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394 lines
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use crate::ui::{
constant, display,
geometry::{Offset, Point, Rect},
use core::slice::from_raw_parts;
#[cfg(feature = "dma2d")]
use crate::trezorhal::{
buffers::{get_buffer_16bpp, get_buffer_4bpp},
dma2d::{dma2d_setup_4bpp_over_4bpp, dma2d_start_blend, dma2d_wait_for_transfer},
use crate::ui::{
constant::{screen, LOADER_OUTER},
pub const LOADER_MIN: u16 = 0;
pub const LOADER_MAX: u16 = 1000;
const LOADER_SIZE: i32 = (LOADER_OUTER * 2.0) as i32;
const OUTER: f32 = constant::LOADER_OUTER;
const INNER: f32 = constant::LOADER_INNER;
const ICON_MAX_SIZE: i16 = constant::LOADER_ICON_MAX_SIZE;
const IN_INNER_ANTI: i32 = ((INNER - 0.5) * (INNER - 0.5)) as i32;
const INNER_MIN: i32 = ((INNER + 0.5) * (INNER + 0.5)) as i32;
const INNER_MAX: i32 = ((INNER + 1.5) * (INNER + 1.5)) as i32;
const INNER_OUTER_ANTI: i32 = ((INNER + 2.5) * (INNER + 2.5)) as i32;
const OUTER_OUT_ANTI: i32 = ((OUTER - 1.5) * (OUTER - 1.5)) as i32;
const OUTER_MAX: i32 = ((OUTER - 0.5) * (OUTER - 0.5)) as i32;
pub fn loader_uncompress(
y_offset: i16,
fg_color: Color,
bg_color: Color,
progress: u16,
indeterminate: bool,
icon: Option<(Icon, Color)>,
) {
const ICON_MAX_SIZE: i16 = constant::LOADER_ICON_MAX_SIZE;
if let Some((icon, color)) = icon {
let toif_size = icon.toif.size();
if toif_size.x <= ICON_MAX_SIZE && toif_size.y <= ICON_MAX_SIZE {
let mut icon_data = [0_u8; ((ICON_MAX_SIZE * ICON_MAX_SIZE) / 2) as usize];
icon.toif.uncompress(&mut icon_data);
let i = Some((icon, color, toif_size));
loader_rust(y_offset, fg_color, bg_color, progress, indeterminate, i);
} else {
loader_rust(y_offset, fg_color, bg_color, progress, indeterminate, None);
} else {
loader_rust(y_offset, fg_color, bg_color, progress, indeterminate, None);
pub extern "C" fn loader_uncompress_r(
y_offset: cty::int32_t,
fg_color: cty::uint16_t,
bg_color: cty::uint16_t,
icon_color: cty::uint16_t,
progress: cty::int32_t,
indeterminate: cty::int32_t,
icon_data: cty::uintptr_t,
icon_data_size: cty::uint32_t,
) {
let fg = Color::from_u16(fg_color);
let bg = Color::from_u16(bg_color);
let ic_color = Color::from_u16(icon_color);
let i = if icon_data != 0 {
let data_slice = unsafe { from_raw_parts(icon_data as _, icon_data_size as _) };
Some((Icon::new(data_slice), ic_color))
} else {
loader_uncompress(y_offset as _, fg, bg, progress as _, indeterminate != 0, i);
fn get_loader_vectors(indeterminate: bool, progress: u16) -> (Point, Point) {
let (start_progress, end_progress) = if indeterminate {
} else {
(0, progress)
let start = ((360 * start_progress as i32) / 1000) % 360;
let end = ((360 * end_progress as i32) / 1000) % 360;
let start_vector;
let end_vector;
if indeterminate {
start_vector = display::get_vector(start as _);
end_vector = display::get_vector(end as _);
} else if progress >= 1000 {
start_vector = Point::zero();
end_vector = Point::zero();
} else if progress > 500 {
start_vector = display::get_vector(end as _);
end_vector = display::get_vector(start as _);
} else {
start_vector = display::get_vector(start as _);
end_vector = display::get_vector(end as _);
(start_vector, end_vector)
fn loader_get_pixel_color_idx(
show_all: bool,
inverted: bool,
end_vector: Point,
n_start: Point,
x_c: i16,
y_c: i16,
center: Point,
) -> u8 {
let y_p = -(y_c - center.y);
