Fix protobuf annotations

M1nd3r 1 month ago
parent bf4236e7ce
commit c5c86da011

@ -7,7 +7,10 @@ option java_outer_classname = "TrezorMessageThp";
// Numeric identifiers of pairing methods.
* Numeric identifiers of pairing methods.
* @embed
enum ThpPairingMethod {
PairingMethod_NoMethod = 1; // Trust without MITM protection.
PairingMethod_CodeEntry = 2; // User types code diplayed on Trezor into the host application.
@ -15,6 +18,9 @@ enum ThpPairingMethod {
PairingMethod_NFC_Unidirectional = 4; // Trezor transmits an authentication key to the host device via NFC.
* @embed
message ThpDeviceProperties {
optional string internal_model = 1; // Internal model name e.g. "T2B1".
optional uint32 model_variant = 2; // Encodes the device properties such as color.
@ -23,16 +29,28 @@ message ThpDeviceProperties {
repeated ThpPairingMethod pairing_methods = 5; // The pairing methods supported by the Trezor.
* @embed
message ThpHandshakeCompletionReqNoisePayload {
optional bytes host_pairing_credential = 1; // Host's pairing credential
repeated ThpPairingMethod pairing_methods = 2; // The pairing methods chosen by the host
* Request: Ask device for a new session with given passphrase
* @start
* @next ThpNewSession
message ThpCreateNewSession{
optional string passphrase = 1;
optional bool on_device = 2; // user wants to enter passphrase on the device
* Response: Contains session_id of the newly created session
* @end
message ThpNewSession{
optional uint32 new_session_id = 1;
