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use super::{
theme, Button, ButtonDetails, ButtonLayout, ButtonPos, HoldToConfirm, HoldToConfirmMsg,
use crate::{
component::{base::Event, Component, EventCtx, Pad, TimerToken},
event::{ButtonEvent, PhysicalButton},
/// All possible states buttons (left and right) can be at.
#[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
enum ButtonState {
/// Both buttons are in untouched state.
/// _ _
/// NEXT: OneDown
/// One Button is down when previously nothing was.
/// _ _ ... ↓ _ | _ ↓
/// NEXT: Nothing, BothDown, HTCNeedsRelease
/// Both buttons are down ("middle-click").
/// ↓ _ | _ ↓ ... ↓ ↓
/// NEXT: OneReleased
/// One button is down when previously both were.
/// Happens when "middle-click" is performed.
/// ↓ ↓ ... ↓ _ | _ ↓
/// NEXT: Nothing, BothDown
/// One button is down after it triggered a HoldToConfirm event.
/// Needed so that we can cleanly reset the state.
/// ↓ _ | _ ↓ ... ↓ _ | _ ↓
/// NEXT: Nothing
pub enum ButtonControllerMsg {
/// Defines what kind of button should be currently used.
pub enum ButtonType<T>
T: StringType,
impl<T> ButtonType<T>
T: StringType,
pub fn from_button_details(pos: ButtonPos, btn_details: Option<ButtonDetails<T>>) -> Self {
if let Some(btn_details) = btn_details {
if btn_details.duration.is_some() {
Self::HoldToConfirm(HoldToConfirm::from_button_details(pos, btn_details))
} else {
Self::Button(Button::from_button_details(pos, btn_details))
} else {
pub fn place(&mut self, button_area: Rect) {
match self {
Self::Button(button) => {;
Self::HoldToConfirm(htc) => {;
Self::Nothing => {}
pub fn paint(&mut self) {
match self {
Self::Button(button) => {
Self::HoldToConfirm(htc) => {
Self::Nothing => {}
/// Wrapping a button and its state, so that it can be easily
/// controlled from outside.
/// Users have a choice of a normal button or Hold-to-confirm button.
/// `button_type` specified what from those two is used, if anything.
pub struct ButtonContainer<T>
T: StringType,
pos: ButtonPos,
button_type: ButtonType<T>,
impl<T> ButtonContainer<T>
T: StringType,
/// Supplying `None` as `btn_details` marks the button inactive
/// (it can be later activated in `set()`).
pub fn new(pos: ButtonPos, btn_details: Option<ButtonDetails<T>>) -> Self {
Self {
button_type: ButtonType::from_button_details(pos, btn_details),
/// Changing the state of the button.
/// Passing `None` as `btn_details` will mark the button as inactive.
pub fn set(&mut self, btn_details: Option<ButtonDetails<T>>, button_area: Rect) {
self.button_type = ButtonType::from_button_details(self.pos, btn_details);;
/// Placing the possible component.
pub fn place(&mut self, bounds: Rect) {;
/// Painting the component that should be currently visible, if any.
pub fn paint(&mut self) {
/// Setting the visual state of the button - released/pressed.
pub fn set_pressed(&mut self, ctx: &mut EventCtx, is_pressed: bool) {
if let ButtonType::Button(btn) = &mut self.button_type {
btn.set_pressed(ctx, is_pressed);
/// Trigger an action or end hold.
/// Called when the button is released. If it is a simple button, it returns
/// a Triggered message. If it is a hold-to-confirm button, it ends the
/// hold.
pub fn maybe_trigger(&mut self, ctx: &mut EventCtx) -> Option<ButtonControllerMsg> {
match self.button_type {
ButtonType::Button(_) => Some(ButtonControllerMsg::Triggered(self.pos)),
_ => {
/// Find out whether hold-to-confirm was triggered.
pub fn htc_got_triggered(&mut self, ctx: &mut EventCtx, event: Event) -> bool {
if let ButtonType::HoldToConfirm(htc) = &mut self.button_type {
if matches!(htc.event(ctx, event), Some(HoldToConfirmMsg::Confirmed)) {
return true;
/// Registering hold event.
pub fn hold_started(&mut self, ctx: &mut EventCtx) {
if let ButtonType::HoldToConfirm(htc) = &mut self.button_type {
htc.event(ctx, Event::Button(ButtonEvent::HoldStarted));
/// Cancelling hold event.
pub fn hold_ended(&mut self, ctx: &mut EventCtx) {
if let ButtonType::HoldToConfirm(htc) = &mut self.button_type {
htc.event(ctx, Event::Button(ButtonEvent::HoldEnded));
/// Component responsible for handling buttons.
