mirror of https://github.com/trezor/trezor-firmware.git synced 2025-03-22 02:55:43 +00:00

add a broken PoC of wire/protobuf stream reading

This commit is contained in:
Jan Pochyla 2016-08-05 13:36:31 +02:00 committed by Pavol Rusnak
parent d6592a48e6
commit 3eaf001eef
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG Key ID: 91F3B339B9A02A3D
2 changed files with 432 additions and 0 deletions

View File

@ -0,0 +1,266 @@
'''Streaming protobuf codec.
Handles asynchronous encoding and decoding of protobuf value streams.
Value format: ((field_type, field_flags, field_name), field_value)
field_type: Either one of UVarintType, BoolType, BytesType, UnicodeType,
or an instance of EmbeddedMessage.
field_flags (int): Field bit flags `FLAG_REQUIRED`, `FLAG_REPEATED`.
field_name (str): Field name string.
field_value: Depends on field_type. EmbeddedMessage has `field_value == None`.
def build_protobuf_message(message_type, future):
message = message_type()
while True:
field, field_value = yield
field_type, field_flags, field_name = field
if not _is_scalar_type(field_type):
field_value = yield from build_protobuf_message(field_type, future)
if field_flags & FLAG_REPEATED:
field_value = getattr(
message, field_name, []).append(field_value)
setattr(message, field_name, field_value)
except EOFError:
def print_protobuf_message(message_type):
print('OPEN', message_type)
while True:
field, field_value = yield
field_type, _, field_name = field
if not _is_scalar_type(field_type):
yield from print_protobuf_message(field_type)
print('FIELD', field_name, field_type, field_value)
except EOFError:
print('CLOSE', message_type)
class UVarintType:
def dump(target, value):
shifted_value = True
while shifted_value:
shifted_value = value >> 7
yield from target.write(chr((value & 0x7F) | (
0x80 if shifted_value != 0 else 0x00)))
value = shifted_value
def load(source):
value, shift, quantum = 0, 0, 0x80
while (quantum & 0x80) == 0x80:
data = yield from source.read(1)
quantum = ord(data)
value, shift = value + ((quantum & 0x7F) << shift), shift + 7
return value
class BoolType:
def dump(target, value):
yield from target.write('\x01' if value else '\x00')
def load(source):
varint = yield from UVarintType.load(source)
return varint != 0
class BytesType:
def dump(target, value):
yield from UVarintType.dump(target, len(value))
yield from target.write(value)
def load(source):
size = yield from UVarintType.load(source)
data = yield from source.read(size)
return data
class UnicodeType:
def dump(target, value):
yield from BytesType.dump(target, bytes(value, 'utf-8'))
def load(source):
data = yield from BytesType.load(source)
return data.decode('utf-8', 'strict')
class EmbeddedMessage:
def __init__(self, message_type):
'''Initializes a new instance. The argument is an underlying message type.'''
self.message_type = message_type
def __call__(self):
'''Creates a message of the underlying message type.'''
return self.message_type()
def dump(self, target, value):
buf = self.message_type.dumps(value)
yield from BytesType.dump(target, buf)
def load(self, source, target):
emb_size = yield from UVarintType.load(source)
emb_source = source.limit(emb_size)
yield from self.message_type.load(emb_source, target)
FLAG_SIMPLE = const(0)
FLAG_REQUIRED = const(1)
FLAG_REPEATED = const(2)
# Packs a tag and a wire_type into single int according to the protobuf spec.
_pack_key = lambda tag, wire_type: (tag << 3) | wire_type
# Unpacks a key into a tag and a wire_type according to the protobuf spec.
_unpack_key = lambda key: (key >> 3, key & 7)
# Determines if a field type is a scalar or not.
_is_scalar_type = lambda field_type: not isinstance(
field_type, EmbeddedMessage)
class AsyncBytearrayWriter:
def __init__(self):
self.buf = bytearray()
async def write(self, b):
class MessageType:
'''Represents a message type.'''
def __init__(self, name=None):
self.__name = name
self.__fields = {} # tag -> tuple of field_type, field_flags, field_name
self.__defaults = {} # tag -> default_value
def add_field(self, tag, name, field_type, flags=FLAG_SIMPLE, default=None):
'''Adds a field to the message type.'''
if tag in self.__fields:
raise ValueError('The tag %s is already used.' % tag)
if default is not None:
self.__defaults[tag] = default
self.__fields[tag] = (field_type, flags, name)
def __call__(self, **fields):
'''Creates an instance of this message type.'''
return Message(self, **fields)
def dumps(self, value):
target = AsyncBytearrayWriter()
yield from self.dump(target, value)
return target.buf
def dump(self, target, value):
if self is not value.message_type:
raise TypeError('Incompatible type')
for tag, field in self.__fields.items():
field_type, field_flags, field_name = field
if field_name not in value.__dict__:
if field_flags & FLAG_REQUIRED:
raise ValueError(
'The field with the tag %s is required but a value is missing.' % tag)
if field_flags & FLAG_REPEATED:
# repeated value
key = _pack_key(tag, field_type.WIRE_TYPE)
# send the values sequentially
for single_value in getattr(value, field_name):
yield from UVarintType.dump(target, key)
yield from field_type.dump(target, single_value)
# single value
yield from UVarintType.dump(target, _pack_key(tag, field_type.WIRE_TYPE))
yield from field_type.dump(target, getattr(value, field_name))
def load(self, source, target):
found_tags = set()
while True:
key = yield from UVarintType.load(source)
