mirror of
synced 2025-03-05 17:56:10 +00:00
vendor: Update trezor-crypto
This commit is contained in:
@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ bool coinExtractAddressType(const CoinInfo *coin, const char *addr, uint32_t *ad
if (!addr) return false;
uint8_t addr_raw[MAX_ADDR_RAW_SIZE];
int len = base58_decode_check(addr, coin->curve->hasher_type, addr_raw, MAX_ADDR_RAW_SIZE);
int len = base58_decode_check(addr, coin->curve->hasher_base58, addr_raw, MAX_ADDR_RAW_SIZE);
if (len >= 21) {
return coinExtractAddressTypeRaw(coin, addr_raw, address_type);
@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ uint32_t deser_length(const uint8_t *in, uint32_t *out)
int sshMessageSign(HDNode *node, const uint8_t *message, size_t message_len, uint8_t *signature)
signature[0] = 0; // prefix: pad with zero, so all signatures are 65 bytes
return hdnode_sign(node, message, message_len, signature + 1, NULL, NULL);
return hdnode_sign(node, message, message_len, HASHER_SHA2, signature + 1, NULL, NULL);
int gpgMessageSign(HDNode *node, const uint8_t *message, size_t message_len, uint8_t *signature)
@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ int gpgMessageSign(HDNode *node, const uint8_t *message, size_t message_len, uin
const curve_info *ed25519_curve_info = get_curve_by_name(ED25519_NAME);
if (ed25519_curve_info && node->curve == ed25519_curve_info) {
// GPG supports variable size digest for Ed25519 signatures
return hdnode_sign(node, message, message_len, signature + 1, NULL, NULL);
return hdnode_sign(node, message, message_len, 0, signature + 1, NULL, NULL);
} else {
// Ensure 256-bit digest before proceeding
if (message_len != 32) {
@ -113,13 +113,13 @@ int gpgMessageSign(HDNode *node, const uint8_t *message, size_t message_len, uin
static void cryptoMessageHash(const CoinInfo *coin, const uint8_t *message, size_t message_len, uint8_t hash[HASHER_DIGEST_LENGTH]) {
Hasher hasher;
hasher_Init(&hasher, coin->curve->hasher_type);
hasher_Init(&hasher, coin->curve->hasher_sign);
hasher_Update(&hasher, (const uint8_t *)coin->signed_message_header, strlen(coin->signed_message_header));
uint8_t varint[5];
uint32_t l = ser_length(message_len, varint);
hasher_Update(&hasher, varint, l);
hasher_Update(&hasher, message, message_len);
hasher_Double(&hasher, hash);
hasher_Final(&hasher, hash);
int cryptoMessageSign(const CoinInfo *coin, HDNode *node, InputScriptType script_type, const uint8_t *message, size_t message_len, uint8_t *signature)
@ -177,8 +177,8 @@ int cryptoMessageVerify(const CoinInfo *coin, const uint8_t *message, size_t mes
// p2pkh
if (signature[0] >= 27 && signature[0] <= 34) {
size_t len = base58_decode_check(address, coin->curve->hasher_type, addr_raw, MAX_ADDR_RAW_SIZE);
ecdsa_get_address_raw(pubkey, coin->address_type, coin->curve->hasher_type, recovered_raw);
size_t len = base58_decode_check(address, coin->curve->hasher_base58, addr_raw, MAX_ADDR_RAW_SIZE);
ecdsa_get_address_raw(pubkey, coin->address_type, coin->curve->hasher_pubkey, recovered_raw);
if (memcmp(recovered_raw, addr_raw, len) != 0
|| len != address_prefix_bytes_len(coin->address_type) + 20) {
return 2;
@ -186,8 +186,8 @@ int cryptoMessageVerify(const CoinInfo *coin, const uint8_t *message, size_t mes
} else
// segwit-in-p2sh
if (signature[0] >= 35 && signature[0] <= 38) {
size_t len = base58_decode_check(address, coin->curve->hasher_type, addr_raw, MAX_ADDR_RAW_SIZE);
ecdsa_get_address_segwit_p2sh_raw(pubkey, coin->address_type_p2sh, coin->curve->hasher_type, recovered_raw);
