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ui/keyboard: refactor

This commit is contained in:
Jan Pochyla 2018-01-11 20:06:01 +01:00
parent 4a83864593
commit cd0fa4df4a

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@ -1,27 +1,18 @@
from trezor import ui, res, loop, io
from trezor.crypto import bip39
from trezor.ui import display
from trezor.ui.button import Button, BTN_CLICKED
def cell_area(i, n_x=3, n_y=3, start_x=6, start_y=66, end_x=234, end_y=237, spacing=0):
w = (end_x - start_x) // n_x
h = (end_y - start_y) // n_y
x = (i % n_x) * w
y = (i // n_x) * h
return (x + start_x, y + start_y, w - spacing, h - spacing)
from trezor.ui.button import Button, BTN_CLICKED, ICON
def key_buttons():
keys = ['abc', 'def', 'ghi', 'jkl', 'mno', 'pqr', 'stu', 'vwx', 'yz']
# keys = [' ', 'abc', 'def', 'ghi', 'jkl', 'mno', 'pqrs', 'tuv', 'wxyz']
return [Button(cell_area(i), k,
return [Button(ui.grid(i + 3, n_y=4), k,
disabled_style=ui.BTN_KEY_DISABLED) for i, k in enumerate(keys)]
def compute_mask(text):
def compute_mask(text: str) -> int:
mask = 0
for c in text:
shift = ord(c) - 97 # ord('a') == 97
@ -31,116 +22,127 @@ def compute_mask(text):
return mask
class KeyboardMultiTap(ui.Widget):
class Input(Button):
def __init__(self, area: tuple, content: str='', word: str=''):
super().__init__(area, content)
self.word = word
self.icon = None
self.pending = False
def __init__(self, content='', prompt=''):
def edit(self, content: str, word: str, pending: bool):
self.content = content
self.prompt = prompt
self.sugg_mask = 0xffffffff
self.sugg_word = None
self.pending_button = None
self.pending_index = 0
self.word = word
self.pending = pending
if content == word: # confirm button
self.normal_style = ui.BTN_CONFIRM
self.active_style = ui.BTN_CONFIRM_ACTIVE
self.icon = ui.ICON_CONFIRM
elif word: # auto-complete button
self.normal_style = ui.BTN_KEY
self.active_style = ui.BTN_KEY_ACTIVE
self.icon = ui.ICON_CLICK
else: # disabled button
self.icon = None
self.key_buttons = key_buttons()
self.sugg_button = Button((63, 0, 240 - 65, 57), '')
self.bs_button = Button((6, 5, 57, 60),
def render_content(self, s, ax, ay, aw, ah):
text_style = s['text-style']
fg_color = s['fg-color']
bg_color = s['bg-color']
p = self.pending # should we draw the pending marker?
t = self.content # input content
w = self.word[len(t):] # suggested word
i = self.icon # rendered icon
tx = ax + 24 # x-offset of the content
ty = ay + ah//2 + 8 # y-offset of the content
# input content and the suggested word
display.text(tx, ty, t, text_style, fg_color, bg_color)
width = display.text_width(t, text_style)
display.text(tx + width, ty, w, text_style, ui.GREY, bg_color)
if p: # pending marker
pw = display.text_width(t[-1:], text_style)
px = tx + width - pw
display.bar(px, ty, pw + 2, 3, fg_color)
if i: # icon
ix = ax + aw - ICON*2
iy = ty - ICON
display.icon(ix, iy, res.load(i), fg_color, bg_color)
class MnemonicKeyboard(ui.Widget):
def __init__(self, prompt: str=''):
self.prompt = prompt
self.input = Input(ui.grid(1, n_x=4, n_y=4, cells_x=3), '', '')
self.back = Button(ui.grid(0, n_x=4, n_y=4),
self.keys = key_buttons()
self.pbutton = None # pending key button
self.pindex = 0 # index of current pending char in pbutton
def render(self):
if self.content:
display.bar(62, 8, 168, 54, ui.BG)
content_width = display.text_width(self.content, ui.BOLD)
offset_x = 78
if self.content == self.sugg_word:
# confirm button + content
display.bar_radius(67, 8, 164, 54, ui.GREEN, ui.BG, ui.RADIUS)
type_icon = res.load(ui.ICON_CONFIRM2)
display.icon(228 - 30, 28, type_icon, ui.WHITE, ui.GREEN)
display.text(offset_x, 40, self.content, ui.BOLD, ui.WHITE, ui.GREEN)
elif self.sugg_word is not None:
# auto-suggest button + content + suggestion
display.bar_radius(67, 8, 164, 54, ui.BLACKISH, ui.BG, ui.RADIUS)
display.text(offset_x, 40, self.content, ui.BOLD, ui.FG, ui.BLACKISH)
sugg_text = self.sugg_word[len(self.content):]
sugg_x = offset_x + content_width
type_icon = res.load(ui.ICON_CLICK)
display.icon(228 - 30, 24, type_icon, ui.GREY, ui.BLACKISH)
display.text(sugg_x, 40, sugg_text, ui.BOLD, ui.GREY, ui.BLACKISH)
# content
display.bar(63, 8, 168, 54, ui.BG)
display.text(offset_x, 40, self.content, ui.BOLD, ui.FG, ui.BG)
# backspace button
# pending marker
if self.pending_button is not None:
pending_width = display.text_width(self.content[-1:], ui.BOLD)
pending_x = offset_x + content_width - pending_width
display.bar(pending_x, 42, pending_width + 2, 3, ui.FG)
if self.input.content:
# content button and backspace
# prompt
display.bar(0, 8, 240, 60, ui.BG)
display.text(20, 40, self.prompt, ui.BOLD, ui.GREY, ui.BG)
# key buttons
for btn in self.key_buttons:
