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#!/usr/bin/env python3
Check the consistency of the Rust API between models.
from __future__ import annotations
import re
from collections import defaultdict
from pathlib import Path
HERE = Path(__file__).parent
CORE_DIR = HERE.parent
MOCK_FILE = CORE_DIR / "mocks/generated/trezorui2.pyi"
def _get_all_functions_with_definitions() -> dict[str, dict[str, str]]:
all_functions: dict[str, dict[str, str]] = defaultdict(dict)
with open(MOCK_FILE, "r") as f:
lines = f.readlines()
model: str | None = None
func_name: str | None = None
definition_lines: list[str] = []
for line in lines:
# Model line, e.g. "# rust/src/ui/model_tt/"
model_match ="^# rust/src/ui/model_(\w+)/", line)
if model_match:
model =
if model is None:
# Function name
func_match ="^def\s+(\w+)", line)
if func_match:
func_name =
# Getting rid of comments before saving the definition
line = line.split("#")[0].rstrip()
# End of definition - save and reset
if line.endswith(":"):
if func_name and model:
all_functions[func_name][model] = "\n".join(definition_lines)
func_name = None
model = None
definition_lines = []
return all_functions
def main() -> None:
all_functions = _get_all_functions_with_definitions()
# Show only those in one model
print(f"{40 * '/'}\nONLY ONE MODEL FUNCTIONS\n{40 * '/'}\n")
only_one_model_amount = 0
for func_name, func_defs in all_functions.items():
if len(func_defs) == 1:
print(f"{list(func_defs.keys())[0]} - {func_name}")
only_one_model_amount += 1
# Show those in both models, with comparing the definitions
print(f"\n{40 * '/'}\nDIFFERENT IMPLEMENTATIONS\n{40 * '/'}\n")
diff_impl_amount = 0
for func_name, func_defs in all_functions.items():
if len(func_defs) == 2:
models = list(func_defs.keys())
if func_defs[models[0]] != func_defs[models[1]]:
for model in func_defs.keys():
print(model + " - " + func_defs[model])
print("\n" + "-" * 40 + "\n")
diff_impl_amount += 1
print(f"Total only one model functions: {only_one_model_amount}")
print(f"Total different implementations: {diff_impl_amount}")
if __name__ == "__main__":