Pyparsing was updated to 2.4.1 in 5d0139045f
but this version was removed from pip, see, so the install failed.
This commit removes Pipfile.lock, reruns `pipenv install`, which updates
the package back to 2.4.0, which is currently the newest version.
Lot of things are missing, this is to at least have something in master. Todo:
- add legacy, python and storage tests
- fix crypto
- cache
- pass builds from build stage to tests using artefacts
and many others
- Deterministic output commitment masks, based on amount_key
- Bulletproof v2 serialization, EcdhInfo serialized as 8 B amount, XOR encrypted by a specific key derived from amount key
- Signing - pseudo_out recomputation on inputs, sign step
- Dummy encrypted payment ID (if applicable) for better transaction uniformity
Useful for IDE support and static code analysis.
To generate the database for Unix build, run:
`intercept-build make build_unix`
and analyze using: