mirror of https://github.com/trezor/trezor-firmware.git synced 2024-10-11 10:29:01 +00:00
2014-06-06 02:37:58 +02:00

680 lines
21 KiB

/* Automatically generated nanopb header */
/* Generated by nanopb-0.2.8 */
#ifndef _PB_MESSAGES_PB_H_
#define _PB_MESSAGES_PB_H_
#include "pb.h"
#include "types.pb.h"
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
/* Enum definitions */
typedef enum _MessageType {
MessageType_MessageType_Initialize = 0,
MessageType_MessageType_Ping = 1,
MessageType_MessageType_Success = 2,
MessageType_MessageType_Failure = 3,
MessageType_MessageType_ChangePin = 4,
MessageType_MessageType_WipeDevice = 5,
MessageType_MessageType_FirmwareErase = 6,
MessageType_MessageType_FirmwareUpload = 7,
MessageType_MessageType_GetEntropy = 9,
MessageType_MessageType_Entropy = 10,
MessageType_MessageType_GetPublicKey = 11,
MessageType_MessageType_PublicKey = 12,
MessageType_MessageType_LoadDevice = 13,
MessageType_MessageType_ResetDevice = 14,
MessageType_MessageType_SignTx = 15,
MessageType_MessageType_SimpleSignTx = 16,
MessageType_MessageType_Features = 17,
MessageType_MessageType_PinMatrixRequest = 18,
MessageType_MessageType_PinMatrixAck = 19,
MessageType_MessageType_Cancel = 20,
MessageType_MessageType_TxRequest = 21,
MessageType_MessageType_TxAck = 22,
MessageType_MessageType_CipherKeyValue = 23,
MessageType_MessageType_ApplySettings = 25,
MessageType_MessageType_ButtonRequest = 26,
MessageType_MessageType_ButtonAck = 27,
MessageType_MessageType_GetAddress = 29,
MessageType_MessageType_Address = 30,
MessageType_MessageType_EntropyRequest = 35,
MessageType_MessageType_EntropyAck = 36,
MessageType_MessageType_SignMessage = 38,
MessageType_MessageType_VerifyMessage = 39,
MessageType_MessageType_MessageSignature = 40,
MessageType_MessageType_PassphraseRequest = 41,
MessageType_MessageType_PassphraseAck = 42,
MessageType_MessageType_EstimateTxSize = 43,
MessageType_MessageType_TxSize = 44,
MessageType_MessageType_RecoveryDevice = 45,
MessageType_MessageType_WordRequest = 46,
MessageType_MessageType_WordAck = 47,
MessageType_MessageType_DebugLinkDecision = 100,
MessageType_MessageType_DebugLinkGetState = 101,
MessageType_MessageType_DebugLinkState = 102,
MessageType_MessageType_DebugLinkStop = 103,
MessageType_MessageType_DebugLinkLog = 104
} MessageType;
/* Struct definitions */
typedef struct _ButtonAck {
uint8_t dummy_field;
} ButtonAck;
typedef struct _Cancel {
uint8_t dummy_field;
} Cancel;
typedef struct _DebugLinkGetState {
uint8_t dummy_field;
} DebugLinkGetState;
typedef struct _DebugLinkStop {
uint8_t dummy_field;
} DebugLinkStop;
typedef struct _EntropyRequest {
uint8_t dummy_field;
} EntropyRequest;
typedef struct _FirmwareErase {
uint8_t dummy_field;
} FirmwareErase;
typedef struct _Initialize {
uint8_t dummy_field;
} Initialize;
typedef struct _PassphraseRequest {
uint8_t dummy_field;
} PassphraseRequest;
typedef struct _WipeDevice {
uint8_t dummy_field;
} WipeDevice;
typedef struct _WordRequest {
uint8_t dummy_field;
} WordRequest;
typedef struct _Address {
char address[35];
} Address;
typedef struct _ApplySettings {
bool has_language;
char language[17];
bool has_label;
char label[33];
} ApplySettings;
typedef struct _ButtonRequest {
bool has_code;
ButtonRequestType code;
bool has_data;
char data[256];
} ButtonRequest;
typedef struct _ChangePin {
bool has_remove;
bool remove;
} ChangePin;
typedef struct {
size_t size;
uint8_t bytes[1024];
} CipherKeyValue_value_t;
typedef struct _CipherKeyValue {
size_t address_n_count;
uint32_t address_n[8];
bool has_key;
