mirror of https://github.com/trezor/trezor-firmware.git synced 2025-03-09 11:46:09 +00:00

Initial version of protobuf library

This commit is contained in:
slush0 2016-04-07 23:45:10 +02:00 committed by Pavol Rusnak
parent ee9b9ca351
commit ddfde9a0ad
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG Key ID: 91F3B339B9A02A3D
3 changed files with 291 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
# Describing messages themselves. ----------------------------------------------
from . import protobuf
class TypeMetadataType:
def __init__(self):
# Field description.
self.__field_metadata_type = protobuf.MessageType()
self.__field_metadata_type.add_field(1, 'tag', protobuf.UVarintType, flags=protobuf.Flags.REQUIRED)
self.__field_metadata_type.add_field(2, 'name', protobuf.BytesType, flags=protobuf.Flags.REQUIRED)
self.__field_metadata_type.add_field(3, 'type', protobuf.BytesType, flags=protobuf.Flags.REQUIRED)
self.__field_metadata_type.add_field(4, 'flags', protobuf.UVarintType, flags=protobuf.Flags.REQUIRED)
self.__field_metadata_type.add_field(5, 'embedded', protobuf.EmbeddedMessage(self)) # Used to describe embedded messages.
# Metadata message description.
self.__self_type = protobuf.EmbeddedMessage(protobuf.MessageType())
self.__self_type.message_type.add_field(1, 'fields', protobuf.EmbeddedMessage(self.__field_metadata_type), flags=(Flags.REPEATED | Flags.REQUIRED))
def __create_message(self, message_type):
# Creates a message that contains info about the message_type.
message, message.fields = self.__self_type(), list()
for field in iter(message_type):
field_meta = self.__field_metadata_type()
field_meta.tag, field_meta.name, field_type, field_meta.flags = field
field_meta.type = type_str = field_type.__class__.__name__
if isinstance(field_type, protobuf.EmbeddedMessage):
field_meta.flags |= protobuf.Flags.EMBEDDED
field_meta.embedded_metadata = self.__create_message(field_type.message_type)
elif not type_str.endswith('Type'):
raise TypeError('Type name of type singleton object should end with \'Type\'. Actual: \'%s\'.' % type_str)
field_meta.type = type_str[:-4]
return message
def dump(self, fp, message_type):
self.__self_type.dump(fp, self.__create_message(message_type))
def __restore_type(self, message):
# Restores a message type by the information in the message.
message_type, g = protobuf.MessageType(), globals()
for field in message.fields:
field_type = field['type']
if not field_type in g:
raise TypeError('Primitive type \'%s\' not found in this protobuf module.' % field_type)
field_info = (field.tag, field.name, g[field_type], field.flags)
if field.flags & protobuf.Flags.EMBEDDED_MASK == protobuf.Flags.EMBEDDED:
field_info[3] -= protobuf.Flags.EMBEDDED
field_info[2] = protobuf.EmbeddedMessage(self.__restore_type(field.embedded))
return message_type
def load(self, fp):
return self.__restore_type(self.__self_type.load(fp))