size_t len = base58_decode_check(address, coin->curve->hasher_base58, addr_raw, MAX_ADDR_RAW_SIZE);
ecdsa_get_address_segwit_p2sh_raw(pubkey, coin->address_type_p2sh, coin->curve->hasher_pubkey, recovered_raw);
if (memcmp(recovered_raw, addr_raw, len) != 0
|| len != address_prefix_bytes_len(coin->address_type_p2sh) + 20) {
return 2;
@ -201,7 +201,7 @@ int cryptoMessageVerify(const CoinInfo *coin, const uint8_t *message, size_t mes
|| !segwit_addr_decode(&witver, recovered_raw, &len, coin->bech32_prefix, address)) {
return 4;
ecdsa_get_pubkeyhash(pubkey, coin->curve->hasher_type, addr_raw);
ecdsa_get_pubkeyhash(pubkey, coin->curve->hasher_pubkey, addr_raw);
if (memcmp(recovered_raw, addr_raw, len) != 0
|| witver != 0 || len != 20) {
return 2;
@ -362,8 +362,8 @@ void phase1_request_next_input(void)
} else {
// compute segwit hashPrevouts & hashSequence
hasher_Double(&hashers[0], hash_prevouts);
hasher_Double(&hashers[1], hash_sequence);
hasher_Final(&hashers[0], hash_prevouts);
hasher_Final(&hashers[1], hash_sequence);
hasher_Final(&hashers[2], hash_check);
// init hashOutputs
@ -463,7 +463,7 @@ bool compile_input_script_sig(TxInputType *tinput)
tinput->script_sig.size = compile_script_multisig(coin, &(tinput->multisig), tinput->script_sig.bytes);
} else { // SPENDADDRESS
uint8_t hash[20];
ecdsa_get_pubkeyhash(node.public_key, coin->curve->hasher_type, hash);
ecdsa_get_pubkeyhash(node.public_key, coin->curve->hasher_pubkey, hash);
tinput->script_sig.size = compile_script_sig(coin->address_type, hash, tinput->script_sig.bytes);
return tinput->script_sig.size > 0;
@ -506,23 +506,23 @@ void signing_init(const SignTx *msg, const CoinInfo *_coin, const HDNode *_root)
multisig_fp_mismatch = false;
next_nonsegwit_input = 0xffffffff;
tx_init(&to, inputs_count, outputs_count, version, lock_time, 0, coin->curve->hasher_type);
tx_init(&to, inputs_count, outputs_count, version, lock_time, 0, coin->curve->hasher_sign);
if (coin->decred) {
to.version |= (DECRED_SERIALIZE_FULL << 16);
to.is_decred = true;
to.decred_expiry = msg->decred_expiry;
tx_init(&ti, inputs_count, outputs_count, version, lock_time, 0, coin->curve->hasher_type);
tx_init(&ti, inputs_count, outputs_count, version, lock_time, 0, coin->curve->hasher_sign);
ti.version |= (DECRED_SERIALIZE_NO_WITNESS << 16);
ti.is_decred = true;
ti.decred_expiry = msg->decred_expiry;
// segwit hashes for hashPrevouts and hashSequence
hasher_Init(&hashers[0], coin->curve->hasher_type);
hasher_Init(&hashers[1], coin->curve->hasher_type);
hasher_Init(&hashers[2], coin->curve->hasher_type);
hasher_Init(&hashers[0], coin->curve->hasher_sign);
hasher_Init(&hashers[1], coin->curve->hasher_sign);
hasher_Init(&hashers[2], coin->curve->hasher_sign);
layoutProgressSwipe(_("Signing transaction"), 0);
@ -718,7 +718,7 @@ static void phase1_request_next_output(void) {
// compute Decred hashPrefix
tx_hash_final(&ti, hash_prefix, false);
hasher_Double(&hashers[0], hash_outputs);
hasher_Final(&hashers[0], hash_outputs);
if (!signing_check_fee()) {
@ -748,7 +748,7 @@ static void signing_hash_bip143(const TxInputType *txinput, uint8_t *hash) {
hasher_Update(&hashers[0], hash_outputs, 32);
hasher_Update(&hashers[0], (const uint8_t*) &lock_time, 4);
hasher_Update(&hashers[0], (const uint8_t*) &hash_type, 4);
hasher_Double(&hashers[0], hash);
hasher_Final(&hashers[0], hash);
static void signing_hash_decred(const uint8_t *hash_witness, uint8_t *hash) {
@ -797,7 +797,7 @@ static bool signing_sign_hash(TxInputType *txinput, const uint8_t* private_key,
static bool signing_sign_input(void) {
uint8_t hash[32];
hasher_Double(&hashers[0], hash);
