Update protobuf
- Previous transactions don't need to be sent anymore, because fee is
included in the transaction now. Thus transactions_count can be
removed from CardanoSignTx message and the CardanoTxAck and
CardanoTxRequest messages can be removed altogether.
- CardanoTxInputType.type is unused so remove it
Add NULL (None type) serialisation to CBOR
- Transaction metada must either have a valid structure or CBOR NULL
must be used (if metadata is empty) - it can't be simply left out.
Add protocol_magics file
- Just to have a nicer way of representing protocol magics
Update transaction signing
- Previous transactions no longer need to be requested
- Output building is simplified, since fee doesn't need to be calculated
- Remove transaction class since it is no longer needed (only functions
- Reorder functions so it reads top to bottom
Add protocol magic to byron address on testnet
- This has always been a part of the spec, but it hasn't been
implemented before, because it wasn't really needed.
Update trezorlib
Update tests
- Transaction messages are no longer required
- Expected values are different since tx format changed
- Common values in test cases have been extracted
Remove unused file
- Progress was used when receiving previous transactions
Add CRC check to output address validation
- core/bitcoin: move common files to the app's root
- core/bitcoin: use require_confirm instead of confirm
- core: move bitcoin unrelated functions from 'bitcoin' to a new 'misc' app
- core/bitcoin: use relative imports inside the app
- core: rename wallet app to bitcoin
- core/wallet: replace SigningErrors and the other exception classes with wire.Errors
- CLSAG signature scheme added
- type hints added
xmr: optimize protocol, send only required data
- real_out_additional_tx_keys contains only one element as nothing more is needed during signature
- only src_entr.outputs[index] is HMACed and always present. Other outputs are present only if needed which reduces comm and CPU overhead.
- getting rid of subaddresses dictionary (memory requirements), now subaddr indices are present per source entry so keys are computed when needed
xmr: prepare for permutation sending removal, specify index
- specify source entry ordering index prior sorting by key images as original HMAC keys are generated based on these.
- permutation checked just by valid HMACs, size of the set, key image sort order
- sending permutation is now deprecated, will be removed in the following protocol versions
- more strict state transition checks, guard strict check with respect to steps ordering