/// Acts as a state-machine of `ButtonState`.
/// Storing all three possible buttons - left, middle and right -
/// and handling their placement, painting and returning
/// appropriate events when they are triggered.
/// Buttons can be interactively changed by clients by `set()`.
/// Only "final" button events are returned in `ButtonControllerMsg::Triggered`,
/// based upon the buttons being long-press or not.
/// There is optional complexity with IgnoreButtonDelay, which gets executed
/// only in cases where clients request it.
pub struct ButtonController<T>
T: StringType,
pad: Pad,
left_btn: ButtonContainer<T>,
middle_btn: ButtonContainer<T>,
right_btn: ButtonContainer<T>,
state: ButtonState,
/// Button area is needed so the buttons
/// can be "re-placed" after their text is changed
/// Will be set in `place`
button_area: Rect,
/// Handling optional ignoring of buttons after pressing the other button.
ignore_btn_delay: Option<IgnoreButtonDelay>,
impl<T> ButtonController<T>
T: StringType,
pub fn new(btn_layout: ButtonLayout<T>) -> Self {
Self {
pad: Pad::with_background(theme::BG).with_clear(),
left_btn: ButtonContainer::new(ButtonPos::Left, btn_layout.btn_left),
middle_btn: ButtonContainer::new(ButtonPos::Middle, btn_layout.btn_middle),
right_btn: ButtonContainer::new(ButtonPos::Right, btn_layout.btn_right),
state: ButtonState::Nothing,
button_area: Rect::zero(),
ignore_btn_delay: None,
/// Set up the logic to ignore a button after some time from pressing
/// the other button.
pub fn with_ignore_btn_delay(mut self, delay_ms: u32) -> Self {
self.ignore_btn_delay = Some(IgnoreButtonDelay::new(delay_ms));
/// Updating all the three buttons to the wanted states.
pub fn set(&mut self, btn_layout: ButtonLayout<T>) {
self.left_btn.set(btn_layout.btn_left, self.button_area);
self.middle_btn.set(btn_layout.btn_middle, self.button_area);
self.right_btn.set(btn_layout.btn_right, self.button_area);
/// Setting the pressed state for all three buttons by boolean flags.
fn set_pressed(&mut self, ctx: &mut EventCtx, left: bool, mid: bool, right: bool) {
self.left_btn.set_pressed(ctx, left);
self.middle_btn.set_pressed(ctx, mid);
self.right_btn.set_pressed(ctx, right);
pub fn highlight_button(&mut self, ctx: &mut EventCtx, pos: ButtonPos) {
match pos {
ButtonPos::Left => self.left_btn.set_pressed(ctx, true),
ButtonPos::Middle => self.middle_btn.set_pressed(ctx, true),
ButtonPos::Right => self.right_btn.set_pressed(ctx, true),
/// Handle middle button hold-to-confirm start.
/// We need to cancel possible holds in both other buttons.
fn middle_hold_started(&mut self, ctx: &mut EventCtx) {
/// Handling the expiration of HTC elements.
/// Finding out if they have been triggered and sending event
/// for the appropriate button.
/// Setting the state to wait for the appropriate release event
/// from the pressed button. Also resetting visible state.
fn handle_htc_expiration(
&mut self,
ctx: &mut EventCtx,
event: Event,
) -> Option<ButtonControllerMsg> {
if self.left_btn.htc_got_triggered(ctx, event) {
self.state = ButtonState::HTCNeedsRelease(PhysicalButton::Left);
self.set_pressed(ctx, false, false, false);
return Some(ButtonControllerMsg::Triggered(ButtonPos::Left));
} else if self.middle_btn.htc_got_triggered(ctx, event) {
self.state = ButtonState::Nothing;
self.set_pressed(ctx, false, false, false);
return Some(ButtonControllerMsg::Triggered(ButtonPos::Middle));
} else if self.right_btn.htc_got_triggered(ctx, event) {
self.state = ButtonState::HTCNeedsRelease(PhysicalButton::Right);
self.set_pressed(ctx, false, false, false);
return Some(ButtonControllerMsg::Triggered(ButtonPos::Right));
impl<T> Component for ButtonController<T>
T: StringType,
type Msg = ButtonControllerMsg;
fn event(&mut self, ctx: &mut EventCtx, event: Event) -> Option<Self::Msg> {
// State machine for the ButtonController
// We are matching event with `Event::Button` for a button action
// and `Event::Timer` for getting the expiration of HTC.