char key[256];
bool has_value;
CipherKeyValue_value_t value;
bool has_encrypt;
bool encrypt;
bool has_ask_on_encrypt;
bool ask_on_encrypt;
bool has_ask_on_decrypt;
bool ask_on_decrypt;
} CipherKeyValue;
typedef struct _DebugLinkDecision {
bool yes_no;
} DebugLinkDecision;
typedef struct _DebugLinkLog {
bool has_level;
uint32_t level;
bool has_bucket;
char bucket[33];
bool has_text;
char text[256];
} DebugLinkLog;
typedef struct {
size_t size;
uint8_t bytes[1024];
} DebugLinkState_layout_t;
typedef struct {
size_t size;
uint8_t bytes[128];
} DebugLinkState_reset_entropy_t;
typedef struct _DebugLinkState {
bool has_layout;
DebugLinkState_layout_t layout;
bool has_pin;
char pin[10];
bool has_matrix;
char matrix[10];
bool has_mnemonic;
char mnemonic[241];
bool has_node;
HDNodeType node;
bool has_passphrase_protection;
bool passphrase_protection;
bool has_reset_word;
char reset_word[12];
bool has_reset_entropy;
DebugLinkState_reset_entropy_t reset_entropy;
bool has_recovery_fake_word;
char recovery_fake_word[12];
bool has_recovery_word_pos;
uint32_t recovery_word_pos;
} DebugLinkState;
typedef struct {
size_t size;
uint8_t bytes[1024];
} Entropy_entropy_t;
typedef struct _Entropy {
Entropy_entropy_t entropy;
} Entropy;
typedef struct {
size_t size;
uint8_t bytes[128];
} EntropyAck_entropy_t;
typedef struct _EntropyAck {
bool has_entropy;
EntropyAck_entropy_t entropy;
} EntropyAck;
typedef struct _EstimateTxSize {
uint32_t outputs_count;
uint32_t inputs_count;
bool has_coin_name;
char coin_name[17];
} EstimateTxSize;
typedef struct _Failure {
bool has_code;
FailureType code;
bool has_message;
char message[256];
} Failure;
typedef struct {
size_t size;
uint8_t bytes[20];
} Features_revision_t;
typedef struct {
size_t size;
uint8_t bytes[32];
} Features_bootloader_hash_t;
typedef struct _Features {
bool has_vendor;
char vendor[33];
bool has_major_version;
uint32_t major_version;
bool has_minor_version;
uint32_t minor_version;
bool has_patch_version;
uint32_t patch_version;
bool has_bootloader_mode;
bool bootloader_mode;
bool has_device_id;
char device_id[25];
bool has_pin_protection;
bool pin_protection;
bool has_passphrase_protection;
bool passphrase_protection;
bool has_language;
char language[17];
bool has_label;
char label[33];
size_t coins_count;
CoinType coins[4];
bool has_initialized;
bool initialized;
bool has_revision;
Features_revision_t revision;
bool has_bootloader_hash;
Features_bootloader_hash_t bootloader_hash;
bool has_imported;
bool imported;
} Features;
typedef struct {
size_t size;
uint8_t bytes[0];
} FirmwareUpload_payload_t;
typedef struct _FirmwareUpload {
FirmwareUpload_payload_t payload;
} FirmwareUpload;
typedef struct _GetAddress {
size_t address_n_count;
uint32_t address_n[8];
bool has_coin_name;
char coin_name[17];
} GetAddress;
typedef struct _GetEntropy {
uint32_t size;
} GetEntropy;
typedef struct _GetPublicKey {
size_t address_n_count;
uint32_t address_n[8];
} GetPublicKey;
typedef struct _LoadDevice {
bool has_mnemonic;
char mnemonic[241];
bool has_node;
HDNodeType node;
bool has_pin;
char pin[10];
bool has_passphrase_protection;
bool passphrase_protection;
bool has_language;
char language[17];
bool has_label;
char label[33];
bool has_skip_checksum;
bool skip_checksum;
} LoadDevice;
typedef struct {
size_t size;
uint8_t bytes[65];
} MessageSignature_signature_t;
typedef struct _MessageSignature {
bool has_address;
char address[35];
bool has_signature;
MessageSignature_signature_t signature;
} MessageSignature;
typedef struct _PassphraseAck {
char passphrase[51];
