You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

253 lines
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import storage
import storage.device
import storage.recovery
import storage.recovery_shares
from trezor import strings, utils, wire, workflow
from trezor.crypto import slip39
from trezor.crypto.hashlib import sha256
from trezor.errors import MnemonicError
from trezor.messages import BackupType
from trezor.messages.Success import Success
from . import recover
from apps.common import mnemonic
from apps.common.layout import show_success
from apps.homescreen.homescreen import homescreen
from import backup_types
from import layout
if False:
from typing import Optional, Tuple
from trezor.messages.ResetDevice import EnumTypeBackupType
async def recovery_homescreen() -> None:
if not storage.recovery.is_in_progress():
# recovery process does not communicate on the wire
ctx = wire.DummyContext()
await recovery_process(ctx)
async def recovery_process(ctx: wire.GenericContext) -> Success:
return await _continue_recovery_process(ctx)
except recover.RecoveryAborted:
dry_run = storage.recovery.is_dry_run()
if dry_run:
raise wire.ActionCancelled("Cancelled")
async def _continue_recovery_process(ctx: wire.GenericContext) -> Success:
# gather the current recovery state from storage
dry_run = storage.recovery.is_dry_run()
word_count, backup_type = recover.load_slip39_state()
# Both word_count and backup_type are derived from the same data. Both will be
# either set or unset. We use 'backup_type is None' to detect status of both.
# The following variable indicates that we are (re)starting the first recovery step,
# which includes word count selection.
is_first_step = backup_type is None
if not is_first_step:
assert word_count is not None
# If we continue recovery, show starting screen with word count immediately.
await _request_share_first_screen(ctx, word_count)
secret = None
while secret is None:
if is_first_step:
# If we are starting recovery, ask for word count first...
word_count = await _request_word_count(ctx, dry_run)
# ...and only then show the starting screen with word count.
await _request_share_first_screen(ctx, word_count)
assert word_count is not None
# ask for mnemonic words one by one
words = await layout.request_mnemonic(ctx, word_count, backup_type)
# if they were invalid or some checks failed we continue and request them again
if not words:
secret, backup_type = await _process_words(ctx, words)
# If _process_words succeeded, we now have both backup_type (from
# its result) and word_count (from _request_word_count earlier), which means
# that the first step is complete.
is_first_step = False
except MnemonicError:
await layout.show_invalid_mnemonic(ctx, word_count)
assert backup_type is not None
if dry_run:
result = await _finish_recovery_dry_run(ctx, secret, backup_type)
result = await _finish_recovery(ctx, secret, backup_type)
return result
async def _finish_recovery_dry_run(
ctx: wire.GenericContext, secret: bytes, backup_type: EnumTypeBackupType
) -> Success:
if backup_type is None:
raise RuntimeError
digest_input = sha256(secret).digest()
stored = mnemonic.get_secret()
digest_stored = sha256(stored).digest()
result = utils.consteq(digest_stored, digest_input)
is_slip39 = backup_types.is_slip39_backup_type(backup_type)
# Check that the identifier and iteration exponent match as well
if is_slip39:
result &= (
== storage.recovery.get_slip39_identifier()
result &= (
== storage.recovery.get_slip39_iteration_exponent()
await layout.show_dry_run_result(ctx, result, is_slip39)
if result:
return Success("The seed is valid and matches the one in the device")
raise wire.ProcessError("The seed does not match the one in the device")
async def _finish_recovery(
ctx: wire.GenericContext, secret: bytes, backup_type: EnumTypeBackupType
) -> Success:
if backup_type is None:
raise RuntimeError
secret, backup_type, needs_backup=False, no_backup=False
if backup_type in (BackupType.Slip39_Basic, BackupType.Slip39_Advanced):
identifier = storage.recovery.get_slip39_identifier()
exponent = storage.recovery.get_slip39_iteration_exponent()
if identifier is None or exponent is None:
# Identifier and exponent need to be stored in storage at this point
raise RuntimeError
await show_success(ctx, ("You have successfully", "recovered your wallet."))
return Success(message="Device recovered")
async def _request_word_count(ctx: wire.GenericContext, dry_run: bool) -> int:
homepage = layout.RecoveryHomescreen("Select number of words")
await layout.homescreen_dialog(ctx, homepage, "Select")
# ask for the number of words
return await layout.request_word_count(ctx, dry_run)
async def _process_words(
ctx: wire.GenericContext, words: str
) -> Tuple[Optional[bytes], EnumTypeBackupType]:
word_count = len(words.split(" "))
is_slip39 = backup_types.is_slip39_word_count(word_count)
share = None
if not is_slip39: # BIP-39
secret = recover.process_bip39(words) # type: Optional[bytes]
secret, share = recover.process_slip39(words)
backup_type = backup_types.infer_backup_type(is_slip39, share)
if secret is None: # SLIP-39
assert share is not None
if share.group_count and share.group_count > 1:
await layout.show_group_share_success(ctx, share.index, share.group_index)
await _request_share_next_screen(ctx)
return secret, backup_type
async def _request_share_first_screen(
ctx: wire.GenericContext, word_count: int
) -> None:
if backup_types.is_slip39_word_count(word_count):
remaining = storage.recovery.fetch_slip39_remaining_shares()
if remaining:
await _request_share_next_screen(ctx)
content = layout.RecoveryHomescreen(
"Enter any share", "(%d words)" % word_count
await layout.homescreen_dialog(ctx, content, "Enter share")
else: # BIP-39
content = layout.RecoveryHomescreen(
"Enter recovery seed", "(%d words)" % word_count
await layout.homescreen_dialog(ctx, content, "Enter seed")
async def _request_share_next_screen(ctx: wire.GenericContext) -> None:
remaining = storage.recovery.fetch_slip39_remaining_shares()
group_count = storage.recovery.get_slip39_group_count()
if not remaining:
# 'remaining' should be stored at this point
raise RuntimeError
if group_count > 1:
content = layout.RecoveryHomescreen("More shares needed")
await layout.homescreen_dialog(
ctx, content, "Enter", _show_remaining_groups_and_shares
text = strings.format_plural("{count} more {plural}", remaining[0], "share")
content = layout.RecoveryHomescreen(text, "needed to enter")
await layout.homescreen_dialog(ctx, content, "Enter share")
async def _show_remaining_groups_and_shares(ctx: wire.GenericContext) -> None:
Show info dialog for Slip39 Advanced - what shares are to be entered.
shares_remaining = storage.recovery.fetch_slip39_remaining_shares()
# should be stored at this point
assert shares_remaining
groups = set()
first_entered_index = -1
for i in range(len(shares_remaining)):
if shares_remaining[i] < slip39.MAX_SHARE_COUNT:
first_entered_index = i
share = None
for index, remaining in enumerate(shares_remaining):
if 0 <= remaining < slip39.MAX_SHARE_COUNT:
m = storage.recovery_shares.fetch_group(index)[0]
if not share:
share = slip39.decode_mnemonic(m)
identifier = m.split(" ")[0:3]
groups.add((remaining, tuple(identifier)))
elif remaining == slip39.MAX_SHARE_COUNT: # no shares yet
identifier = storage.recovery_shares.fetch_group(first_entered_index)[
].split(" ")[0:2]
groups.add((remaining, tuple(identifier)))
assert share # share needs to be set
return await layout.show_remaining_shares(
ctx, groups, shares_remaining, share.group_threshold