You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

193 lines
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from micropython import const
from trezor import log, wire
from trezor.crypto import base58, hashlib
from trezor.crypto.curve import ed25519
from trezor.messages.CardanoSignedTx import CardanoSignedTx
from apps.common import cbor
from apps.common.paths import validate_path
from apps.common.seed import remove_ed25519_prefix
from . import CURVE, seed
from .address import (
from .layout import confirm_sending, confirm_transaction
if False:
from typing import Dict, List, Tuple
from trezor.messages.CardanoSignTx import CardanoSignTx
from trezor.messages.CardanoTxInputType import CardanoTxInputType
from trezor.messages.CardanoTxOutputType import CardanoTxOutputType
# the maximum allowed change address. this should be large enough for normal
# use and still allow to quickly brute-force the correct bip32 path
BIP_PATH_LENGTH = const(5)
LOVELACE_MAX_SUPPLY = 45_000_000_000 * 1_000_000
async def sign_tx(
ctx: wire.Context, msg: CardanoSignTx, keychain: seed.Keychain
) -> CardanoSignedTx:
raise wire.ProcessError("Fee is out of range!")
for i in msg.inputs:
await validate_path(ctx, validate_full_path, keychain, i.address_n, CURVE)
_validate_outputs(keychain, msg.outputs, msg.protocol_magic)
# display the transaction in UI
await _show_tx(ctx, keychain, msg)
# sign the transaction bundle and prepare the result
serialized_tx, tx_hash = _serialize_tx(keychain, msg)
tx = CardanoSignedTx(serialized_tx=serialized_tx, tx_hash=tx_hash)
except ValueError as e:
if __debug__:
log.exception(__name__, e)
raise wire.ProcessError("Signing failed")
return tx
def _validate_outputs(
keychain: seed.Keychain, outputs: List[CardanoTxOutputType], protocol_magic: int
) -> None:
total_amount = 0
for output in outputs:
total_amount += output.amount
if output.address_n:
elif output.address is not None:
validate_output_address(output.address, protocol_magic)
raise wire.ProcessError("Each output must have address or address_n field!")
if total_amount > LOVELACE_MAX_SUPPLY:
raise wire.ProcessError("Total transaction amount is out of range!")
def _serialize_tx(keychain: seed.Keychain, msg: CardanoSignTx) -> Tuple[bytes, bytes]:
tx_body = _build_tx_body(keychain, msg)
tx_hash = _hash_tx_body(tx_body)
witnesses_for_cbor = _build_witnesses(
keychain, msg.inputs, tx_hash, msg.protocol_magic
# byron witnesses have the key 2 in Shelley
witnesses = {2: witnesses_for_cbor}
serialized_tx = cbor.encode([tx_body, witnesses, None])
return serialized_tx, tx_hash
def _build_tx_body(keychain: seed.Keychain, msg: CardanoSignTx) -> Dict:
inputs_for_cbor = _build_inputs(msg.inputs)
outputs_for_cbor = _build_outputs(keychain, msg.outputs, msg.protocol_magic)
tx_body = {
0: inputs_for_cbor,
1: outputs_for_cbor,
2: msg.fee,
3: msg.ttl,
return tx_body
def _build_inputs(inputs: List[CardanoTxInputType]) -> List[Tuple[bytes, int]]:
return [(input.prev_hash, input.prev_index) for input in inputs]
def _build_outputs(
keychain: seed.Keychain, outputs: List[CardanoTxOutputType], protocol_magic: int
) -> List[Tuple[bytes, int]]:
result = []
for output in outputs:
amount = output.amount
if output.address_n:
address, _ = derive_address_and_node(
keychain, output.address_n, protocol_magic
address = output.address
result.append((base58.decode(address), amount))
return result
def _hash_tx_body(tx_body: Dict) -> bytes:
tx_body_cbor = cbor.encode(tx_body)
return hashlib.blake2b(data=tx_body_cbor, outlen=32).digest()
def _build_witnesses(
keychain: seed.Keychain,
inputs: List[CardanoTxInputType],
tx_body_hash: bytes,
protocol_magic: int,
) -> List[Tuple[bytes, bytes, bytes, bytes]]:
result = []
for input in inputs:
node = keychain.derive(input.address_n)
public_key = remove_ed25519_prefix(node.public_key())
signature = ed25519.sign_ext(
node.private_key(), node.private_key_ext(), tx_body_hash
chain_code = node.chain_code()
address_attributes = cbor.encode(get_address_attributes(protocol_magic))
result.append((public_key, signature, chain_code, address_attributes))
return result
async def _show_tx(
ctx: wire.Context, keychain: seed.Keychain, msg: CardanoSignTx
) -> None:
total_amount = 0
for output in msg.outputs:
if _should_hide_output(output.address_n, msg.inputs):
total_amount += output.amount
if not output.address:
address, _ = derive_address_and_node(
keychain, output.address_n, msg.protocol_magic
address = output.address
await confirm_sending(ctx, output.amount, address)
await confirm_transaction(ctx, total_amount, msg.fee, msg.protocol_magic)
# addresses from the same account as inputs should be hidden
def _should_hide_output(output: List[int], inputs: List[CardanoTxInputType]) -> bool:
for input in inputs:
inp = input.address_n
if (
len(output) != BIP_PATH_LENGTH
or output[: (ACCOUNT_PATH_INDEX + 1)] != inp[: (ACCOUNT_PATH_INDEX + 1)]
or output[-2] >= 2
return False
return True