} PassphraseAck;
typedef struct _PinMatrixAck {
char pin[10];
} PinMatrixAck;
typedef struct _PinMatrixRequest {
bool has_type;
PinMatrixRequestType type;
} PinMatrixRequest;
typedef struct _Ping {
bool has_message;
char message[256];
bool has_button_protection;
bool button_protection;
bool has_pin_protection;
bool pin_protection;
bool has_passphrase_protection;
bool passphrase_protection;
} Ping;
typedef struct _PublicKey {
HDNodeType node;
} PublicKey;
typedef struct _RecoveryDevice {
bool has_word_count;
uint32_t word_count;
bool has_passphrase_protection;
bool passphrase_protection;
bool has_pin_protection;
bool pin_protection;
bool has_language;
char language[17];
bool has_label;
char label[33];
bool has_enforce_wordlist;
bool enforce_wordlist;
} RecoveryDevice;
typedef struct _ResetDevice {
bool has_display_random;
bool display_random;
bool has_strength;
uint32_t strength;
bool has_passphrase_protection;
bool passphrase_protection;
bool has_pin_protection;
bool pin_protection;
bool has_language;
char language[17];
bool has_label;
char label[33];
} ResetDevice;
typedef struct {
size_t size;
uint8_t bytes[256];
} SignMessage_message_t;
typedef struct _SignMessage {
size_t address_n_count;
uint32_t address_n[8];
SignMessage_message_t message;
bool has_coin_name;
char coin_name[17];
} SignMessage;
typedef struct _SignTx {
uint32_t outputs_count;
uint32_t inputs_count;
bool has_coin_name;
char coin_name[17];
} SignTx;
typedef struct _SimpleSignTx {
size_t inputs_count;
TxInputType inputs[0];
size_t outputs_count;
TxOutputType outputs[0];
size_t transactions_count;
TransactionType transactions[0];
bool has_coin_name;
char coin_name[17];
} SimpleSignTx;
typedef struct {
size_t size;
uint8_t bytes[1024];
} Success_payload_t;
typedef struct _Success {
bool has_message;
char message[256];
bool has_payload;
Success_payload_t payload;
} Success;
typedef struct _TxAck {
bool has_tx;
TransactionType tx;
} TxAck;
typedef struct _TxRequest {
bool has_request_type;
RequestType request_type;
bool has_details;
TxRequestDetailsType details;
bool has_serialized;
TxRequestSerializedType serialized;
} TxRequest;
typedef struct _TxSize {
bool has_tx_size;
uint32_t tx_size;
} TxSize;
typedef struct {
size_t size;
uint8_t bytes[65];
} VerifyMessage_signature_t;
typedef struct {
size_t size;
uint8_t bytes[256];
} VerifyMessage_message_t;
typedef struct _VerifyMessage {
bool has_address;
char address[35];
bool has_signature;
VerifyMessage_signature_t signature;
bool has_message;
VerifyMessage_message_t message;
} VerifyMessage;
typedef struct _WordAck {
char word[12];
} WordAck;
/* Default values for struct fields */
extern const char GetAddress_coin_name_default[17];
extern const char LoadDevice_language_default[17];
extern const uint32_t ResetDevice_strength_default;
extern const char ResetDevice_language_default[17];
extern const char RecoveryDevice_language_default[17];
extern const char SignMessage_coin_name_default[17];
extern const char EstimateTxSize_coin_name_default[17];
extern const char SignTx_coin_name_default[17];
extern const char SimpleSignTx_coin_name_default[17];
/* Field tags (for use in manual encoding/decoding) */
#define Address_address_tag 1
#define ApplySettings_language_tag 1
#define ApplySettings_label_tag 2
#define ButtonRequest_code_tag 1
#define ButtonRequest_data_tag 2
#define ChangePin_remove_tag 1
#define CipherKeyValue_address_n_tag 1
#define CipherKeyValue_key_tag 2
#define CipherKeyValue_value_tag 3
#define CipherKeyValue_encrypt_tag 4
#define CipherKeyValue_ask_on_encrypt_tag 5
#define CipherKeyValue_ask_on_decrypt_tag 6
#define DebugLinkDecision_yes_no_tag 1
#define DebugLinkLog_level_tag 1
#define DebugLinkLog_bucket_tag 2
#define DebugLinkLog_text_tag 3
#define DebugLinkState_layout_tag 1
#define DebugLinkState_pin_tag 2
#define DebugLinkState_matrix_tag 3
#define DebugLinkState_mnemonic_tag 4
#define DebugLinkState_node_tag 5
#define DebugLinkState_passphrase_protection_tag 6
#define DebugLinkState_reset_word_tag 7
#define DebugLinkState_reset_entropy_tag 8
#define DebugLinkState_recovery_fake_word_tag 9
#define DebugLinkState_recovery_word_pos_tag 10
#define Entropy_entropy_tag 1
#define EntropyAck_entropy_tag 1
#define EstimateTxSize_outputs_count_tag 1
#define EstimateTxSize_inputs_count_tag 2
#define EstimateTxSize_coin_name_tag 3
#define Failure_code_tag 1
#define Failure_message_tag 2
#define Features_vendor_tag 1
#define Features_major_version_tag 2
#define Features_minor_version_tag 3
#define Features_patch_version_tag 4
#define Features_bootloader_mode_tag 5
#define Features_device_id_tag 6
#define Features_pin_protection_tag 7
#define Features_passphrase_protection_tag 8
#define Features_language_tag 9
#define Features_label_tag 10
#define Features_coins_tag 11
#define Features_initialized_tag 12
#define Features_revision_tag 13
#define Features_bootloader_hash_tag 14
#define Features_imported_tag 15
#define FirmwareUpload_payload_tag 1
#define GetAddress_address_n_tag 1
#define GetAddress_coin_name_tag 2
#define GetEntropy_size_tag 1
#define GetPublicKey_address_n_tag 1
#define LoadDevice_mnemonic_tag 1
#define LoadDevice_node_tag 2
#define LoadDevice_pin_tag 3
#define LoadDevice_passphrase_protection_tag 4
#define LoadDevice_language_tag 5
#define LoadDevice_label_tag 6
#define LoadDevice_skip_checksum_tag 7
#define MessageSignature_address_tag 1
#define MessageSignature_signature_tag 2
#define PassphraseAck_passphrase_tag 1
#define PinMatrixAck_pin_tag 1
#define PinMatrixRequest_type_tag 1
#define Ping_message_tag 1
#define Ping_button_protection_tag 2
#define Ping_pin_protection_tag 3
#define Ping_passphrase_protection_tag 4
#define PublicKey_node_tag 1
#define RecoveryDevice_word_count_tag 1
#define RecoveryDevice_passphrase_protection_tag 2
#define RecoveryDevice_pin_protection_tag 3
#define RecoveryDevice_language_tag 4
#define RecoveryDevice_label_tag 5
#define RecoveryDevice_enforce_wordlist_tag 6
#define ResetDevice_display_random_tag 1
#define ResetDevice_strength_tag 2
#define ResetDevice_passphrase_protection_tag 3
#define ResetDevice_pin_protection_tag 4
#define ResetDevice_language_tag 5
#define ResetDevice_label_tag 6
#define SignMessage_address_n_tag 1
#define SignMessage_message_tag 2
#define SignMessage_coin_name_tag 3
#define SignTx_outputs_count_tag 1
#define SignTx_inputs_count_tag 2
#define SignTx_coin_name_tag 3
#define SimpleSignTx_inputs_tag 1
#define SimpleSignTx_outputs_tag 2
#define SimpleSignTx_transactions_tag 3
#define SimpleSignTx_coin_name_tag 4
#define Success_message_tag 1
#define Success_payload_tag 2
#define TxAck_tx_tag 1
#define TxRequest_request_type_tag 1
#define TxRequest_details_tag 2
#define TxRequest_serialized_tag 3
#define TxSize_tx_size_tag 1
#define VerifyMessage_address_tag 1
#define VerifyMessage_signature_tag 2
#define VerifyMessage_message_tag 3
#define WordAck_word_tag 1
/* Struct field encoding specification for nanopb */
extern const pb_field_t Initialize_fields[1];
extern const pb_field_t Features_fields[16];
extern const pb_field_t ApplySettings_fields[3];
