You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

464 lines
13 KiB

#!/usr/bin/env python3
from binascii import unhexlify
from collections import defaultdict, OrderedDict
import re
import os
import json
import glob
import logging
import requests
except ImportError:
requests = None
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
DEFS_DIR = os.path.abspath(
os.environ.get("DEFS_DIR") or os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "..", "defs")
def load_json(*path):
"""Convenience function to load a JSON file from DEFS_DIR."""
if len(path) == 1 and path[0].startswith("/"):
filename = path[0]
filename = os.path.join(DEFS_DIR, *path)
with open(filename) as f:
return json.load(f, object_pairs_hook=OrderedDict)
# ====== CoinsInfo ======
class CoinsInfo(dict):
"""Collection of information about all known kinds of coins.
It contains the following lists:
`coins` for btc-like coins,
`eth` for ethereum networks,
`erc20` for ERC20 tokens,
`nem` for NEM mosaics,
`misc` for other networks.
Accessible as a dict or by attribute: `info["coins"] == info.coins`
def as_list(self):
return sum(self.values(), [])
def as_dict(self):
return {coin["key"]: coin for coin in self.as_list()}
def __getattr__(self, attr):
if attr in self:
return self[attr]
raise AttributeError(attr)
# ====== coin validation ======
def check_type(val, types, nullable=False, empty=False, regex=None, choice=None):
# check nullable
if val is None:
if nullable:
raise ValueError("Missing required value")
# check type
if not isinstance(val, types):
raise TypeError(f"Wrong type (expected: {types})")
# check empty
if isinstance(val, (list, dict)) and not empty and not val:
raise ValueError("Empty collection")
# check regex
if regex is not None:
if types is not str:
raise TypeError("Wrong type for regex check")
if not, val):
raise ValueError(f"Value does not match regex {regex}")
# check choice
if choice is not None and val not in choice:
choice_str = ", ".join(choice)
raise ValueError(f"Value not allowed, use one of: {choice_str}")
def check_key(key, types, optional=False, **kwargs):
def do_check(coin):
if key not in coin:
if optional:
raise KeyError(f"{key}: Missing key")
check_type(coin[key], types, **kwargs)
except Exception as e:
raise ValueError(f"{key}: {e}") from e
return do_check
check_key("coin_name", str, regex=r"^[A-Z]"),
check_key("coin_shortcut", str, regex=r"^t?[A-Z]{3,}$"),
check_key("coin_label", str, regex=r"^[A-Z]"),
check_key("website", str, regex=r"^http.*[^/]$"),
check_key("github", str, regex=r"^*[^/]$"),
check_key("maintainer", str),
"curve_name", str, choice=["secp256k1", "secp256k1_decred", "secp256k1_groestl"]
check_key("address_type", int),
check_key("address_type_p2sh", int),
check_key("maxfee_kb", int),
check_key("minfee_kb", int),
check_key("hash_genesis_block", str, regex=r"^[0-9a-f]{64}$"),
check_key("xprv_magic", int),
check_key("xpub_magic", int),
check_key("xpub_magic_segwit_p2sh", int, nullable=True),
check_key("xpub_magic_segwit_native", int, nullable=True),
check_key("slip44", int),
check_key("segwit", bool),
check_key("decred", bool),
check_key("fork_id", int, nullable=True),
check_key("force_bip143", bool),
check_key("bip115", bool),
check_key("version_group_id", int, nullable=True),
check_key("default_fee_b", dict),
check_key("dust_limit", int),
check_key("blocktime_seconds", int),
check_key("signed_message_header", str),
check_key("uri_prefix", str, regex=r"^[a-z]+$"),
check_key("min_address_length", int),
check_key("max_address_length", int),
check_key("bech32_prefix", str, regex=r"^[a-z]+$", nullable=True),
check_key("cashaddr_prefix", str, regex=r"^[a-z]+$", nullable=True),
check_key("bitcore", list, empty=True),
check_key("blockbook", list, empty=True),
def validate_btc(coin):
errors = []
for check in BTC_CHECKS:
except Exception as e:
magics = [
for k in (
if coin[k] is not None
# each of those must be unique
# therefore length of list == length of set of unique values
if len(magics) != len(set(magics)):
errors.append("XPUB/XPRV magic numbers must be unique")
if coin["address_type"] == coin["address_type_p2sh"]:
errors.append("address_type must be distinct from address_type_p2sh")
if not coin["maxfee_kb"] >= coin["minfee_kb"]:
errors.append("max fee must not be smaller than min fee")
if not coin["max_address_length"] >= coin["min_address_length"]:
errors.append("max address length must not be smaller than min address length")
for bc in coin["bitcore"] + coin["blockbook"]:
if bc.endswith("/"):
errors.append("make sure URLs don't end with '/'")
return errors
# ======= Coin json loaders =======
def _load_btc_coins():
"""Load btc-like coins from `coins/*.json`"""
coins = []
for filename in glob.glob(os.path.join(DEFS_DIR, "coins", "*.json")):
coin = load_json(filename)
icon=filename.replace(".json", ".png"),
return coins
def _load_ethereum_networks():
"""Load ethereum networks from `ethereum/networks.json`"""
networks = load_json("ethereum", "networks.json")
for network in networks:
return networks
def _load_erc20_tokens():
"""Load ERC20 tokens from `ethereum/tokens` submodule."""
