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# generated from
# (by running `make templates` in `core`)
# do not edit manually!
# fmt: off
from collections import defaultdict
def group_tokens(tokens):
r = defaultdict(list)
for t in sorted(tokens, key=lambda t: t.chain_id):
return r
class TokenInfo:
def __init__(self, symbol: str, decimals: int) -> None:
self.symbol = symbol
self.decimals = decimals
UNKNOWN_TOKEN = TokenInfo("Wei UNKN", 0)
def token_by_chain_address(chain_id: int, address: bytes) -> TokenInfo:
% for token_chain_id, tokens in group_tokens(supported_on("trezor2", erc20)).items():
if chain_id == ${token_chain_id}:
% for t in tokens:
if address == ${black_repr(t.address_bytes)}:
return TokenInfo(${black_repr(t.symbol)}, ${t.decimals}) # ${t.chain} / ${}
% endfor
% endfor