Update protobuf
- Previous transactions don't need to be sent anymore, because fee is
included in the transaction now. Thus transactions_count can be
removed from CardanoSignTx message and the CardanoTxAck and
CardanoTxRequest messages can be removed altogether.
- CardanoTxInputType.type is unused so remove it
Add NULL (None type) serialisation to CBOR
- Transaction metada must either have a valid structure or CBOR NULL
must be used (if metadata is empty) - it can't be simply left out.
Add protocol_magics file
- Just to have a nicer way of representing protocol magics
Update transaction signing
- Previous transactions no longer need to be requested
- Output building is simplified, since fee doesn't need to be calculated
- Remove transaction class since it is no longer needed (only functions
- Reorder functions so it reads top to bottom
Add protocol magic to byron address on testnet
- This has always been a part of the spec, but it hasn't been
implemented before, because it wasn't really needed.
Update trezorlib
Update tests
- Transaction messages are no longer required
- Expected values are different since tx format changed
- Common values in test cases have been extracted
Remove unused file
- Progress was used when receiving previous transactions
Add CRC check to output address validation
It is possible to call `ensure_sdcard` in a way that requires only SD
card be inserted, but not necessarily formatted.
This is useful for SD-protect and possibly other use-cases where the SD
card is read-only, and "not formatted" is identical to "not containing
the right files".
It seems counterintuitive that we need to regenerate ui fixtures because
of some work on passphrase.
The reason is that we have changed where the state (now session id) is
generated. We have moved it to Features, so it is generated already
after the Initialize message is received. It used to be generated later
- during the PassphraseReq/Ack workflow and in some tests we ask for
randomness between those steps.