feat(tests): adding assert_tx_matches() to common.py

grdddj 2 years ago committed by matejcik
parent 9cf5fd351a
commit e1d4e40785

@ -57,6 +57,12 @@ If you would like to interact with the device (i.e. press the buttons yourself),
INTERACT=1 pytest tests/device_tests
When testing transaction signing, there is an option to check transaction hashes on-chain using Blockbook. It is chosen by setting `CHECK_ON_CHAIN=1` environment variable before running the tests.
CHECK_ON_CHAIN=1 pytest tests/device_tests
To run the tests quicker, spawn the emulator with disabled animations using `-a` flag.

@ -15,9 +15,12 @@
# If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl-3.0.html>.
import json
import os
from decimal import Decimal
from pathlib import Path
import pytest
import requests
from trezorlib import btc, tools
from trezorlib.messages import ButtonRequestType as B
@ -222,3 +225,26 @@ def get_test_address(client):
"""Fetch a testnet address on a fixed path. Useful to make a pin/passphrase
protected call, or to identify the root secret (seed+passphrase)"""
return btc.get_address(client, "Testnet", TEST_ADDRESS_N)
def assert_tx_matches(serialized_tx: bytes, hash_link: str, tx_hex: str = None) -> None:
"""Verifies if a transaction is correctly formed."""
hash_str = hash_link.split("/")[-1]
assert tools.tx_hash(serialized_tx).hex() == hash_str
if tx_hex:
assert serialized_tx.hex() == tx_hex
# TODO: we could probably do better than os.environ, this was the easiest solution
# (we could create a pytest option (and use config.getoption("use-blockbook")),
# but then each test would need to have access to config via function argument)
if int(os.environ.get("CHECK_ON_CHAIN", 0)):
def get_tx_hex(hash_link: str) -> str:
tx_data = requests.get(
hash_link, headers={"User-Agent": "BTC transactions test"}
return tx_data["hex"]
assert serialized_tx.hex() == get_tx_hex(hash_link)

@ -27,6 +27,9 @@ from . import ui_tests
from .device_handler import BackgroundDeviceHandler
from .ui_tests.reporting import testreport
# So that we see details of failed asserts from this module
def _raw_client(request):
