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from micropython import const
from storage import device
from trezor import wire
from trezor.messages.SignTx import SignTx
from trezor.messages.TxInputType import TxInputType
from trezor.messages.TxOutputType import TxOutputType
from apps.common import coininfo
from .. import addresses
from ..authorization import FEE_PER_ANONYMITY_DECIMALS
from . import helpers, tx_weight
if False:
from ..authorization import CoinJoinAuthorization
# An Approver object computes the transaction totals and either prompts the user
# to confirm transaction parameters (output addresses, amounts and fees) or uses
# an Authorization object to verify that the user authorized a transaction with
# these parameters to be executed.
class Approver:
def __init__(self, tx: SignTx, coin: coininfo.CoinInfo) -> None:
self.tx = tx
self.coin = coin
self.weight = tx_weight.TxWeightCalculator(tx.inputs_count, tx.outputs_count)
# amounts
self.total_in = 0 # sum of input amounts
self.external_in = 0 # sum of external input amounts
self.total_out = 0 # sum of output amounts
self.change_out = 0 # change output amount
async def add_internal_input(self, txi: TxInputType, amount: int) -> None:
self.total_in += amount
def add_external_input(self, txi: TxInputType) -> None:
self.total_in += txi.amount
self.external_in += txi.amount
def add_change_output(self, txo: TxOutputType, script_pubkey: bytes) -> None:
self.total_out += txo.amount
self.change_out += txo.amount
async def add_external_output(
self, txo: TxOutputType, script_pubkey: bytes
) -> None:
self.total_out += txo.amount
async def approve_tx(self) -> None:
raise NotImplementedError
class BasicApprover(Approver):
# the maximum number of change-outputs allowed without user confirmation
def __init__(self, tx: SignTx, coin: coininfo.CoinInfo) -> None:
super().__init__(tx, coin)
self.change_count = 0 # the number of change-outputs
async def add_internal_input(self, txi: TxInputType, amount: int) -> None:
if not addresses.validate_full_path(txi.address_n, self.coin, txi.script_type):
await helpers.confirm_foreign_address(txi.address_n)
await super().add_internal_input(txi, amount)
def add_change_output(self, txo: TxOutputType, script_pubkey: bytes) -> None:
super().add_change_output(txo, script_pubkey)
self.change_count += 1
async def add_external_output(
self, txo: TxOutputType, script_pubkey: bytes
) -> None:
await super().add_external_output(txo, script_pubkey)
await helpers.confirm_output(txo, self.coin)
async def approve_tx(self) -> None:
fee = self.total_in - self.total_out
# some coins require negative fees for reward TX
if fee < 0 and not self.coin.negative_fee:
raise wire.NotEnoughFunds("Not enough funds")
total = self.total_in - self.change_out
spending = total - self.external_in
# fee_threshold = (coin.maxfee per byte * tx size)
fee_threshold = (self.coin.maxfee_kb / 1000) * (self.weight.get_total() / 4)
# fee > (coin.maxfee per byte * tx size)
if fee > fee_threshold:
if fee > 10 * fee_threshold and not device.unsafe_prompts_allowed():
raise wire.DataError("The fee is unexpectedly large")
await helpers.confirm_feeoverthreshold(fee, self.coin)
if self.change_count > self.MAX_SILENT_CHANGE_COUNT:
await helpers.confirm_change_count_over_threshold(self.change_count)
if self.tx.lock_time > 0:
await helpers.confirm_nondefault_locktime(self.tx.lock_time)
if not self.external_in:
await helpers.confirm_total(total, fee, self.coin)
await helpers.confirm_joint_total(spending, total, self.coin)
class CoinJoinApprover(Approver):
def __init__(
self, tx: SignTx, coin: coininfo.CoinInfo, authorization: CoinJoinAuthorization
) -> None:
super().__init__(tx, coin)
self.authorization = authorization
# Upper bound on the user's contribution to the weight of the transaction.
self.our_weight = tx_weight.TxWeightCalculator(
tx.inputs_count, tx.outputs_count
# base for coordinator fee to be multiplied by fee_per_anonymity
self.coordinator_fee_base = 0
# size of the current group of outputs
self.group_size = 0
# number of our change outputs in the current group
self.group_our_count = 0
# amount of each output in the current group
self.group_amount = 0
# flag indicating whether our outputs are gaining any anonymity
self.anonymity = False
async def add_internal_input(self, txi: TxInputType, amount: int) -> None:
if not self.authorization.check_sign_tx_input(txi, self.coin):
raise wire.ProcessError("Unauthorized path")
await super().add_internal_input(txi, amount)
def add_change_output(self, txo: TxOutputType, script_pubkey: bytes) -> None:
super().add_change_output(txo, script_pubkey)
self._add_output(txo, script_pubkey)
self.group_our_count += 1
async def add_external_output(
self, txo: TxOutputType, script_pubkey: bytes
) -> None:
await super().add_external_output(txo, script_pubkey)
self._add_output(txo, script_pubkey)
async def approve_tx(self) -> None:
# Ensure that at least one of the user's outputs is in a group with an external output.
if not self.anonymity:
raise wire.ProcessError("No anonymity gain")
# The mining fee of the transaction as a whole.
mining_fee = self.total_in - self.total_out
# mining_fee > (coin.maxfee per byte * tx size)
if mining_fee > (self.coin.maxfee_kb / 1000) * (self.weight.get_total() / 4):
raise wire.ProcessError("Mining fee over threshold")
# The maximum mining fee that the user should be paying.
our_max_mining_fee = (
mining_fee * self.our_weight.get_total() / self.weight.get_total()
# The coordinator fee for the user's outputs.
our_coordinator_fee = self._get_coordinator_fee()
# Total fees that the user is paying.
our_fees = self.total_in - self.external_in - self.change_out
if our_fees > our_coordinator_fee + our_max_mining_fee:
raise wire.ProcessError("Total fee over threshold")
if self.tx.lock_time > 0:
raise wire.ProcessError("nLockTime not allowed in CoinJoin")
if not self.authorization.approve_sign_tx(self.tx, our_fees):
raise wire.ProcessError("Fees exceed authorized limit")
# Coordinator fee calculation.
def _get_coordinator_fee(self) -> float:
# Add the coordinator fee for the last group of outputs.
return (
* self.authorization.fee_per_anonymity
def _add_output(self, txo: TxOutputType, script_pubkey: bytes):
# Assumption: CoinJoin outputs are grouped by amount. (If this assumption is
# not satisfied, then we will compute a lower coordinator fee, which may lead
# us to wrongfully decline the transaction.)
if self.group_amount != txo.amount:
self.group_size += 1
def _new_group(self, amount: int):
# Add the base coordinator fee for the previous group of outputs.
# Skip groups of size 1, because those must be change-outputs.
if self.group_size > 1:
self.coordinator_fee_base += (
self.group_our_count * self.group_size * self.group_amount
# Check whether our outputs gained any anonymity.
if self.group_our_count and self.group_size > self.group_our_count:
self.anonymity = True
self.group_size = 0
self.group_our_count = 0
self.group_amount = amount