hasher_Final(&hashers[0], hash);
if (memcmp(hash, hash_outputs, 32) != 0) {
fsm_sendFailure(FailureType_Failure_DataError, _("Transaction has changed during signing"));
@ -1000,7 +1000,7 @@ void signing_txack(TransactionType *tx)
tx_init(&tp, tx->inputs_cnt, tx->outputs_cnt, tx->version, tx->lock_time, tx->extra_data_len, coin->curve->hasher_type);
tx_init(&tp, tx->inputs_cnt, tx->outputs_cnt, tx->version, tx->lock_time, tx->extra_data_len, coin->curve->hasher_sign);
if (coin->decred) {
tp.version |= (DECRED_SERIALIZE_NO_WITNESS << 16);
tp.is_decred = true;
@ -1084,7 +1084,7 @@ void signing_txack(TransactionType *tx)
progress = 500 + ((signatures * progress_step + idx2 * progress_meta_step) >> PROGRESS_PRECISION);
if (idx2 == 0) {
tx_init(&ti, inputs_count, outputs_count, version, lock_time, 0, coin->curve->hasher_type);
tx_init(&ti, inputs_count, outputs_count, version, lock_time, 0, coin->curve->hasher_sign);
// check prevouts and script type
@ -1279,12 +1279,12 @@ void signing_txack(TransactionType *tx)
progress = 500 + ((signatures * progress_step + idx2 * progress_meta_step) >> PROGRESS_PRECISION);
if (idx1 == 0) {
// witness
tx_init(&to, inputs_count, outputs_count, version, lock_time, 0, coin->curve->hasher_type);
tx_init(&to, inputs_count, outputs_count, version, lock_time, 0, coin->curve->hasher_sign);
to.is_decred = true;
// witness hash
tx_init(&ti, inputs_count, outputs_count, version, lock_time, 0, coin->curve->hasher_type);
tx_init(&ti, inputs_count, outputs_count, version, lock_time, 0, coin->curve->hasher_sign);
ti.is_decred = true;
if (!compile_input_script_sig(&tx->inputs[0])) {
@ -131,11 +131,11 @@ bool compute_address(const CoinInfo *coin,
raw[0] = 0; // push version
raw[1] = 32; // push 32 bytes
memcpy(raw+2, digest, 32); // push hash
hasher_Raw(coin->curve->hasher_type, raw, 34, digest);
hasher_Raw(coin->curve->hasher_pubkey, raw, 34, digest);
prelen = address_prefix_bytes_len(coin->address_type_p2sh);
address_write_prefix_bytes(coin->address_type_p2sh, raw);
ripemd160(digest, 32, raw + prelen);
if (!base58_encode_check(raw, prelen + 20, coin->curve->hasher_type, address, MAX_ADDR_SIZE)) {
if (!base58_encode_check(raw, prelen + 20, coin->curve->hasher_base58, address, MAX_ADDR_SIZE)) {
return 0;
} else {
@ -143,7 +143,7 @@ bool compute_address(const CoinInfo *coin,
prelen = address_prefix_bytes_len(coin->address_type_p2sh);
address_write_prefix_bytes(coin->address_type_p2sh, raw);
ripemd160(digest, 32, raw + prelen);
if (!base58_encode_check(raw, prelen + 20, coin->curve->hasher_type, address, MAX_ADDR_SIZE)) {
if (!base58_encode_check(raw, prelen + 20, coin->curve->hasher_base58, address, MAX_ADDR_SIZE)) {
return 0;
@ -152,7 +152,7 @@ bool compute_address(const CoinInfo *coin,
if (!coin->has_segwit || !coin->bech32_prefix) {
return 0;
ecdsa_get_pubkeyhash(node->public_key, coin->curve->hasher_type, digest);
ecdsa_get_pubkeyhash(node->public_key, coin->curve->hasher_pubkey, digest);
if (!segwit_addr_encode(address, coin->bech32_prefix, SEGWIT_VERSION_0, digest, 20)) {
return 0;
@ -164,9 +164,9 @@ bool compute_address(const CoinInfo *coin,
if (!coin->has_address_type_p2sh) {
return 0;
ecdsa_get_address_segwit_p2sh(node->public_key, coin->address_type_p2sh, coin->curve->hasher_type, address, MAX_ADDR_SIZE);
ecdsa_get_address_segwit_p2sh(node->public_key, coin->address_type_p2sh, coin->curve->hasher_pubkey, coin->curve->hasher_base58, address, MAX_ADDR_SIZE);
} else {
ecdsa_get_address(node->public_key, coin->address_type, coin->curve->hasher_type, address, MAX_ADDR_SIZE);