match event {
Event::Button(button_event) => {
let (new_state, event) = match self.state {
// _ _
ButtonState::Nothing => match button_event {
// ▼ * | * ▼
ButtonEvent::ButtonPressed(which) => {
// ↓ _ | _ ↓
// Initial button press will set the timer for second button,
// and after some delay, it will become un-clickable
if let Some(ignore_btn_delay) = &mut self.ignore_btn_delay {
ignore_btn_delay.handle_button_press(ctx, which);
match which {
// ▼ *
PhysicalButton::Left => {
// * ▼
PhysicalButton::Right => {
_ => (self.state, None),
// ↓ _ | _ ↓
ButtonState::OneDown(which_down) => match button_event {
// ▲ * | * ▲
ButtonEvent::ButtonReleased(b) if b == which_down => match which_down {
// ▲ *
// Trigger the button and make the second one clickable in all cases
PhysicalButton::Left => {
if let Some(ignore_btn_delay) = &mut self.ignore_btn_delay {
// _ _
(ButtonState::Nothing, self.left_btn.maybe_trigger(ctx))
// * ▲
PhysicalButton::Right => {
if let Some(ignore_btn_delay) = &mut self.ignore_btn_delay {
// _ _
(ButtonState::Nothing, self.right_btn.maybe_trigger(ctx))
// * ▼ | ▼ *
ButtonEvent::ButtonPressed(b) if b != which_down => {
// Buttons may be non-clickable (caused by long-holding the other
// button)
if let Some(ignore_btn_delay) = &self.ignore_btn_delay {
if ignore_btn_delay.ignore_button(b) {
return None;
// ↓ ↓
_ => (self.state, None),
// ↓ ↓
ButtonState::BothDown => match button_event {
// ▲ * | * ▲
ButtonEvent::ButtonReleased(b) => {
// _ ↓ | ↓ _
(ButtonState::OneReleased(b), None)
_ => (self.state, None),
// ↓ _ | _ ↓
ButtonState::OneReleased(which_up) => match button_event {
// * ▼ | ▼ *
ButtonEvent::ButtonPressed(b) if b == which_up => {
// ↓ ↓
(ButtonState::BothDown, None)
// ▲ * | * ▲
ButtonEvent::ButtonReleased(b) if b != which_up => {
// _ _
// Both button needs to be clickable now
if let Some(ignore_btn_delay) = &mut self.ignore_btn_delay {
(ButtonState::Nothing, self.middle_btn.maybe_trigger(ctx))
_ => (self.state, None),
// ↓ _ | _ ↓
ButtonState::HTCNeedsRelease(needs_release) => match button_event {
// Only going out of this state if correct button was released
// ▲ * | * ▲
ButtonEvent::ButtonReleased(released) if needs_release == released => {
// _ _
(ButtonState::Nothing, None)
_ => (self.state, None),
// Updating the visual feedback for the buttons
match new_state {
// Not showing anything also when we wait for a release
ButtonState::Nothing | ButtonState::HTCNeedsRelease(_) => {
self.set_pressed(ctx, false, false, false);
ButtonState::OneDown(down_button) => match down_button {
PhysicalButton::Left => {
self.set_pressed(ctx, true, false, false);
PhysicalButton::Right => {
self.set_pressed(ctx, false, false, true);
ButtonState::BothDown | ButtonState::OneReleased(_) => {
self.set_pressed(ctx, false, true, false);
self.state = new_state;
// Timer - handle clickable properties and HoldToConfirm expiration
Event::Timer(token) => {
if let Some(ignore_btn_delay) = &mut self.ignore_btn_delay {
self.handle_htc_expiration(ctx, event)
_ => None,
fn paint(&mut self) {
fn place(&mut self, bounds: Rect) -> Rect {
// Saving button area so that we can re-place the buttons
// when they get updated
self.button_area = bounds;;;;;
/// When one button is pressed, the other one becomes un-clickable after some
/// small time period. This is to prevent accidental clicks when user is holding
/// the button to automatically move through items.
