while True:
msg = await debuglink_decision_chan.take()
if msg.yes_no is not None:
await confirm_chan.put(
ui.Result(confirm.CONFIRMED if msg.yes_no else confirm.CANCELLED)
if msg.swipe is not None:
if msg.swipe == DebugSwipeDirection.UP:
await swipe_chan.put(swipe.SWIPE_UP)
elif msg.swipe == DebugSwipeDirection.DOWN:
await swipe_chan.put(swipe.SWIPE_DOWN)
elif msg.swipe == DebugSwipeDirection.LEFT:
await swipe_chan.put(swipe.SWIPE_LEFT)
elif msg.swipe == DebugSwipeDirection.RIGHT:
await swipe_chan.put(swipe.SWIPE_RIGHT)
if msg.input is not None:
await input_chan.put(ui.Result(msg.input))
async def return_layout_change(ctx: wire.Context) -> None:
content = await layout_change_chan.take()
await ctx.write(DebugLinkLayout(lines=content))
async def dispatch_DebugLinkWatchLayout(
ctx: wire.Context, msg: DebugLinkWatchLayout
) -> Success:
global watch_layout_changes
watch_layout_changes = bool(
log.debug(__name__, "Watch layout changes: {}".format(watch_layout_changes))
return Success()
async def dispatch_DebugLinkDecision(
ctx: wire.Context, msg: DebugLinkDecision
) -> None:
if debuglink_decision_chan.putters:
log.warning(__name__, "DebugLinkDecision queue is not empty")
if msg.x is not None:
evt_down = io.TOUCH_START, msg.x, msg.y
evt_up = io.TOUCH_END, msg.x, msg.y
loop.synthetic_events.append((io.TOUCH, evt_down))
loop.synthetic_events.append((io.TOUCH, evt_up))
if msg.wait:
async def dispatch_DebugLinkGetState(
ctx: wire.Context, msg: DebugLinkGetState
) -> DebugLinkState:
from trezor.messages.DebugLinkState import DebugLinkState
from apps.common import mnemonic, passphrase
m = DebugLinkState()
m.mnemonic_secret = mnemonic.get_secret()
m.mnemonic_type = mnemonic.get_type()
m.passphrase_protection = passphrase.is_enabled()
m.reset_entropy = reset_internal_entropy
if msg.wait_layout:
if not watch_layout_changes:
raise wire.ProcessError("Layout is not watched")
m.layout_lines = await layout_change_chan.take()
m.layout_lines = current_content
if msg.wait_word_pos:
m.reset_word_pos = await reset_word_index.take()
if msg.wait_word_list:
m.reset_word = " ".join(await reset_current_words.take())
return m
async def dispatch_DebugLinkRecordScreen(
ctx: wire.Context, msg: DebugLinkRecordScreen
) -> Success:
global save_screen_directory
global save_screen
if msg.target_directory:
save_screen_directory = msg.target_directory
save_screen = True
save_screen = False
ui.display.clear_save() # clear C buffers
return Success()
async def dispatch_DebugLinkReseedRandom(
ctx: wire.Context, msg: DebugLinkReseedRandom
) -> Success:
if msg.value is not None:
return Success()
async def dispatch_DebugLinkEraseSdCard(
ctx: wire.Context, msg: DebugLinkEraseSdCard
) -> Success:
if msg.format:
# trash first 1 MB of data to destroy the FAT filesystem
assert io.sdcard.capacity() >= 1024 * 1024
empty_block = bytes([0xFF] * io.sdcard.BLOCK_SIZE)
for i in range(1024 * 1024 // io.sdcard.BLOCK_SIZE):
io.sdcard.write(i, empty_block)
except OSError:
raise wire.ProcessError("SD card operation failed")
return Success()
def boot() -> None:
# wipe storage when debug build is used on real hardware
if not utils.EMULATOR:
wire.add(MessageType.LoadDevice, __name__, "load_device")
wire.add(MessageType.DebugLinkShowText, __name__, "show_text")
wire.register(MessageType.DebugLinkDecision, dispatch_DebugLinkDecision) # type: ignore
wire.register(MessageType.DebugLinkGetState, dispatch_DebugLinkGetState)
wire.register(MessageType.DebugLinkReseedRandom, dispatch_DebugLinkReseedRandom)
wire.register(MessageType.DebugLinkRecordScreen, dispatch_DebugLinkRecordScreen)
wire.register(MessageType.DebugLinkEraseSdCard, dispatch_DebugLinkEraseSdCard)
wire.register(MessageType.DebugLinkWatchLayout, dispatch_DebugLinkWatchLayout)