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@ -0,0 +1,236 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Implements the Google's protobuf encoding.
# eigenein (c) 2011
# http://eigenein.me/protobuf/
from _io import BytesIO
import ustruct
# Types. -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class UVarintType:
# Represents an unsigned Varint type.
def dump(fp, value):
shifted_value = True
while shifted_value:
shifted_value = value >> 7
fp.write(chr((value & 0x7F) | (0x80 if shifted_value != 0 else 0x00)))
value = shifted_value
def load(fp):
value, shift, quantum = 0, 0, 0x80
while (quantum & 0x80) == 0x80:
quantum = ord(fp.read(1))
value, shift = value + ((quantum & 0x7F) << shift), shift + 7
return value
# class UInt32Type(UVarintType): pass
class BoolType:
# Represents a boolean type. Encodes True as UVarint 1, and False as UVarint 0.
def dump(fp, value):
fp.write('\x01' if value else '\x00')
def load(fp):
return UVarintType.load(fp) != 0
class BytesType:
# Represents a raw bytes type.
def dump(fp, value):
UVarintType.dump(fp, len(value))
def load(fp):
return fp.read(UVarintType.load(fp))
class UnicodeType:
def dump(fp, value):
BytesType.dump(fp, bytes(value, 'utf-8'))
def load(fp):
return BytesType.load(fp).decode('utf-8', 'strict')
# Messages. --------------------------------------------------------------------
class EofWrapper:
# Wraps a stream to raise EOFError instead of just returning of ''.
def __init__(self, fp, limit=None):
self.__fp = fp
self.__limit = limit
def read(self, size=None):
# Reads a string. Raises EOFError on end of stream.
if self.__limit is not None:
size = min(size, self.__limit)
self.__limit -= size
s = self.__fp.read(size)
if len(s) == 0:
raise EOFError()
return s
# Packs a tag and a wire_type into single int according to the protobuf spec.
_pack_key = lambda tag, wire_type: (tag << 3) | wire_type
# Unpacks a key into a tag and a wire_type according to the protobuf spec.
_unpack_key = lambda key: (key >> 3, key & 7)
class MessageType:
# Represents a message type.
def __init__(self):
# Creates a new message type.
self.__tags_to_types = dict() # Maps a tag to a type instance.
self.__tags_to_names = dict() # Maps a tag to a given field name.
self.__flags = dict() # Maps a tag to FLAG_
def add_field(self, tag, name, field_type, flags=FLAG_SIMPLE):
# Adds a field to the message type.
if tag in self.__tags_to_names or tag in self.__tags_to_types:
raise ValueError('The tag %s is already used.' % tag)
self.__tags_to_names[tag] = name
self.__tags_to_types[tag] = field_type
self.__flags[tag] = flags
return self # Allow add_field chaining.
def __call__(self):
# Creates an instance of this message type.
return Message(self)
def __has_flag(self, tag, flag, mask):
# Checks whether the field with the specified tag has the specified flag.
return (self.__flags[tag] & mask) == flag
def dump(self, fp, value):
if self != value.message_type:
raise TypeError("Incompatible type")
for tag, field_type in iter(self.__tags_to_types.items()):
if self.__tags_to_names[tag] in value.__dict__:
if self.__has_flag(tag, FLAG_SINGLE, FLAG_REPEATED_MASK):
# Single value.
UVarintType.dump(fp, _pack_key(tag, field_type.WIRE_TYPE))
field_type.dump(fp, value.__dict__[self.__tags_to_names[tag]])
elif self.__has_flag(tag, FLAG_PACKED_REPEATED, FLAG_REPEATED_MASK):
# Repeated packed value.
UVarintType.dump(fp, _pack_key(tag, BytesType.WIRE_TYPE))
internal_fp = BytesIO()
for single_value in value[self.__tags_to_names[tag]]:
field_type.dump(internal_fp, single_value)
BytesType.dump(fp, internal_fp.getvalue())
elif self.__has_flag(tag, FLAG_REPEATED, FLAG_REPEATED_MASK):
# Repeated value.
key = _pack_key(tag, field_type.WIRE_TYPE)
# Put it together sequently.
for single_value in value[self.__tags_to_names[tag]]:
UVarintType.dump(fp, key)
field_type.dump(fp, single_value)
elif self.__has_flag(tag, FLAG_REQUIRED, FLAG_REQUIRED_MASK):
raise ValueError('The field with the tag %s is required but a value is missing.' % tag)
def load(self, fp):
fp, message = EofWrapper(fp), self.__call__() # Wrap fp and create a new instance.
while True:
tag, wire_type = _unpack_key(UVarintType.load(fp))
if tag in self.__tags_to_types:
field_type = self.__tags_to_types[tag]
if not self.__has_flag(tag, FLAG_PACKED_REPEATED, FLAG_REPEATED_MASK):
if wire_type != field_type.WIRE_TYPE:
raise TypeError(
'Value of tag %s has incorrect wiretype %s, %s expected.' % \
(tag, wire_type, field_type.WIRE_TYPE))
elif wire_type != BytesType.WIRE_TYPE:
raise TypeError('Tag %s has wiretype %s while the field is packed repeated.' % (tag, wire_type))
if self.__has_flag(tag, FLAG_SINGLE, FLAG_REPEATED_MASK):
# Single value.
setattr(message, self.__tags_to_names[tag], field_type.load(fp))
elif self.__has_flag(tag, FLAG_PACKED_REPEATED, FLAG_REPEATED_MASK):
# Repeated packed value.
repeated_value = message[self.__tags_to_names[tag]] = list()
internal_fp = EofWrapper(fp, UVarintType.load(fp)) # Limit with value length.
while True:
except EOFError:
elif self.__has_flag(tag, FLAG_REPEATED, FLAG_REPEATED_MASK):
# Repeated value.
if not self.__tags_to_names[tag] in message:
repeated_value = message[self.__tags_to_names[tag]] = list()
# Skip this field.
# This used to correctly determine the length of unknown tags when loading a message.
{0: UVarintType, 2: BytesType}[wire_type].load(fp)
except EOFError:
# Check if all required fields are present.
for tag, name in iter(self.__tags_to_names.items()):
if self.__has_flag(tag, FLAG_REQUIRED, FLAG_REQUIRED_MASK) and not name in message:
if self.__has_flag(tag, FLAG_REPEATED, FLAG_REPEATED_MASK):
message[name] = list() # Empty list (no values was in input stream). But required field.
raise ValueError('The field %s (\'%s\') is required but missing.' % (tag, name))
return message
class Message:
# Represents a message instance.
def __init__(self, message_type):
# Initializes a new instance of the specified message type.
self.message_type = message_type
def dump(self, fp):
# Dumps the message into a write-like object.
return self.message_type.dump(fp, self)
# Embedded message. ------------------------------------------------------------
class EmbeddedMessage:
# Represents an embedded message type.
def __init__(self, message_type):
# Initializes a new instance. The argument is an underlying message type.
self.message_type = message_type
def __call__(self):
# Creates a message of the underlying message type.
return self.message_type()
def dump(self, fp, value):
BytesType.dump(fp, self.message_type.dumps(value))
def load(self, fp):
return self.message_type.load(EofWrapper(fp, UVarintType.load(fp))) # Limit with embedded message length.