ecdsa_get_address(node->public_key, coin->address_type, coin->curve->hasher_pubkey, coin->curve->hasher_base58, address, MAX_ADDR_SIZE);
return 1;
@ -232,7 +232,7 @@ int compile_output(const CoinInfo *coin, const HDNode *root, TxOutputType *in, T
return 0; // failed to compile output
addr_raw_len = base58_decode_check(in->address, coin->curve->hasher_type, addr_raw, MAX_ADDR_RAW_SIZE);
addr_raw_len = base58_decode_check(in->address, coin->curve->hasher_base58, addr_raw, MAX_ADDR_RAW_SIZE);
size_t prefix_len;
if (coin->has_address_type // p2pkh
&& addr_raw_len == 20 + (prefix_len = address_prefix_bytes_len(coin->address_type))
@ -327,7 +327,7 @@ uint32_t compile_script_multisig_hash(const CoinInfo *coin, const MultisigRedeem
if (n < 1 || n > 15) return 0;
Hasher hasher;
hasher_Init(&hasher, coin->curve->hasher_type);
hasher_Init(&hasher, coin->curve->hasher_pubkey);
uint8_t d[2];
d[0] = 0x50 + m; hasher_Update(&hasher, d, 1);
@ -650,7 +650,7 @@ uint32_t tx_serialize_extra_data_hash(TxStruct *tx, const uint8_t *data, uint32_
return datalen;
void tx_init(TxStruct *tx, uint32_t inputs_len, uint32_t outputs_len, uint32_t version, uint32_t lock_time, uint32_t extra_data_len, HasherType hasher_type)
void tx_init(TxStruct *tx, uint32_t inputs_len, uint32_t outputs_len, uint32_t version, uint32_t lock_time, uint32_t extra_data_len, HasherType hasher_sign)
tx->inputs_len = inputs_len;
tx->outputs_len = outputs_len;
@ -664,16 +664,12 @@ void tx_init(TxStruct *tx, uint32_t inputs_len, uint32_t outputs_len, uint32_t v
tx->is_segwit = false;
tx->is_decred = false;
tx->decred_expiry = 0;
hasher_Init(&(tx->hasher), hasher_type);
hasher_Init(&(tx->hasher), hasher_sign);
void tx_hash_final(TxStruct *t, uint8_t *hash, bool reverse)
if (t->is_decred) {
hasher_Final(&(t->hasher), hash);
} else {
hasher_Double(&(t->hasher), hash);
hasher_Final(&(t->hasher), hash);
if (!reverse) return;
for (uint8_t i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
uint8_t k = hash[31 - i];
@ -744,7 +740,7 @@ uint32_t tx_output_weight(const CoinInfo *coin, const TxOutputType *txoutput) {
&& segwit_addr_decode(&witver, addr_raw, &addr_raw_len, coin->bech32_prefix, txoutput->address)) {
output_script_size = 2 + addr_raw_len;
} else {
addr_raw_len = base58_decode_check(txoutput->address, coin->curve->hasher_type, addr_raw, MAX_ADDR_RAW_SIZE);
addr_raw_len = base58_decode_check(txoutput->address, coin->curve->hasher_base58, addr_raw, MAX_ADDR_RAW_SIZE);
if (coin->has_address_type
&& address_check_prefix(addr_raw, coin->address_type)) {
output_script_size = TXSIZE_P2PKHASH;
@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ uint32_t tx_serialize_input(TxStruct *tx, const TxInputType *input, uint8_t *out
uint32_t tx_serialize_output(TxStruct *tx, const TxOutputBinType *output, uint8_t *out);
uint32_t tx_serialize_decred_witness(TxStruct *tx, const TxInputType *input, uint8_t *out);
void tx_init(TxStruct *tx, uint32_t inputs_len, uint32_t outputs_len, uint32_t version, uint32_t lock_time, uint32_t extra_data_len, HasherType hasher_type);
void tx_init(TxStruct *tx, uint32_t inputs_len, uint32_t outputs_len, uint32_t version, uint32_t lock_time, uint32_t extra_data_len, HasherType hasher_sign);
uint32_t tx_serialize_header_hash(TxStruct *tx);
uint32_t tx_serialize_input_hash(TxStruct *tx, const TxInputType *input);
uint32_t tx_serialize_output_hash(TxStruct *tx, const TxOutputBinType *output);
@ -1 +1 @@
Subproject commit bb4c3d052561bd31856a03d975ca226571f6a893
Subproject commit b9043659c5c91180c4abfb3ebb603f7b0385f201
Reference in New Issue
Block a user