python/debuglink: support conditional expected_responses

matejcik 4 years ago committed by matejcik
parent a0c8f8f00e
commit 7ebbccdbba

@ -384,10 +384,31 @@ class TrezorClientDebugLink(TrezorClient):
must exactly match the received field value. If a given field is None
(or unspecified) in the expected response, the received field value is not
Each expected response can also be a tuple (bool, message). In that case, the
expected response is only evaluated if the first field is True.
This is useful for differentiating sequences between Trezor models:
>>> trezor_one = client.features.model == "1"
>>> client.set_expected_responses([
>>> messages.ButtonRequest(code=ConfirmOutput),
>>> (trezor_one, messages.ButtonRequest(code=ConfirmOutput)),
>>> messages.Success(),
>>> ])
if not self.in_with_statement:
raise RuntimeError("Must be called inside 'with' statement")
self.expected_responses = expected
# make sure all items are (bool, message) tuples
expected_with_validity = [
e if isinstance(e, tuple) else (True, e) for e in expected
# only apply those items that are (True, message)
self.expected_responses = [
expected for valid, expected in expected_with_validity if valid
self.current_response = 0
def use_pin_sequence(self, pins):