struct IgnoreButtonDelay {
/// How big is the delay after the button is inactive
delay: Duration,
/// Whether left button is currently clickable
left_clickable: bool,
/// Whether right button is currently clickable
right_clickable: bool,
/// Timer for setting the left_clickable
left_clickable_timer: Option<TimerToken>,
/// Timer for setting the right_clickable
right_clickable_timer: Option<TimerToken>,
impl IgnoreButtonDelay {
pub fn new(delay_ms: u32) -> Self {
Self {
delay: Duration::from_millis(delay_ms),
left_clickable: true,
right_clickable: true,
left_clickable_timer: None,
right_clickable_timer: None,
pub fn make_button_clickable(&mut self, pos: ButtonPos) {
match pos {
ButtonPos::Left => {
self.left_clickable = true;
self.left_clickable_timer = None;
ButtonPos::Right => {
self.right_clickable = true;
self.right_clickable_timer = None;
ButtonPos::Middle => {}
pub fn handle_button_press(&mut self, ctx: &mut EventCtx, button: PhysicalButton) {
if matches!(button, PhysicalButton::Left) {
self.right_clickable_timer = Some(ctx.request_timer(self.delay));
if matches!(button, PhysicalButton::Right) {
self.left_clickable_timer = Some(ctx.request_timer(self.delay));
pub fn ignore_button(&self, button: PhysicalButton) -> bool {
if matches!(button, PhysicalButton::Left) && !self.left_clickable {
return true;
if matches!(button, PhysicalButton::Right) && !self.right_clickable {
return true;
pub fn handle_timer_token(&mut self, token: TimerToken) {
if self.left_clickable_timer == Some(token) {
self.left_clickable = false;
self.left_clickable_timer = None;
if self.right_clickable_timer == Some(token) {
self.right_clickable = false;
self.right_clickable_timer = None;
/// Component allowing for automatically moving through items (e.g. Choice
/// items).
/// Users are in full control of starting/stopping the movement.
/// Can be started e.g. by holding left/right button.
pub struct AutomaticMover {
/// For requesting timer events repeatedly
timer_token: Option<TimerToken>,
/// Which direction should we go (which button is down)
moving_direction: Option<ButtonPos>,
/// How many screens were moved automatically
auto_moved_screens: usize,
/// Function to get duration of each movement according to the already moved
/// steps
duration_func: fn(usize) -> u32,
impl AutomaticMover {
pub fn new() -> Self {
fn default_duration_func(steps: usize) -> u32 {
match steps {
x if x < 3 => 200,
x if x < 10 => 150,
_ => 100,
Self {
timer_token: None,
moving_direction: None,
auto_moved_screens: 0,
duration_func: default_duration_func,
pub fn with_duration_func(mut self, duration_func: fn(usize) -> u32) -> Self {
self.duration_func = duration_func;
/// Determines how long to wait between automatic movements.
/// Moves quicker with increasing number of screens moved.
/// Can be forced to be always the same (e.g. for animation purposes).
fn get_auto_move_duration(&self) -> Duration {
// Calculating duration from function
let ms_duration = (self.duration_func)(self.auto_moved_screens);
/// In which direction we are moving, if any
pub fn moving_direction(&self) -> Option<ButtonPos> {
// Whether we are currently moving.
pub fn is_moving(&self) -> bool {
/// Whether we have done at least one automatic movement.
pub fn was_moving(&self) -> bool {
self.auto_moved_screens > 0
pub fn start_moving(&mut self, ctx: &mut EventCtx, button: ButtonPos) {
self.auto_moved_screens = 0;
self.moving_direction = Some(button);
self.timer_token = Some(ctx.request_timer(self.get_auto_move_duration()));
pub fn stop_moving(&mut self) {
self.moving_direction = None;
self.timer_token = None;
impl Component for AutomaticMover {
type Msg = ButtonPos;
fn place(&mut self, bounds: Rect) -> Rect {
fn paint(&mut self) {}
fn event(&mut self, ctx: &mut EventCtx, event: Event) -> Option<Self::Msg> {
// Moving automatically only when we receive a TimerToken that we have
// requested before
if let Event::Timer(token) = event {
if self.timer_token == Some(token) && self.moving_direction.is_some() {
// Request new token and send the appropriate button trigger event
self.timer_token = Some(ctx.request_timer(self.get_auto_move_duration()));
self.auto_moved_screens += 1;
return self.moving_direction;
#[cfg(feature = "ui_debug")]
impl<T: StringType> crate::trace::Trace for ButtonContainer<T> {
fn trace(&self, t: &mut dyn crate::trace::Tracer) {
if let ButtonType::Button(btn) = &self.button_type {
} else if let ButtonType::HoldToConfirm(htc) = &self.button_type {
#[cfg(feature = "ui_debug")]
impl<T: StringType> crate::trace::Trace for ButtonController<T> {
fn trace(&self, t: &mut dyn crate::trace::Tracer) {
t.child("left_btn", &self.left_btn);
t.child("middle_btn", &self.middle_btn);
t.child("right_btn", &self.right_btn);
#[cfg(feature = "ui_debug")]
impl crate::trace::Trace for AutomaticMover {
fn trace(&self, t: &mut dyn crate::trace::Tracer) {