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synced 2025-03-19 17:46:07 +00:00
tools: join check_bootloader and check_firmware into firmwarectl tool
This commit is contained in:
@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ it will start in a firmware update mode, allowing a firmware update via USB.
* Hash function used below is SHA-256 and signature system is Ed25519 (allows combining signatures by multiple keys into one).
* All multibyte integer values are little endian.
* There is a tool called [firmwarectl](../tools/firmwarectl) which checks validity of the bootloader/firmware images including their headers.
##Bootloader Format
@ -30,11 +31,10 @@ TREZOR Core (second stage) bootloader consists of 2 parts:
1. bootloader header
2. bootloader code
There is a tool called [check_bootloader](../tools/check_bootloader) which parses and checks validity of the bootloader including its header.
###Bootloader Header
Total length of bootloader header is 256 bytes.
Total length of bootloader header is always 256 bytes.
| offset | length | name | description |
@ -46,9 +46,9 @@ Total length of bootloader header is 256 bytes.
| 0x0011 | 1 | vminor | version (minor) |
| 0x0012 | 1 | vpatch | version (patch) |
| 0x0013 | 1 | vbuild | version (build) |
| 0x0014 | 1 | sigidx | SatoshiLabs signature indexes (bitmap) |
| 0x0015 | 64 | sig | SatoshiLabs signature |
| 0x0055 | 171 | reserved | not used yet (zeroed) |
| 0x0014 | 171 | reserved | not used yet (zeroed) |
| 0x00BF | 1 | sigidx | SatoshiLabs signature indexes (bitmap) |
| 0x00C0 | 64 | sig | SatoshiLabs signature |
##Firmware Format
@ -58,8 +58,6 @@ TREZOR Core firmware consists of 3 parts:
2. firmware header
3. firmware code
There is a tool called [check_firmware](../tools/check_firmware) which parses and checks validity of the firmware including the both headers.
###Vendor Header
Total length of vendor header is 82 + 32 * (number of pubkeys) + (length of vendor string) + (length of vendor image) bytes rounded up to the closest multiply of 256 bytes.
@ -69,21 +67,23 @@ Total length of vendor header is 82 + 32 * (number of pubkeys) + (length of vend
| 0x0000 | 4 | magic | firmware magic `TRZV` |
| 0x0004 | 4 | hdrlen | length of the vendor header |
| 0x0008 | 4 | expiry | valid until timestamp (0=infinity) |
| 0x000C | 1 | vsig_m | number of signatures needed to run the firmware from this vendor |
| 0x000D | 1 | vsig_n | number of pubkeys vendor wants to use for signing |
| 0x000E | 2 | reserved | not used yet (zeroed) |
| 0x000C | 1 | vmajor | version (major) |
| 0x000D | 1 | vminor | version (minor) |
| 0x000E | 1 | vsig_m | number of signatures needed to run the firmware from this vendor |
| 0x000F | 1 | vsig_n | number of different pubkeys vendor provides for signing |
| 0x0010 | 32 | vpub1 | vendor pubkey 1 |
| ... | ... | ... | ... |
| ? | 32 | vpubn | vendor pubkey n |
| ? | 1 | vstr_len | vendor string length |
| ? | ? | vstr | vendor string |
| ? | 2 | vimg_len | vendor image length |
| ? | ? | vimg | vendor image (in [TOIf format](toif.md)) |
| ? | 1 | sigidx | SatoshiLabs signature indexes (bitmap) |
| ? | 64 | sig | SatoshiLabs signature |
###Firmware Header
Total length of firmware header is 256 bytes.
Total length of firmware header is always 256 bytes.
| offset | length | name | description |
@ -95,9 +95,9 @@ Total length of firmware header is 256 bytes.
