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syntax = "proto2";
package hw.trezor.messages.webauthn;
// Sugar for easier handling in Java
option java_package = "com.satoshilabs.trezor.lib.protobuf";
option java_outer_classname = "TrezorMessageWebAuthn";
import "messages.proto";
* Request: List resident credentials
* @start
* @next WebAuthnCredentials
* @next Failure
message WebAuthnListResidentCredentials {
* Request: Add resident credential
* @start
* @next Success
* @next Failure
message WebAuthnAddResidentCredential {
optional bytes credential_id = 1;
* Request: Remove resident credential
* @start
* @next Success
* @next Failure
message WebAuthnRemoveResidentCredential {
optional uint32 index = 1;
* Response: Resident credential list
* @start
* @next end
message WebAuthnCredentials {
repeated WebAuthnCredential credentials = 1;
message WebAuthnCredential {
optional uint32 index = 1;
optional bytes id = 2;
optional string rp_id = 3;
optional string rp_name = 4;
optional bytes user_id = 5;
optional string user_name = 6;
optional string user_display_name = 7;
optional uint32 creation_time = 8;
optional bool hmac_secret = 9;
optional bool use_sign_count = 10;
optional sint32 algorithm = 11;
optional sint32 curve = 12;