fix(core): Ensure correct order when verifying external inputs in Bitcoin signing.

Andrew Kozlik 2 years ago committed by Andrew Kozlik
parent 784a3813f8
commit 426eae4dfc

@ -0,0 +1 @@
Ensure correct order when verifying external inputs in Bitcoin signing.

@ -203,15 +203,15 @@ class Bitcoin:
# the amounts and scriptPubKeys, because if an invalid value is provided then all
# issued signatures will be invalid.
expected_digest = self.h_external_inputs
for i in self.external:
for i in range(self.tx_info.tx.inputs_count):
if i in self.external:
txi = await helpers.request_tx_input(self.tx_req, i, self.coin)
writers.write_tx_input_check(h_check, txi)
if not input_is_external_unverified(txi):
assert txi.script_pubkey is not None # checked in sanitize_tx_input
# txi.script_pubkey checked in sanitize_tx_input
assert txi.script_pubkey is not None
await self.verify_external_input(i, txi, txi.script_pubkey)
progress.advance(self.tx_info.tx.inputs_count - len(self.external))
# There are internal non-Taproot inputs. We need to verify all inputs, because we can't
# trust any amounts or scriptPubKeys. If we did, then an attacker who provides invalid