| 0x0011 | 1 | vminor | version (minor) |
| 0x0012 | 1 | vpatch | version (patch) |
| 0x0013 | 1 | vbuild | version (build) |
| 0x0014 | 1 | sigidx | vendor signature indexes (bitmap) |
| 0x0015 | 64 | sig | vendor signature |
| 0x0055 | 171 | reserved | not used yet (zeroed) |
| 0x0014 | 171 | reserved | not used yet (zeroed) |
| 0x00BF | 1 | sigidx | vendor signature indexes (bitmap) |
| 0x00C0 | 64 | sig | vendor signature |
##Various ideas
@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import sys
import struct
# bootloader header specification: https://github.com/trezor/trezor-core/blob/master/docs/bootloader.md#bootloader-header
def check_bootloader(filename):
data = open(filename, 'rb').read()
hdr = struct.unpack('<4sIIIBBBBB64s171s', data[:256])
code = data[256:]
magic, hdrlen, expiry, codelen, vmajor, vminor, vpatch, vbuild, sigidx, sig, reserved = hdr
sigidx = tuple([ i + 1 for i in range(8) if sigidx & (1 << i) ])
print('magic :', magic)
assert magic == b'TRZB'
print('hdrlen :', hdrlen)
assert hdrlen == 256
print('expiry :', expiry)
print('codelen :', codelen)
print('vmajor :', vmajor)
print('vminor :', vminor)
print('vpatch :', vpatch)
print('vbuild :', vbuild)
print('sigidx :', sigidx)
print('sig :', sig)
assert reserved == 171 * b'\x00'
assert codelen == 64*1024
assert codelen == len(code)
def main():
if len(sys.argv) < 2:
print('Usage: check_bootloader bootloader.bin')
return 1
fn = sys.argv[1]
@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import sys
def process_firmware(filename):
data = open(filename, 'rb').read()
def main():
if len(sys.argv) < 2:
print('Usage: check_firmware firmware.bin')
return 1
fn = sys.argv[1]
Executable file
Executable file
@ -0,0 +1,139 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import sys
import struct
import binascii
import hashlib
import ed25519
# bootloader/firmware headers specification: https://github.com/trezor/trezor-core/blob/master/docs/bootloader.md
# converts 8-bit bitmap to tuple of values
def bitmap_to_tuple(b):
return tuple([ i + 1 for i in range(8) if b & (1 << i) ])
# converts tuple of values to 8-bit bitmap
def tuple_to_bitmap(t):
b = 0
for i in t:
if i >= 1 and i <= 8:
b |= (1 << (i - 1))
return b
def get_sig(data):
print('Enter privkey: ', end='')
seckey = binascii.unhexlify(input())
signkey = ed25519.SigningKey(seckey)
digest = hashlib.sha256(data).digest()
sigidx = (1, )
sig = signkey.sign(digest)
return sigidx, sig
class BootloaderImage:
def __init__(self, data):
header = struct.unpack('<4sIIIBBBB171sB64s', data[:256])
self.magic, self.hdrlen, self.expiry, self.codelen, \
self.vmajor, self.vminor, self.vpatch, self.vbuild, \
self.reserved, self.sigidx, self.sig = header
assert self.magic == b'TRZB'
assert self.hdrlen == 256
assert self.codelen == 64*1024
assert self.reserved == 171 * b'\x00'
self.sigidx = bitmap_to_tuple(self.sigidx)
self.code = data[256:]
assert len(self.code) == self.codelen
def print(self):
print('TREZOR Bootloader Image')
print(' * magic :', self.magic.decode('ascii'))
print(' * hdrlen :', self.hdrlen)
print(' * expiry :', self.expiry)
print(' * codelen :', self.codelen)
print(' * version : %d.%d.%d.%d' % (self.vmajor, self.vminor, self.vpatch, self.vbuild))
print(' * sigidx :', self.sigidx)
print(' * sig :', binascii.hexlify(self.sig).decode('ascii'))
def header(self, sig=True):
header = struct.pack('<4sIIIBBBB171s', \
self.magic, self.hdrlen, self.expiry, self.codelen, \
self.vmajor, self.vminor, self.vpatch, self.vbuild, \
if sig:
sigidx = tuple_to_bitmap(self.sigidx)
header += struct.pack('<B64s', sigidx, self.sig)
header += 65 * b'\x00'
return header
def sign(self):
header = self.header(sig=False)
data = header + self.code
self.sigidx, self.sig = get_sig(data)
def write(self, filename):
with open(filename, 'wb') as f:
class VendorHeader:
def __init__(self, data):
def print(self):
def sign(self):
class FirmwareImage:
def __init__(self, data):
def print(self):
def sign(self):
def binopen(filename):
print('Opening file', filename)
data = open(filename, 'rb').read()
magic = data[:4]
if magic == b'TRZB':
return BootloaderImage(data)
if magic == b'TRZV':
return VendorHeader(data)
if magic == b'TRZF':
return FirmwareImage(data)
raise Exception('Unknown file format')
def main():
if len(sys.argv) < 2:
print('Usage: firmwarectl file.bin [-s]')
return 1
fn = sys.argv[1]
sign = len(sys.argv) > 2 and sys.argv[2] == '-s'
b = binopen(fn)
if sign:
if __name__ == '__main__':
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