You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

247 lines
8.7 KiB

use core::iter;
use heapless::String;
use crate::{
component::{Component, Event, EventCtx},
geometry::{Offset, Rect},
common::{MultiTapKeyboard, TextBox, TextEdit},
mnemonic::{MnemonicInput, MnemonicInputMsg, MNEMONIC_KEY_COUNT},
Button, ButtonContent, ButtonMsg,
const MAX_LENGTH: usize = 8;
pub struct Slip39Input {
button: Button<&'static [u8]>,
textbox: TextBox<MAX_LENGTH>,
multi_tap: MultiTapKeyboard,
final_word: Option<&'static str>,
input_mask: Slip39Mask,
impl MnemonicInput for Slip39Input {
/// Return the key set. Keys are further specified as indices into this
/// array.
fn keys() -> [&'static str; MNEMONIC_KEY_COUNT] {
["ab", "cd", "ef", "ghij", "klm", "nopq", "rs", "tuv", "xyz"]
/// Returns `true` if given key index can continue towards a valid mnemonic
/// word, `false` otherwise.
fn can_key_press_lead_to_a_valid_word(&self, key: usize) -> bool {
if self.input_mask.is_final() {
} else {
// Currently pending key is always enabled.
// Keys that mach the completion mask are enabled as well.
self.multi_tap.pending_key() == Some(key) || self.input_mask.contains_key(key)
/// Key button was clicked. If this button is pending, let's cycle the
/// pending character in textbox. If not, let's just append the first
/// character.
fn on_key_click(&mut self, ctx: &mut EventCtx, key: usize) {
let edit = self.multi_tap.click_key(ctx, key, Self::keys()[key]);
if let TextEdit::Append(_) = edit {
// This key press wasn't just a pending key rotation, so let's push the key
// digit to the buffer.
self.textbox.append(ctx, Self::key_digit(key));
} else {
// Ignore the pending char rotation. We use the pending key to paint
// the last character, but the mnemonic word computation depends
// only on the pressed key, not on the specific character inside it.
/// Backspace button was clicked, let's delete the last character of input
/// and clear the pending marker.
fn on_backspace_click(&mut self, ctx: &mut EventCtx) {
fn is_empty(&self) -> bool {
impl Component for Slip39Input {
type Msg = MnemonicInputMsg;
fn place(&mut self, bounds: Rect) -> Rect {
fn event(&mut self, ctx: &mut EventCtx, event: Event) -> Option<Self::Msg> {
if self.multi_tap.is_timeout_event(event) {
// Timeout occurred. Reset the pending key.
return Some(MnemonicInputMsg::TimedOut);
if let Some(ButtonMsg::Clicked) = self.button.event(ctx, event) {
// Input button was clicked. If the whole word is totally identified, let's
// confirm it, otherwise don't do anything.
if self.input_mask.is_final() {
return Some(MnemonicInputMsg::Confirmed);
fn paint(&mut self) {
let area = self.button.area();
let style =;
// First, paint the button background.
// Content starts in the left-center point, offset by 16px to the right and 8px
// to the bottom.
let text_baseline = area.top_left().center(area.bottom_left()) + Offset::new(16, 8);
// To simplify things, we always copy the printed string here, even if it
// wouldn't be strictly necessary.
let mut text: String<MAX_LENGTH> = String::new();
if let Some(word) = self.final_word {
// We're done with input, paint the full word.
.assert_if_debugging_ui("Text buffer is too small");
} else {
// Paint an asterisk for each letter of input.
for ch in iter::repeat('*').take(self.textbox.content().len()) {
.assert_if_debugging_ui("Text buffer is too small");
// If we're in the pending state, paint the pending character at the end.
if let (Some(key), Some(press)) =
(self.multi_tap.pending_key(), self.multi_tap.pending_press())
let ascii_text = Self::keys()[key].as_bytes();
let ch = ascii_text[press % ascii_text.len()] as char;
.assert_if_debugging_ui("Text buffer is too small");
let width = style.font.text_width(text.as_bytes());
// Paint the pending marker.
if self.multi_tap.pending_key().is_some() && self.final_word.is_none() {
// Measure the width of the last character of input.
if let Some(last) = text.as_bytes().last().copied() {
let last_width = style.font.text_width(&[last]);
// Draw the marker 2px under the start of the baseline of the last character.
let marker_origin = text_baseline + Offset::new(width - last_width, 2);
// Draw the marker 1px longer than the last character, and 3px thick.
let marker_rect =
Rect::from_top_left_and_size(marker_origin, Offset::new(last_width + 1, 3));
display::rect_fill(marker_rect, style.text_color);
// Paint the icon.
if let ButtonContent::Icon(icon) = self.button.content() {
// Icon is painted in the right-center point, of expected size 16x16 pixels, and
// 16px from the right edge.
let icon_center = area.top_right().center(area.bottom_right()) - Offset::new(16 + 8, 0);
display::icon(icon_center, icon, style.text_color, style.button_color);
impl Slip39Input {
pub fn new() -> Self {
Self {
button: Button::empty(),
textbox: TextBox::empty(),
multi_tap: MultiTapKeyboard::new(),
final_word: None,
input_mask: Slip39Mask::full(),
/// Convert a key index into the key digit. This is what we push into the
/// input buffer.
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// Self::key_digit(0) == '1';
/// Self::key_digit(1) == '2';
/// ```
fn key_digit(key: usize) -> char {
let index = key + 1;
char::from_digit(index as u32, 10).unwrap()
fn complete_word_from_dictionary(&mut self, ctx: &mut EventCtx) {
let sequence = self.input_sequence();
self.final_word = sequence.and_then(slip39::button_sequence_to_word);
self.input_mask = sequence
// Change the style of the button depending on the input.
if self.final_word.is_some() {
// Confirm button.
self.button.set_stylesheet(ctx, theme::button_confirm());
.set_content(ctx, ButtonContent::Icon(theme::ICON_CONFIRM));
} else {
// Disabled button.
self.button.set_stylesheet(ctx, theme::button_default());
self.button.set_content(ctx, ButtonContent::Text(b""));
fn input_sequence(&self) -> Option<u16> {
struct Slip39Mask(u16);
impl Slip39Mask {
/// Return a mask with all keys allowed.
fn full() -> Self {
Self(0x1FF) // All buttons are allowed. 9-bit bitmap all set to 1.
/// Returns `true` if `key` can lead to a valid SLIP39 word with this mask.
fn contains_key(&self, key: usize) -> bool {
self.0 & (1 << key) != 0
/// Returns `true` if mask has exactly one bit set to 1, or is equal to 0.
fn is_final(&self) -> bool {
self.0.count_ones() <= 1