for btn in self.keys:
def touch(self, event, pos):
if self.bs_button.touch(event, pos) == BTN_CLICKED:
self.content = self.content[:-1]
self.pending_button = None
self.pending_index = 0
content = self.input.content
word = self.input.word
if self.back.touch(event, pos) == BTN_CLICKED:
# backspace, delete the last character of input
if self.sugg_button.touch(event, pos) == BTN_CLICKED:
if not self.content or self.sugg_word is None:
return None
if self.content == self.sugg_word:
result = self.content
self.content = ''
if self.input.touch(event, pos) == BTN_CLICKED:
# input press, either auto-complete or confirm
if content == word:
return content
result = None
self.content = self.sugg_word
self.pending_button = None
self.pending_index = 0
return result
for btn in self.key_buttons:
for btn in self.keys:
if btn.touch(event, pos) == BTN_CLICKED:
if self.pending_button is btn:
self.pending_index = (
self.pending_index + 1) % len(btn.content)
self.content = self.content[:-1]
self.content += btn.content[self.pending_index]
# key press, add new char to input or cycle the pending button
if self.pbutton is btn:
index = (self.pindex + 1) % len(btn.content)
content = content[:-1] + btn.content[index]
self.content += btn.content[0]
self.pending_button = btn
self.pending_index = 0
index = 0
content += btn.content[0]
self.edit(content, btn, index)
def _update_suggestion(self):
if self.content:
self.sugg_word = bip39.find_word(self.content)
self.sugg_mask = bip39.complete_word(self.content)
self.sugg_word = None
self.sugg_mask = 0xffffffff
def edit(self, content, button=None, index=0):
word = bip39.find_word(content) or ''
mask = bip39.complete_word(content)
def _update_buttons(self):
for btn in self.key_buttons:
if btn is self.pending_button or compute_mask(btn.content) & self.sugg_mask:
self.pbutton = button
self.pindex = index
self.input.edit(content, word, button is not None)
# enable or disable key buttons
for btn in self.keys:
if btn is button or compute_mask(btn.content) & mask:
@ -152,11 +154,12 @@ class KeyboardMultiTap(ui.Widget):
wait_touch = loop.wait(touch)
content = None
while content is None:
if self.pending_button is not None:
if self.pbutton is not None:
wait = wait_timeout
wait = wait_touch
@ -165,99 +168,10 @@ class KeyboardMultiTap(ui.Widget):
event, *pos = result
content = self.touch(event, pos)
self.pending_button = None
self.pending_index = 0
if self.sugg_word is None:
self.content = self.content[:-1]
if self.input.word:
# just reset the pending state
# invalid character, backspace it
return content
# def zoom_buttons(keys, upper=False):
# n_x = len(keys)
# if upper:
# keys = keys + keys.upper()
# n_y = 2
# else:
# n_y = 1
# return [Button(cell_area(i, n_x, n_y), key) for i, key in enumerate(keys)]
# class KeyboardZooming(ui.Widget):
# def __init__(self, content='', uppercase=True):
# self.content = content
# self.uppercase = uppercase
# self.zoom_buttons = None
# self.key_buttons = key_buttons()
# self.bs_button = Button((240 - 35, 5, 30, 30),
# res.load('trezor/res/pin_close.toig'),
# normal_style=ui.BTN_CLEAR,
# active_style=ui.BTN_CLEAR_ACTIVE)
# def render(self):
# self.render_input()
# if self.zoom_buttons:
# for btn in self.zoom_buttons:
# btn.render()
# else:
# for btn in self.key_buttons:
# btn.render()
# def render_input(self):
# if self.content:
# display.bar(0, 0, 200, 40, ui.BG)
# else:
# display.bar(0, 0, 240, 40, ui.BG)
# display.text(20, 30, self.content, ui.BOLD, ui.GREY, ui.BG)
# if self.content:
# self.bs_button.render()
# def touch(self, event, pos):
# if self.bs_button.touch(event, pos) == BTN_CLICKED:
# self.content = self.content[:-1]
# self.bs_button.taint()
# return
# if self.zoom_buttons:
# return self.touch_zoom(event, pos)
# else:
# return self.touch_keyboard(event, pos)
# def touch_zoom(self, event, pos):
# for btn in self.zoom_buttons:
# if btn.touch(event, pos) == BTN_CLICKED:
# self.content += btn.content
# self.zoom_buttons = None
# for b in self.key_buttons:
# b.taint()
# self.bs_button.taint()
# break
# def touch_keyboard(self, event, pos):
# for btn in self.key_buttons:
# if btn.touch(event, pos) == BTN_CLICKED:
# self.zoom_buttons = zoom_buttons(btn.content, self.uppercase)
# for b in self.zoom_buttons:
# b.taint()
# self.bs_button.taint()
# break
# def __iter__(self):
# timeout = loop.sleep(1000 * 1000 * 1)
# touch = loop.select(io.TOUCH)
# wait = loop.wait(touch, timeout)
# while True:
# self.render()
# result = yield wait
# if touch in wait.finished:
# event, *pos = result
# self.touch(event, pos)
# elif self.zoom_buttons:
# self.zoom_buttons = None
# for btn in self.key_buttons:
# btn.taint()
Keyboard = KeyboardMultiTap