mirror of https://github.com/trezor/trezor-firmware.git synced 2025-03-09 20:56:05 +00:00

trezor.loop: rewrite for utimeq, document

- faster, consumes less memory
- untangle loop and ui.refresh

TODO: msg.select could fill a pre-allocated list/bytearray just like utimeq.pop does
TOOD: we could move to a readyness-based async model and let the consumers readinto() the messages right into the target buffers, to avoid allocating tuples inside msg.select()
This commit is contained in:
Jan Pochyla 2017-01-02 15:45:56 +01:00
parent 7fa2cad0d4
commit 5173a87f3e
2 changed files with 171 additions and 81 deletions

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@ -1,19 +1,18 @@
Implements an event loop with cooperative multitasking and async I/O. Tasks in
the form of python coroutines (either plain generators or `async` functions) are
stepped through until completion, and can get asynchronously blocked by
`yield`ing or `await`ing a syscall.
See `schedule_task`, `run_forever`, and syscalls `Sleep`, `Select`, `Signal`
and `Wait`.
import utime
import utimeq
from micropython import const
from uheapq import heappop, heappush, heapify
from . import msg, log, ui
if __debug__:
# for performance stats
import array
log_delay_pos = 0
log_delay_rb_len = const(10)
log_delay_rb = array.array('i', [0] * log_delay_rb_len)
paused_tasks = {} # {message interface: [task]}
schedule_counter = 0
scheduled_tasks = [] # heap: [(deadline, counter, task, value)]
MAX_SELECT_DELAY = const(1000000)
from trezor import msg
from trezor import log
# message interfaces:
# 0x0000 - touch event interface
@ -24,32 +23,99 @@ TOUCH_START = const(1) # event
TOUCH_MOVE = const(2) # event
TOUCH_END = const(4) # event
after_step_hook = None # function, called after each task step
_MAX_SELECT_DELAY = const(1000000) # usec delay if queue is empty
_MAX_QUEUE_SIZE = const(64) # maximum number of scheduled tasks
_paused_tasks = {} # {message interface: [task]}
_scheduled_tasks = utimeq.utimeq(_MAX_QUEUE_SIZE)
if __debug__:
# for performance stats
import array
log_delay_pos = 0
log_delay_rb_len = const(10)
log_delay_rb = array.array('i', [0] * log_delay_rb_len)
def schedule_task(task, value=None, deadline=None):
global schedule_counter
Schedule task to be executed with `value` on given `deadline` (in
microseconds). Does not start the event loop itself, see `run_forever`.
if deadline is None:
deadline = utime.ticks_us()
heappush(scheduled_tasks, (deadline, schedule_counter, task, value))
schedule_counter += 1
_scheduled_tasks.push(deadline, task, value)
def unschedule_task(task):
global scheduled_tasks
scheduled_tasks = [t for t in scheduled_tasks if t[1] is not task]
Remove task from the time queue. Cancels previous `schedule_task`.
global _scheduled_tasks
task_entry = [0, 0, 0] # deadline, task, value
queue_copy = utimeq.utimeq(_MAX_QUEUE_SIZE)
while _scheduled_tasks:
if task_entry[1] is not task:
queue_copy.push(task_entry[0], task_entry[1], task_entry[2])
_scheduled_tasks = queue_copy
def pause_task(task, iface):
paused_tasks.setdefault(iface, []).append(task)
def _pause_task(task, iface):
tasks = _paused_tasks.get(iface, None)
if tasks is None:
tasks = _paused_tasks[iface] = []
def unpause_task(task):
for iface in paused_tasks:
if task in paused_tasks[iface]:
def _unpause_task(task):
for iface in _paused_tasks:
if task in _paused_tasks[iface]:
def run_task(task, value):
def run_forever():
Loop forever, stepping through scheduled tasks and awaiting I/O events
inbetween. Use `schedule_task` first to add a coroutine to the task queue.
Tasks yield back to the scheduler on any I/O, usually by calling `await` on
a `Syscall`.
if __debug__:
global log_delay_pos
task_entry = [0, 0, 0] # deadline, task, value
while True:
# compute the maximum amount of time we can wait for a message
if _scheduled_tasks:
delay = utime.ticks_diff(
_scheduled_tasks.min_time(), utime.ticks_us())
if __debug__:
# add current delay to ring buffer for performance stats
log_delay_rb[log_delay_pos] = delay
log_delay_pos = (log_delay_pos + 1) % log_delay_rb_len
msg_entry = msg.select(delay)
if msg_entry:
# message received, run tasks paused on the interface
msg_iface, *msg_value = msg_entry
msg_tasks = _paused_tasks.pop(msg_iface, ())
for task in msg_tasks:
_step_task(task, msg_value)
# timeout occurred, run the first scheduled task
if _scheduled_tasks:
_step_task(task_entry[1], task_entry[2])
def _step_task(task, value):
if isinstance(value, Exception):
result = task.throw(value)
@ -66,79 +132,77 @@ def run_task(task, value):
log.error(__name__, '%s is unknown syscall', result)
# after every task step, refresh the screen
# TODO: do not complect the event loop and display
if after_step_hook:
def handle_message(m):
if not paused_tasks:
iface, *value = m
tasks = paused_tasks.pop(iface, ())
for task in tasks:
run_task(task, value)
def handle_timeout():
if not scheduled_tasks:
_, _, task, value = heappop(scheduled_tasks)
run_task(task, value)
def run_forever():
if __debug__:
global log_delay_pos
while True:
if scheduled_tasks:
deadline = scheduled_tasks[0][0]
delay = utime.ticks_diff(deadline, utime.ticks_us())
if __debug__:
# add current delay to ring buffer for performance stats
log_delay_rb[log_delay_pos] = delay
log_delay_pos = (log_delay_pos + 1) % log_delay_rb_len
m = msg.select(delay)
if m:
class Syscall():
class Syscall:
When tasks want to perform any I/O, or do any sort of communication with the
scheduler, they do so through instances of a class derived from `Syscall`.
def __iter__(self):
# support `yield from` or `await` on syscalls
return (yield self)
class Sleep(Syscall):
Pause current task and resume it after given delay. Although the delay is
given in microseconds, sub-millisecond precision is not guaranteed. Result
value is the calculated deadline.
planned = await loop.Sleep(1000 * 1000) # sleep for 1ms
print('missed by %d us', utime.ticks_diff(utime.ticks_us(), planned))
def __init__(self, delay_us):
self.deadline = utime.ticks_add(utime.ticks_us(), delay_us)
def handle(self, task):
schedule_task(task, self, self.deadline)
schedule_task(task, self.deadline, self.deadline)
class Select(Syscall):
Pause current task, and resume only after a message on `msg_iface` is
received. Messages are received either from an USB interface, or the
touch display. Result value a tuple of message values.
def __init__(self, iface):
self.iface = iface
hid_report, = await loop.Select(0xABCD) # await USB HID report
event, x, y = await loop.Select(loop.TOUCH) # await touch event
def __init__(self, msg_iface):
self.msg_iface = msg_iface
def handle(self, task):
pause_task(task, self.iface)
_pause_task(task, self.msg_iface)
_NO_VALUE = ()
class Signal(Syscall):
Pause current task, and let other running task to resume it later with a
result value or an exception.
# in task #1:
signal = loop.Signal()
result = await signal
print('awaited result:', result)
# in task #2:
signal.send('hello from task #2')
# prints in the next iteration of the event loop
def __init__(self):
self.value = NO_VALUE
self.value = _NO_VALUE
self.task = None
def handle(self, task):
@ -150,13 +214,35 @@ class Signal(Syscall):
def _deliver(self):
if self.task is not None and self.value is not NO_VALUE:
if self.task is not None and self.value is not _NO_VALUE:
schedule_task(self.task, self.value)
self.task = None
self.value = NO_VALUE
self.value = _NO_VALUE
class Wait(Syscall):
Execute one or more children tasks and wait until one or more of them exit.
Return value of `Wait` is the return value of task that triggered the
completion. By default, `Wait` returns after the first child completes, and
other running children are killed (by cancelling any pending schedules and
calling `close()`).
# async def wait_for_touch(): ...
# async def animate_logo(): ...
touch_task = wait_for_touch()
animation_task = animate_logo()
waiter = loop.Wait((touch_task, animation_task))
result = await waiter
if animation_task in waiter.finished:
print('animation task returned', result)
print('touch task returned', result)
Note: You should not directly `yield` a `Wait` instance, see logic in
`Wait.__iter__` for explanation. Always use `await`.
def __init__(self, children, wait_for=1, exit_others=True):
self.children = children
@ -175,8 +261,8 @@ class Wait(Syscall):
def exit(self):
for task in self.scheduled:
if task not in self.finished:
async def _wait(self, child):
@ -199,6 +285,6 @@ class Wait(Syscall):
return (yield self)
# exception was raised on the waiting task externally with
# close() or throw(), kill the child tasks and re-raise
# close() or throw(), kill the children tasks and re-raise