extern const pb_field_t ChangePin_fields[2];
extern const pb_field_t Ping_fields[5];
extern const pb_field_t Success_fields[3];
extern const pb_field_t Failure_fields[3];
extern const pb_field_t ButtonRequest_fields[3];
extern const pb_field_t ButtonAck_fields[1];
extern const pb_field_t PinMatrixRequest_fields[2];
extern const pb_field_t PinMatrixAck_fields[2];
extern const pb_field_t Cancel_fields[1];
extern const pb_field_t PassphraseRequest_fields[1];
extern const pb_field_t PassphraseAck_fields[2];
extern const pb_field_t GetEntropy_fields[2];
extern const pb_field_t Entropy_fields[2];
extern const pb_field_t GetPublicKey_fields[2];
extern const pb_field_t PublicKey_fields[2];
extern const pb_field_t GetAddress_fields[3];
extern const pb_field_t Address_fields[2];
extern const pb_field_t WipeDevice_fields[1];
extern const pb_field_t LoadDevice_fields[8];
extern const pb_field_t ResetDevice_fields[7];
extern const pb_field_t EntropyRequest_fields[1];
extern const pb_field_t EntropyAck_fields[2];
extern const pb_field_t RecoveryDevice_fields[7];
extern const pb_field_t WordRequest_fields[1];
extern const pb_field_t WordAck_fields[2];
extern const pb_field_t SignMessage_fields[4];
extern const pb_field_t VerifyMessage_fields[4];
extern const pb_field_t MessageSignature_fields[3];
extern const pb_field_t CipherKeyValue_fields[7];
extern const pb_field_t EstimateTxSize_fields[4];
extern const pb_field_t TxSize_fields[2];
extern const pb_field_t SignTx_fields[4];
extern const pb_field_t SimpleSignTx_fields[5];
extern const pb_field_t TxRequest_fields[4];
extern const pb_field_t TxAck_fields[2];
extern const pb_field_t FirmwareErase_fields[1];
extern const pb_field_t FirmwareUpload_fields[2];
extern const pb_field_t DebugLinkDecision_fields[2];
extern const pb_field_t DebugLinkGetState_fields[1];
extern const pb_field_t DebugLinkState_fields[11];
extern const pb_field_t DebugLinkStop_fields[1];
extern const pb_field_t DebugLinkLog_fields[4];
/* Maximum encoded size of messages (where known) */
#define Initialize_size 0
#define Features_size (224 + 4*CoinType_size)
#define ApplySettings_size 54
#define ChangePin_size 2
#define Ping_size 265
#define Success_size 1286
#define Failure_size 265
#define ButtonRequest_size 265
#define ButtonAck_size 0
#define PinMatrixRequest_size 6
#define PinMatrixAck_size 12
#define Cancel_size 0
#define PassphraseRequest_size 0
#define PassphraseAck_size 53
#define GetEntropy_size 6
#define Entropy_size 1027
#define GetPublicKey_size 48
#define PublicKey_size (6 + HDNodeType_size)
#define GetAddress_size 67
#define Address_size 37
#define WipeDevice_size 0
#define LoadDevice_size (320 + HDNodeType_size)
#define ResetDevice_size 66
#define EntropyRequest_size 0
#define EntropyAck_size 131
#define RecoveryDevice_size 66
#define WordRequest_size 0
#define WordAck_size 14
#define SignMessage_size 326
#define VerifyMessage_size 363
#define MessageSignature_size 104
#define CipherKeyValue_size 1340
#define EstimateTxSize_size 31
#define TxSize_size 6
#define SignTx_size 31
#define SimpleSignTx_size (19 + 0*TxInputType_size + 0*TxOutputType_size + 0*TransactionType_size)
#define TxRequest_size (18 + TxRequestDetailsType_size + TxRequestSerializedType_size)
#define TxAck_size (6 + TransactionType_size)
#define FirmwareErase_size 0
#define FirmwareUpload_size 2
#define DebugLinkDecision_size 2
#define DebugLinkGetState_size 0
#define DebugLinkState_size (1468 + HDNodeType_size)
#define DebugLinkStop_size 0
#define DebugLinkLog_size 300
#ifdef __cplusplus
} /* extern "C" */