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from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
from trezor import log, wire
from trezor.crypto import crc, hashlib
from apps.common import cbor
from .helpers import protocol_magics
from .helpers.utils import derive_public_key
from . import seed
This is the legacy implementation of Byron addresses. Byron
addresses should however remain supported in Shelley with
exactly the same implementation, thus it is kept here
with base58 encoding and all the nuances of Byron addresses.
def _encode_address_raw(address_data_encoded: bytes) -> bytes:
return cbor.encode(
[cbor.Tagged(24, address_data_encoded), crc.crc32(address_data_encoded)]
def derive_byron_address(
keychain: seed.Keychain, path: list, protocol_magic: int
) -> bytes:
address_attributes = get_address_attributes(protocol_magic)
address_root = _get_address_root(keychain, path, address_attributes)
address_type = 0
address_data = [address_root, address_attributes, address_type]
address_data_encoded = cbor.encode(address_data)
return _encode_address_raw(address_data_encoded)
def get_address_attributes(protocol_magic: int) -> dict:
# protocol magic is included in Byron addresses only on testnets
if protocol_magics.is_mainnet(protocol_magic):
address_attributes = {}
address_attributes = {PROTOCOL_MAGIC_KEY: cbor.encode(protocol_magic)}
return address_attributes
def validate_byron_address(address: bytes, protocol_magic: int) -> None:
address_data_encoded = _decode_address_raw(address)
_validate_address_data_protocol_magic(address_data_encoded, protocol_magic)
def _decode_address_raw(address: bytes) -> bytes:
address_unpacked = cbor.decode(address)
except ValueError as e:
if __debug__:
log.exception(__name__, e)
raise wire.ProcessError("Invalid address")
if not isinstance(address_unpacked, list) or len(address_unpacked) != 2:
raise wire.ProcessError("Invalid address")
address_data_encoded = address_unpacked[0]
if not isinstance(address_data_encoded, bytes):
raise wire.ProcessError("Invalid address")
address_crc = address_unpacked[1]
if not isinstance(address_crc, int):
raise wire.ProcessError("Invalid address")
if address_crc != crc.crc32(address_data_encoded):
raise wire.ProcessError("Invalid address")
return address_data_encoded
def _validate_address_data_protocol_magic(
address_data_encoded: bytes, protocol_magic: int
) -> None:
Determines whether the correct protocol magic (or none)
is included in the address. Addresses on mainnet don't
contain protocol magic, but addresses on the testnet do.
address_data = cbor.decode(address_data_encoded)
if not isinstance(address_data, list) or len(address_data) < 2:
raise wire.ProcessError("Invalid address")
attributes = address_data[1]
if protocol_magics.is_mainnet(protocol_magic):
if PROTOCOL_MAGIC_KEY in attributes:
raise wire.ProcessError("Output address network mismatch")
else: # testnet
if len(attributes) == 0 or PROTOCOL_MAGIC_KEY not in attributes:
raise wire.ProcessError("Output address network mismatch")
protocol_magic_cbor = attributes[PROTOCOL_MAGIC_KEY]
address_protocol_magic = cbor.decode(protocol_magic_cbor)
if not isinstance(address_protocol_magic, int):
raise wire.ProcessError("Invalid address")
if address_protocol_magic != protocol_magic:
raise wire.ProcessError("Output address network mismatch")
def _address_hash(data: list) -> bytes:
cbor_data = cbor.encode(data)
sha_data_hash = hashlib.sha3_256(cbor_data).digest()
res = hashlib.blake2b(data=sha_data_hash, outlen=28).digest()
return res
def _get_address_root(
keychain: seed.Keychain, path: list[int], address_attributes: dict
) -> bytes:
extpubkey = derive_public_key(keychain, path, extended=True)
return _address_hash([0, [0, extpubkey], address_attributes])