build: ciscript includes firmware sign

so that emulator build uses pipenv to ensure stable environment for python-trezor
but fetching python-trezor and friends doesn't needlessly slow down non-emulator builds
that don't need it
Tomas Susanka 6 years ago committed by matejcik
parent 747f2aa772
commit 3185eb0fd4

@ -33,13 +33,22 @@ matrix:
- $PYTHON -m pip install --user pipenv
- pipenv install
- script/cibuild && pipenv run script/test
# use outer environment (with protobuf & ecdsa) to build,
# then use pipenv to run tests
- ./script/cibuild && pipenv run script/test
# using two "separate" python environments is somewhat unwieldy, and it would be nicer
# to consolidate everything into one.
# Unfortunately, installing pipenv and fetching python-trezor from git takes about one minute.
# For now, we keep the envs separate. If the number of "outer" modules grows significantly,
# they should probably be moved into pipenv.
- unzip "protoc-${PROTOBUF_VERSION}" -d protoc
- export PATH="$(pwd)/protoc/bin:$PATH"
- $PYTHON -m pip install --user "protobuf==${PROTOBUF_VERSION}"
- $PYTHON -m pip install --user ecdsa # for firmware_sign
- script/cibuild

@ -143,10 +143,10 @@ upload: sign
trezorctl firmware_update -f $(NAME).bin
sign: $(NAME).bin
../bootloader/ -f $(NAME).bin
$(PYTHON) ../bootloader/ -f $(NAME).bin
release: $(NAME).bin
../bootloader/ -f $(NAME).bin
$(PYTHON) ../bootloader/ -f $(NAME).bin
cp $(NAME).bin $(NAME)-$(APPVER).bin
chmod -x $(NAME)-$(APPVER).bin
xxd -p $(NAME)-$(APPVER).bin | tr -d '\n' > $(NAME)-$(APPVER).bin.hex

@ -20,4 +20,4 @@ fi
make -C vendor/nanopb/generator/proto
make -C firmware/protob
make -C firmware
make -C firmware sign
