feat(core): T3T1 Instructions component

obrusvit 3 months ago
parent 30198e277e
commit c605ea9838

@ -293,6 +293,16 @@ impl Font {
text.len() // it fits in its entirety
pub fn visible_text_height_ex(&self, text: &str) -> (i16, i16) {
let (mut ascent, mut descent) = (0, 0);
for c in text.chars() {
let glyph = self.get_glyph(c);
ascent = ascent.max(glyph.bearing_y);
descent = descent.max(glyph.height - glyph.bearing_y);
(ascent, descent)
pub trait GlyphMetrics {

@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
use crate::{
component::{text::TextStyle, Component, Event, EventCtx, Never},
geometry::{Alignment, Offset, Rect},
shape::{Renderer, Text},
/// Component showing a task instruction (e.g. "Swipe up") and optionally task
/// description (e.g. "Confirm transaction") to a user. The component
/// is typically placed at the bottom of the screen. The height of the provided
/// area must be 18px (only instruction) or 37px (both description and
/// instruction). The content and style of both description and instruction is
/// configurable separatedly.
pub struct Instructions<'a> {
area: Rect,
text_instruction: TString<'a>,
text_description: Option<TString<'a>>,
style_instruction: &'static TextStyle,
style_description: &'static TextStyle,
impl<'a> Instructions<'a> {
/// height for component with only instruction [px]
pub const HEIGHT_SIMPLE: i16 = 18;
/// height for component with both description and instruction [px]
pub const HEIGHT_DEFAULT: i16 = 37;
pub fn new<T: Into<TString<'a>>>(instruction: T) -> Self {
Self {
area: Rect::zero(),
text_instruction: instruction.into(),
text_description: None,
style_instruction: &theme::TEXT_SUB,
style_description: &theme::TEXT_SUB,
pub fn with_description<T: Into<TString<'a>>>(self, description: T) -> Self {
Self {
text_description: Some(description.into()),
pub fn update_instruction<T: Into<TString<'a>>>(&mut self, ctx: &mut EventCtx, s: T) {
self.text_instruction = s.into();
pub fn update_description<T: Into<TString<'a>>>(&mut self, ctx: &mut EventCtx, s: T) {
self.text_description = Some(s.into());
pub fn update_instruction_style(&mut self, ctx: &mut EventCtx, style: &'static TextStyle) {
self.style_instruction = style;
pub fn update_description_style(&mut self, ctx: &mut EventCtx, style: &'static TextStyle) {
self.style_description = style;
impl<'a> Component for Instructions<'a> {
type Msg = Never;
fn place(&mut self, bounds: Rect) -> Rect {
let h = bounds.height();
assert!(h == Instructions::HEIGHT_SIMPLE || h == Instructions::HEIGHT_DEFAULT);
assert!(bounds.width() == WIDTH);
self.area = bounds;
fn event(&mut self, _ctx: &mut EventCtx, _event: Event) -> Option<Self::Msg> {
fn paint(&mut self) {
// TODO: remove when ui-t3t1 done
fn render<'s>(&'s self, target: &mut impl Renderer<'s>) {
// show description only if there is space for it
if self.area.height() == Instructions::HEIGHT_DEFAULT {
if let Some(description) = self.text_description {
let area_description = self.area.split_top(Instructions::HEIGHT_SIMPLE).0;
let text_description_font_descent = self
let text_description_baseline =
area_description.bottom_center() - Offset::y(text_description_font_descent);
description.map(|t| {
Text::new(text_description_baseline, t)
let area_instruction = self.area.split_bottom(Instructions::HEIGHT_SIMPLE).1;
let text_instruction_font_descent = self
let text_instruction_baseline =
area_instruction.bottom_center() - Offset::y(text_instruction_font_descent);
self.text_instruction.map(|t| {
Text::new(text_instruction_baseline, t)

@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ mod button;
mod coinjoin_progress;
mod dialog;
mod fido;
mod instructions;
mod vertical_menu;
mod fido_icons;
@ -40,6 +41,7 @@ pub use fido::{FidoConfirm, FidoMsg};
pub use frame::{Frame, FrameMsg};
#[cfg(feature = "micropython")]
pub use homescreen::{check_homescreen_format, Homescreen, HomescreenMsg, Lockscreen};
pub use instructions::Instructions;
pub use keyboard::{
mnemonic::{MnemonicInput, MnemonicKeyboard, MnemonicKeyboardMsg},

@ -120,15 +120,3 @@ impl<'a, 's> ShapeClone<'s> for Text<'a> {
Some(clone.uninit.init(Text { text, ..self }))
impl Font {
fn visible_text_height_ex(&self, text: &str) -> (i16, i16) {
let (mut ascent, mut descent) = (0, 0);
for c in text.chars() {
let glyph = self.get_glyph(c);
ascent = ascent.max(glyph.bearing_y);
descent = descent.max(glyph.height - glyph.bearing_y);
(ascent, descent)