tag, wire_type = _unpack_key(key)
if tag in self.__fields:
# retrieve the field descriptor by tag
field = self.__fields[tag]
field_type, _, _ = field
if wire_type != field_type.WIRE_TYPE:
raise TypeError(
'Value of tag %s has incorrect wiretype %s, %s expected.' %
(tag, wire_type, field_type.WIRE_TYPE))
# unknown field, skip it
field_type = {0: UVarintType, 2: BytesType}[wire_type]
yield from field_type.load(source)
if _is_scalar_type(field_type):
field_value = yield from field_type.load(source)
target.send((field, field_value))
yield from field_type.load(source, target)
except EOFError:
for tag, field in self.__fields.items():
# send the default value
if tag not in found_tags and tag in self.__defaults:
target.send((field, self.__defaults[tag]))
# check if all required fields are present
_, field_flags, field_name = field
if field_flags & FLAG_REQUIRED and tag not in found_tags:
if field_flags & FLAG_REPEATED:
# no values were in input stream, but required field.
# send empty list
target.send((field, []))
raise ValueError(
'The field %s (\'%s\') is required but missing.' % (tag, field_name))
def __repr__(self):
return '<MessageType: %s>' % self.__name
class Message:
'''Represents a message instance.'''
def __init__(self, message_type, **fields):
'''Initializes a new instance of the specified message type.'''
self.message_type = message_type
for key in fields:
setattr(self, key, fields[key])
def dump(self, target):
yield from self.message_type.dump(target, self)
def __repr__(self):
values = self.__dict__
values = {k: values[k] for k in values if k != 'message_type'}
return '<%s: %s>' % (self.message_type.__name, values)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,166 @@
import ustruct
import ubinascii
from . import msg
from . import loop
from .crypto import random
MESSAGE_IFACE = const(0)
EMPTY_SESSION = const(0)
sessions = {}
def generate_session_id():
return random.uniform(0xffffffff) + 1
async def dispatch_reports():
while True:
report = await _read_report()
session_id, report_data = _parse_report(report)
async def read_session_message(session_id, types):
future = loop.Future()
pbuf_decoder = _decode_protobuf_message(types, future)
wire_decoder = _decode_wire_message(pbuf_decoder)
assert session_id not in sessions
sessions[session_id] = wire_decoder
result = await future
del sessions[session_id]
return result
def lookup_protobuf_type(msg_type, pbuf_types):
for pt in pbuf_types:
if pt.wire_type == msg_type:
return pt
return None
def _decode_protobuf_message(types, future):
msg_type, _ = yield
pbuf_type = lookup_protobuf_type(msg_type, types)
target = build_protobuf_message(pbuf_type, future)
yield from pbuf_type.load(AsyncBytearrayReader(), target)
class AsyncBytearrayReader:
def __init__(self, buf=None, n=None):
self.buf = buf if buf is not None else bytearray()
self.n = n
def read(self, n):
if self.n is not None:
self.n -= n
if self.n <= 0:
raise EOFError()
buf = self.buf
while len(buf) < n:
buf.extend((yield)) # buffer next data chunk
result, buf[:] = buf[:n], buf[n:]
return result
def limit(self, n):
return AsyncBytearrayReader(self.buf, n)
async def _read_report():
report, = await loop.Select(MESSAGE_IFACE)
return memoryview(report) # make slicing cheap
async def _write_report(report):
return msg.send(MESSAGE_IFACE, report)
# TREZOR wire protocol v2:
# HID report (64B):
# - report magic (1B)
# - session (4B, BE)
# - payload (59B)
# message:
# - streamed as payloads of HID reports:
# - message type (4B, BE)
# - data length (4B, BE)
# - data (var-length)
# - data checksum (4B, BE)
REP_HEADER = '>BL' # marker, session id
MSG_HEADER = '>LL' # msg type, data length
MSG_FOOTER = '>L' # data checksum
REP_HEADER_LEN = ustruct.calcsize(REP_HEADER)
MSG_HEADER_LEN = ustruct.calcsize(MSG_HEADER)
MSG_FOOTER_LEN = ustruct.calcsize(MSG_FOOTER)
class MessageChecksumError(Exception):
def _parse_report(data):
marker, session_id = ustruct.parse(REP_HEADER, data)
return session_id, data[REP_HEADER_LEN:]
def _parse_message(data):
msg_type, data_len = ustruct.parse(MSG_HEADER, data)
return msg_type, data_len, data[MSG_HEADER_LEN:]
def _parse_footer(data):
data_checksum, = ustruct.parse(MSG_FOOTER, data)
return data_checksum,
def _decode_wire_message(target):
'''Decode a wire message from the report data and stream it to target.
Receives report payloads.
Sends (msg_type, data_len) to target, followed by data chunks.
Throws EOFError after last data chunk, in case of valid checksum.
Throws MessageChecksumError to target if data doesn't match the checksum.
message = (yield) # read first report
msg_type, data_len, data_tail = _parse_message(message)
target.send((msg_type, data_len))
checksum = 0 # crc32
nreports = 1
while data_len > 0:
if nreports > 1:
data_tail = (yield) # read next report
nreports += 1
data_chunk = data_tail[:data_len] # slice off the garbage at the end
data_tail = data_tail[len(data_chunk):] # slice off what we have read
data_len -= len(data_chunk)
checksum = ubinascii.crc32(checksum, data_chunk)
data_footer = data_tail[:MSG_FOOTER_LEN]
if len(data_footer) < MSG_FOOTER_LEN:
data_tail = (yield) # read report with the rest of checksum
data_footer += data_tail[:MSG_FOOTER_LEN - len(data_footer)]
data_checksum, = _parse_footer(data_footer)
if data_checksum != checksum:
target.throw(MessageChecksumError, 'Message checksum mismatch')
def _encode_message(target):