networks = _load_ethereum_networks()
tokens = []
for network in networks:
if network["name"].startswith("Ethereum Testnet "):
idx = len("Ethereum Testnet ")
chain = network["name"][idx : idx + 3]
chain = network["shortcut"]
chain = chain.lower()
if not chain:
chain_path = os.path.join(DEFS_DIR, "ethereum", "tokens", "tokens", chain)
for filename in glob.glob(os.path.join(chain_path, "*.json")):
token = load_json(filename)
key="erc20:{}:{}".format(chain, token["symbol"]),
return tokens
def _load_nem_mosaics():
"""Loads NEM mosaics from `nem/nem_mosaics.json`"""
mosaics = load_json("nem", "nem_mosaics.json")
for mosaic in mosaics:
shortcut = mosaic["ticker"].strip()
mosaic.update(shortcut=shortcut, key="nem:{}".format(shortcut))
return mosaics
def _load_misc():
"""Loads miscellaneous networks from `misc/misc.json`"""
others = load_json("misc/misc.json")
for other in others:
return others
# ====== support info ======
RELEASES_URL = "{}/releases.json"
def get_support_data():
"""Get raw support data from `support.json`."""
return load_json("support.json")
def latest_releases():
"""Get latest released firmware versions for Trezor 1 and 2"""
if not requests:
raise RuntimeError("requests library is required for getting release info")
latest = {}
for v in ("1", "2"):
releases = requests.get(RELEASES_URL.format(v)).json()
latest[v] = max(tuple(r["version"]) for r in releases)
return latest
def support_info_single(support_data, coin):
"""Extract a support dict from `support.json` data.
Returns a dict of support values for each "device", i.e., `support.json`
top-level key.
The support value for each device is determined in order of priority:
* if the coin is marked as duplicate, all support values are `None`
* if the coin has an entry in `unsupported`, its support is `None`
* if the coin has an entry in `supported` its support is that entry
(usually a version string, or `True` for connect/webwallet)
* otherwise support is presumed "soon"
support_info = {}
key = coin["key"]
dup = coin.get("duplicate")
for device, values in support_data.items():
if dup:
support_value = None
elif key in values["unsupported"]:
support_value = None
elif key in values["supported"]:
support_value = values["supported"][key]
support_value = "soon"
support_info[device] = support_value
return support_info
def support_info(coins):
"""Generate Trezor support information.
Takes a collection of coins and generates a support-info entry for each.
The support-info is a dict with keys based on `support.json` keys.
These are usually: "trezor1", "trezor2", "connect" and "webwallet".
The `coins` argument can be a `CoinsInfo` object, a list or a dict of
coin items.
Support information is taken from `support.json`.
if isinstance(coins, CoinsInfo):
coins = coins.as_list()
elif isinstance(coins, dict):
coins = coins.values()
support_data = get_support_data()
support = {}
for coin in coins:
support[coin["key"]] = support_info_single(support_data, coin)
return support
# ====== data cleanup functions ======
def find_address_collisions(coins):
"""Detects collisions in:
- SLIP44 path prefixes
- address type numbers, both for p2pkh and p2sh
slip44 = defaultdict(list)
at_p2pkh = defaultdict(list)
at_p2sh = defaultdict(list)
for coin in coins:
name = coin["name"]
s = coin["slip44"]
# ignore m/1 testnets
if not (name.endswith("Testnet") and s == 1):
# skip address types on cashaddr currencies
if coin["cashaddr_prefix"]:
def prune(d):
ret = d.copy()
for key in d:
if len(d[key]) < 2:
del ret[key]
return ret
return dict(
def _ensure_mandatory_values(coins):
"""Checks that every coin has the mandatory fields: name, shortcut, key"""
for coin in coins:
if not all(coin.get(k) for k in ("name", "shortcut", "key")):
raise ValueError(coin)
def mark_duplicate_shortcuts(coins):
"""Finds coins with identical `shortcut`s.
Updates their keys and sets a `duplicate` field.
dup_symbols = defaultdict(list)
dup_keys = defaultdict(list)
def dups_only(dups):
return {k: v for k, v in dups.items() if len(v) > 1}
for coin in coins:
symsplit = coin["shortcut"].split(" ", maxsplit=1)
symbol = symsplit[0]
dup_symbols = dups_only(dup_symbols)
dup_keys = dups_only(dup_keys)
# mark duplicate symbols
for values in dup_symbols.values():
for coin in values:
coin["duplicate"] = True
# deduplicate keys
for values in dup_keys.values():
for i, coin in enumerate(values):
# presumably only duplicate symbols can have duplicate keys
assert coin.get("duplicate")
coin["key"] += f":{i}"
return dup_symbols
def _btc_sort_key(coin):
if coin["name"] in ("Bitcoin", "Testnet"):
return "000000" + coin["name"]
return coin["name"]
def get_all(deduplicate=True):
"""Returns all definition as dict organized by coin type.
`coins` for btc-like coins,
`eth` for ethereum networks,
`erc20` for ERC20 tokens,
`nem` for NEM mosaics,
`misc` for other networks.
Automatically removes duplicate symbols from the result.
all_coins = CoinsInfo(
for k, coins in all_coins.items():
if k == "coins":
elif k == "nem":
# do not sort nem
elif k == "eth":
# sort ethereum networks by chain_id
coins.sort(key=lambda c: c["chain_id"])
coins.sort(key=lambda c: c["key"].upper())
if deduplicate:
all_coins["erc20"] = [
coin for coin in all_coins["erc20"] if not coin.get("duplicate")
return all_coins