WIP - typing the trezorctl apps
typing functions trezorlib/cli
addressing most of mypy issue for trezorlib apps and _internal folder
fixing broken device tests by changing asserts in debuglink.py
addressing most of mypy issues in trezorlib/cli folder
adding types to some untyped functions, mypy section in setup.cfg
typing what can be typed, some mypy fixes, resolving circular import issues
importing type objects in "if TYPE_CHECKING:" branch
fixing CI by removing assert in emulator, better ignore comments
CI assert fix, style fixes, new config options
fixup! CI assert fix, style fixes, new config options
type fixes after rebasing on master
fixing python3.6 and 3.7 unittests by importing Literal from typing_extensions
couple mypy and style fixes
fixes and improvements from code review
silencing all but one mypy issues
trial of typing the tools.expect function
fixup! trial of typing the tools.expect function
@expect and @session decorators correctly type-checked
Optional args in CLI where relevant, not using general list/tuple/dict where possible
python/Makefile commands, adding them into CI, ignoring last mypy issue
documenting overload for expect decorator, two mypy fixes coming from that
black style fix
improved typing of decorators, pyright config file
addressing or ignoring pyright errors, replacing mypy in CI by pyright
fixing incomplete assert causing device tests to fail
pyright issue that showed in CI but not locally, printing pyright version in CI
fixup! pyright issue that showed in CI but not locally, printing pyright version in CI
unifying type:ignore statements for pyright usage
resolving PIL.Image issues, pyrightconfig not excluding anything
replacing couple asserts with TypeGuard on safe_issubclass
better error handling of usb1 import for webusb
better error handling of hid import
small typing details found out by strict pyright mode
improvements from code review
chore(python): changing List to Sequence for protobuf messages
small code changes to reflect the protobuf change to Sequence
importing TypedDict from typing_extensions to support 3.6 and 3.7
simplify _format_access_list function
fixup! simplify _format_access_list function
typing tools folder
typing helper-scripts folder
some click typing
enforcing all functions to have typed arguments
reverting the changed argument name in tools
replacing TransportType with Transport
making PinMatrixRequest.type protobuf attribute required
reverting the protobuf change, making argument into get_pin Optional
small fixes in asserts
solving the session decorator type issues
fixup! solving the session decorator type issues
improvements from code review
fixing new pyright errors introduced after version increase
changing -> Iterable to -> Sequence in enumerate_devices, change in wait_for_devices
style change in debuglink.py
chore(python): adding type annotation to Sequences in messages.py
better "self and cls" types on Transport
fixup! better "self and cls" types on Transport
fixing some easy things from strict pyright run
Update protobuf
- Previous transactions don't need to be sent anymore, because fee is
included in the transaction now. Thus transactions_count can be
removed from CardanoSignTx message and the CardanoTxAck and
CardanoTxRequest messages can be removed altogether.
- CardanoTxInputType.type is unused so remove it
Add NULL (None type) serialisation to CBOR
- Transaction metada must either have a valid structure or CBOR NULL
must be used (if metadata is empty) - it can't be simply left out.
Add protocol_magics file
- Just to have a nicer way of representing protocol magics
Update transaction signing
- Previous transactions no longer need to be requested
- Output building is simplified, since fee doesn't need to be calculated
- Remove transaction class since it is no longer needed (only functions
- Reorder functions so it reads top to bottom
Add protocol magic to byron address on testnet
- This has always been a part of the spec, but it hasn't been
implemented before, because it wasn't really needed.
Update trezorlib
Update tests
- Transaction messages are no longer required
- Expected values are different since tx format changed
- Common values in test cases have been extracted
Remove unused file
- Progress was used when receiving previous transactions
Add CRC check to output address validation
This deserves some explanation.
* tests were moved to separate python/tests subdir
* trezorlib was moved to python/src, so that it does not exist on
PYTHONPATH by default
(see https://blog.ionelmc.ro/2014/05/25/python-packaging/ for details)
* everything was updated to understand the new structure
* trezorctl was changed from a top-level executable script to a module
`trezorlib.cli.trezorctl` and is installed via the entry_points
This should make it work normally on Windows!
The package should be installable as normal through pip and pipenv, no
changes are needed on that side.
The source package from pypi will include unit tests. (Device tests were
completely moved out). Wheel will exclude them, because users don't need
That shrinks the .whl from 520 kB to 270 - nice!
python: reorganize remaining unit tests