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from trezor import log, ui, wire
from trezor.crypto import bip32
from trezor.crypto.curve import ed25519
from trezor.messages.CardanoMessageSignature import CardanoMessageSignature
from .address import _break_address_n_to_lines, derive_address_and_node
from .ui import show_swipable_with_confirmation
from apps.common import seed, storage
async def cardano_sign_message(ctx, msg):
mnemonic = storage.get_mnemonic()
root_node = bip32.from_mnemonic_cardano(mnemonic)
signature = _sign_message(root_node, msg.message, msg.address_n)
except ValueError as e:
if __debug__:
log.exception(__name__, e)
raise wire.ProcessError("Signing failed")
mnemonic = None
root_node = None
if not await show_swipable_with_confirmation(
ctx, msg.message, "Signing message", ui.ICON_RECEIVE, ui.GREEN
raise wire.ActionCancelled("Signing cancelled")
if not await show_swipable_with_confirmation(
"With address",
raise wire.ActionCancelled("Signing cancelled")
return signature
def _sign_message(root_node, message: str, derivation_path: list):
address, node = derive_address_and_node(root_node, derivation_path)
signature = ed25519.sign_ext(node.private_key(), node.private_key_ext(), message)
sig = CardanoMessageSignature()
sig.public_key = seed.remove_ed25519_prefix(node.public_key())
sig.signature = signature
return sig