fix(core): Fix CoinJoin approval check.

After fixing the TxWeightCalculator the approver needs to account for the
weight of the coordinator's output.
Andrew Kozlik 3 years ago committed by Andrew Kozlik
parent 56ac799626
commit ef2ad57ec8

@ -257,6 +257,8 @@ class BasicApprover(Approver):
class CoinJoinApprover(Approver):
MAX_OUTPUT_WEIGHT = const(4 * 43)
def __init__(
self, tx: SignTx, coin: CoinInfo, authorization: CoinJoinAuthorization
) -> None:
@ -319,9 +321,12 @@ class CoinJoinApprover(Approver):
if mining_fee > (self.coin.maxfee_kb / 1000) * (self.weight.get_total() / 4):
raise wire.ProcessError("Mining fee over threshold")
# The maximum mining fee that the user should be paying.
# The maximum mining fee that the user should be paying assuming that participants share
# the fees for the coordinator's output.
our_max_mining_fee = (
mining_fee * self.our_weight.get_total() / self.weight.get_total()
* self.our_weight.get_total()
/ (self.weight.get_total() - self.MAX_OUTPUT_WEIGHT)
# The coordinator fee for the user's outputs.
