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45 lines
1.2 KiB

"coin_name": "Bitcore",
"coin_shortcut": "BTX",
"coin_label": "Bitcore",
"website": "",
"github": "",
"maintainer": "limxdev <>",
"curve_name": "secp256k1",
"decimals": 8,
"address_type": 3,
"address_type_p2sh": 125,
"maxfee_kb": 14000000000,
"minfee_kb": 1000,
"signed_message_header": "BitCore Signed Message:\n",
"hash_genesis_block": "604148281e5c4b7f2487e5d03cd60d8e6f69411d613f6448034508cea52e9574",
"xprv_magic": 76066276,
"xpub_magic": 76067358,
"xpub_magic_segwit_p2sh": 77429938,
"xpub_magic_segwit_native": 78792518,
"xpub_magic_multisig_segwit_p2sh": 76067358,
"xpub_magic_multisig_segwit_native": 76067358,
"bech32_prefix": "btx",
"cashaddr_prefix": null,
"slip44": 160,
"segwit": true,
"taproot": false,
"decred": false,
"fork_id": null,
"force_bip143": false,
"default_fee_b": {
"Low": 10
"dust_limit": 546,
"blocktime_seconds": 150,
"uri_prefix": "bitcore",
"min_address_length": 27,
"max_address_length": 34,
"negative_fee": false,
"cooldown": 100,
"overwintered": false,
"extra_data": false,
"timestamp": false,
"confidential_assets": null