let x_p = x_c - center.x;
let vx = Point::new(x_p, y_p);
let n_vx = Point::new(-y_p, x_p);
let d = y_p as i32 * y_p as i32 + x_p as i32 * x_p as i32;
let included = if inverted {
!display::is_clockwise_or_equal(n_start, vx)
|| !display::is_clockwise_or_equal_inc(n_vx, end_vector)
} else {
display::is_clockwise_or_equal(n_start, vx)
&& display::is_clockwise_or_equal_inc(n_vx, end_vector)
// The antialiasing calculation below uses simplified distance difference
// calculation. Optimally, SQRT should be used, but assuming
// diameter large enough and antialiasing over distance
// r_outer-r_inner = 1, the difference between simplified:
// (d^2-r_inner^2)/(r_outer^2-r_inner^2) and precise: (sqrt(d^2)
// - r_inner)/(r_outer-r_inner) is negligible
if show_all || included {
//active part
if d <= IN_INNER_ANTI {
} else if d <= INNER_MIN {
((15 * (d - IN_INNER_ANTI)) / (INNER_MIN - IN_INNER_ANTI)) as u8
} else if d <= OUTER_OUT_ANTI {
} else if d <= OUTER_MAX {
(15 - ((15 * (d - OUTER_OUT_ANTI)) / (OUTER_MAX - OUTER_OUT_ANTI))) as u8
} else {
} else {
//inactive part
if d <= IN_INNER_ANTI {
} else if d <= INNER_MIN {
((15 * (d - IN_INNER_ANTI)) / (INNER_MIN - IN_INNER_ANTI)) as u8
} else if d <= INNER_MAX {
} else if d <= INNER_OUTER_ANTI {
(15 - ((10 * (d - INNER_MAX)) / (INNER_OUTER_ANTI - INNER_MAX))) as u8
} else if d <= OUTER_OUT_ANTI {
} else if d <= OUTER_MAX {
5 - ((5 * (d - OUTER_OUT_ANTI)) / (OUTER_MAX - OUTER_OUT_ANTI)) as u8
} else {
#[cfg(not(feature = "dma2d"))]
pub fn loader_rust(
y_offset: i16,
fg_color: Color,
bg_color: Color,
progress: u16,
indeterminate: bool,
icon: Option<(Icon, Color, Offset)>,
) {
let center = screen().center() + Offset::new(0, y_offset);
let r = Rect::from_center_and_size(center, Offset::uniform(LOADER_OUTER as i16 * 2));
let clamped = r.clamp(constant::screen());
let center =;
let colortable = display::get_color_table(fg_color, bg_color);
let mut icon_colortable = colortable;
let mut use_icon = false;
let mut icon_area = Rect::zero();
let mut icon_area_clamped = Rect::zero();
let mut icon_width = 0;
let mut icon_data = None;
if let Some((data, color, size)) = icon {
if size.x <= ICON_MAX_SIZE && size.y <= ICON_MAX_SIZE {
icon_width = size.x;
icon_area = Rect::from_center_and_size(center, size);
icon_area_clamped = icon_area.clamp(constant::screen());
icon_data = Some(data);
use_icon = true;
icon_colortable = display::get_color_table(color, bg_color);
let show_all = !indeterminate && progress >= 1000;
let inverted = !indeterminate && progress > 500;
let (start_vector, end_vector) = get_loader_vectors(indeterminate, progress);
let n_start = Point::new(-start_vector.y, start_vector.x);
for y_c in r.y0..r.y1 {
for x_c in r.x0..r.x1 {
let p = Point::new(x_c, y_c);
let mut icon_pixel = false;
let mut underlying_color = bg_color;
if use_icon && icon_area_clamped.contains(p) {
let x = x_c - center.x;
let y = y_c - center.y;
if (x as i32 * x as i32 + y as i32 * y as i32) <= IN_INNER_ANTI {
let x_i = x_c - icon_area.x0;
let y_i = y_c - icon_area.y0;
let data = unwrap!(icon_data).zdata()
[(((x_i & 0xFE) + (y_i * icon_width)) / 2) as usize];
if (x_i & 0x01) == 0 {
underlying_color = icon_colortable[(data & 0xF) as usize];
} else {
underlying_color = icon_colortable[(data >> 4) as usize];
icon_pixel = true;
if clamped.contains(p) && !icon_pixel {
let pix_c_idx = loader_get_pixel_color_idx(
show_all, inverted, end_vector, n_start, x_c, y_c, center,
underlying_color = colortable[pix_c_idx as usize];
#[cfg(feature = "dma2d")]
pub fn loader_rust(
y_offset: i16,
fg_color: Color,
bg_color: Color,
progress: u16,
indeterminate: bool,
icon: Option<(Icon, Color, Offset)>,
) {
let center = screen().center() + Offset::new(0, y_offset);
let r = Rect::from_center_and_size(center, Offset::uniform(LOADER_OUTER as i16 * 2));
let clamped = r.clamp(constant::screen());
let center =;
let mut use_icon = false;
let mut icon_area = Rect::zero();
let mut icon_area_clamped = Rect::zero();
let mut icon_width = 0;
let mut icon_offset = 0;
let mut icon_color = Color::from_u16(0);
let mut icon_data = None;
if let Some((icon, color, size)) = icon {
if size.x <= ICON_MAX_SIZE && size.y <= ICON_MAX_SIZE {
icon_width = size.x;
icon_area = Rect::from_center_and_size(center, size);
icon_area_clamped = icon_area.clamp(constant::screen());
icon_offset = (icon_area_clamped.x0 - r.x0) / 2;
icon_color = color;
icon_data = Some(icon);
use_icon = true;
let show_all = !indeterminate && progress >= 1000;
let inverted = !indeterminate && progress > 500;
let (start_vector, end_vector) = get_loader_vectors(indeterminate, progress);
let n_start = Point::new(-start_vector.y, start_vector.x);
let b1 = unsafe { get_buffer_16bpp(0, false) };
let b2 = unsafe { get_buffer_16bpp(1, false) };
let ib1 = unsafe { get_buffer_4bpp(0, true) };
let ib2 = unsafe { get_buffer_4bpp(1, true) };
let empty_line = unsafe { get_buffer_4bpp(2, true) };
dma2d_setup_4bpp_over_4bpp(fg_color.into(), bg_color.into(), icon_color.into());
for y_c in r.y0..r.y1 {
let mut icon_buffer = &mut *empty_line;
let icon_buffer_used;
let loader_buffer;
if y_c % 2 == 0 {
icon_buffer_used = &mut *ib1;
loader_buffer = &mut *b1;
} else {
icon_buffer_used = &mut *ib2;
loader_buffer = &mut *b2;
if use_icon && y_c >= icon_area_clamped.y0 && y_c < icon_area_clamped.y1 {
let y_i = y_c - icon_area.y0;
// Optimally, we should cut corners of the icon if it happens to be large enough
// to invade loader area. but this would require calculation of circle chord
// length (since we need to limit data copied to the buffer),
// which requires expensive SQRT. Therefore, when using this method of loader
// drawing, special care needs to be taken to ensure that the icons
// have transparent corners.
icon_buffer_used.buffer[icon_offset as usize..(icon_offset + icon_width / 2) as usize]
&unwrap!(icon_data).toif.zdata()[(y_i * (icon_width / 2)) as usize
..((y_i + 1) * (icon_width / 2)) as usize],
icon_buffer = icon_buffer_used;
let mut pix_c_idx_prev: u8 = 0;
for x_c in r.x0..r.x1 {
let p = Point::new(x_c, y_c);
let pix_c_idx = if clamped.contains(p) {
show_all, inverted, end_vector, n_start, x_c, y_c, center,
} else {
let x = x_c - r.x0;
if x % 2 == 0 {
pix_c_idx_prev = pix_c_idx;
} else {
loader_buffer.buffer[(x >> 1) as usize] = pix_c_idx_prev | pix_c_idx << 4;
dma2d_start_blend(&icon_buffer.buffer, &loader_buffer.buffer, clamped.width());
pub fn loader(
progress: u16,
y_offset: i16,
fg_color: Color,
bg_color: Color,
icon: Option<(Icon, Color)>,
) {
loader_uncompress(y_offset, fg_color, bg_color, progress, false, icon);
pub fn loader_indeterminate(
progress: u16,
y_offset: i16,
fg_color: Color,
bg_color: Color,
icon: Option<(Icon, Color)>,
) {
loader_uncompress(y_offset, fg_color, bg_color, progress, true, icon);