View File

@ -1,16 +1,20 @@
import sys
import math
import utime
from TrezorUi import Display
from trezor import loop, res
display = Display()
if sys.platform not in ('trezor', 'pyboard'): # stmhal
loop.after_step_hook = display.refresh
def rgbcolor(r: int, g: int, b: int) -> int:
return ((r & 0xF8) << 8) | ((g & 0xFC) << 3) | ((b & 0xF8) >> 3)
LIGHT_RED = rgbcolor(0xFF, 0x00, 0x00)
RED = rgbcolor(0x66, 0x00, 0x00)
PINK = rgbcolor(0xE9, 0x1E, 0x63)
@ -54,6 +58,7 @@ ICON_RESET = 'trezor/res/header_icons/reset.toig'
ICON_WIPE = 'trezor/res/header_icons/wipe.toig'
ICON_RECOVERY = 'trezor/res/header_icons/recovery.toig'
def in_area(pos: tuple, area: tuple) -> bool:
x, y = pos
ax, ay, aw, ah = area
@ -101,8 +106,7 @@ def animate_pulse(func, ca, cb, speed=200000, delay=30000):
def header(title, icon=ICON_RESET, fg=BLACK, bg=PM_DARK_BLUE):
display.bar(0, 0, 240, 32, bg)
if icon is not None:
image = res.load(icon)
display.icon(8, 4, image, fg, bg)
display.icon(8, 4, res.load(icon), fg, bg)
display.text(8 + 24 + 8, 23, title, BOLD, fg, bg)