You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

588 lines
17 KiB

#!/usr/bin/env python3
import io
import json
import logging
import re
import sys
import os
import glob
import binascii
import struct
import zlib
from collections import defaultdict
from hashlib import sha256
import click
import coin_info
from coindef import CoinDef
import termcolor
except ImportError:
termcolor = None
import mako
import mako.template
from munch import Munch
except ImportError:
import requests
except ImportError:
requests = None
import ed25519
from PIL import Image
from trezorlib import protobuf
except ImportError:
# ======= Crayon colors ======
def crayon(color, string, bold=False, dim=False):
if not termcolor or not USE_COLORS:
return string
if bold:
attrs = ["bold"]
elif dim:
attrs = ["dark"]
attrs = []
return termcolor.colored(string, color, attrs=attrs)
def print_log(level, *args, **kwargs):
prefix = logging.getLevelName(level)
if level == logging.DEBUG:
prefix = crayon("blue", prefix, bold=False)
elif level == logging.INFO:
prefix = crayon("blue", prefix, bold=True)
elif level == logging.WARNING:
prefix = crayon("red", prefix, bold=False)
elif level == logging.ERROR:
prefix = crayon("red", prefix, bold=True)
print(prefix, *args, **kwargs)
# ======= Mako management ======
def c_str_filter(b):
if b is None:
return "NULL"
def hexescape(c):
return r"\x{:02x}".format(c)
if isinstance(b, bytes):
return '"' + "".join(map(hexescape, b)) + '"'
return json.dumps(b)
def black_repr_filter(val):
if isinstance(val, str):
if '"' in val:
return repr(val)
return c_str_filter(val)
elif isinstance(val, bytes):
return "b" + c_str_filter(val)
return repr(val)
def ascii_filter(s):
return re.sub("[^ -\x7e]", "_", s)
def make_support_filter(support_info):
def supported_on(device, coins):
for coin in coins:
if support_info[coin.key].get(device):
yield coin
return supported_on
"c_str": c_str_filter,
"ascii": ascii_filter,
"black_repr": black_repr_filter,
def render_file(src, dst, coins, support_info):
"""Renders `src` template into `dst`.
`src` is a filename, `dst` is an open file object.
template = mako.template.Template(filename=src)
result = template.render(
# ====== validation functions ======
def highlight_key(coin, color):
keylist = coin["key"].split(":")
if keylist[-1].isdigit():
keylist[-2] = crayon(color, keylist[-2], bold=True)
keylist[-1] = crayon(color, keylist[-1], bold=True)
key = crayon(color, ":".join(keylist))
name = crayon(None, f"({coin['name']})", dim=True)
return f"{key} {name}"
def find_address_collisions(coins, field):
"""Detects collisions in a given field. Returns buckets of colliding coins."""
collisions = defaultdict(list)
for coin in coins:
value = coin[field]
return {k: v for k, v in collisions.items() if len(v) > 1}
def check_btc(coins):
check_passed = True
support_infos = coin_info.support_info(coins)
for coin in coins:
errors = coin_info.validate_btc(coin)
if errors:
check_passed = False
print_log(logging.ERROR, "invalid definition for", coin["name"])
def collision_str(bucket):
coin_strings = []
for coin in bucket:
name = coin["name"]
prefix = ""
if name.endswith("Testnet"):
color = "green"
elif name == "Bitcoin":
color = "red"
elif coin.get("unsupported"):
color = "grey"
prefix = crayon("blue", "(X)", bold=True)
color = "blue"
hl = highlight_key(coin, color)
coin_strings.append(prefix + hl)
return ", ".join(coin_strings)
def print_collision_buckets(buckets, prefix):
failed = False
for key, bucket in buckets.items():
mainnets = [c for c in bucket if not c["name"].endswith("Testnet")]
have_bitcoin = False
for coin in mainnets:
if coin["name"] == "Bitcoin":
have_bitcoin = True
if all(v is None for k,v in support_infos[coin["key"]].items()):
coin["unsupported"] = True
supported_mainnets = [c for c in mainnets if not c.get("unsupported")]
supported_networks = [c for c in bucket if not c.get("unsupported")]
if len(mainnets) > 1:
if have_bitcoin and len(supported_networks) > 1:
# ANY collision with Bitcoin is bad
level = logging.ERROR
failed = True
elif len(supported_mainnets) > 1:
# collision between supported networks is still pretty bad
level = logging.WARNING
# collision between some unsupported networks is OK
level = logging.INFO
print_log(level, f"prefix {key}:", collision_str(bucket))
return failed
# slip44 collisions
print("Checking SLIP44 prefix collisions...")
slip44 = find_address_collisions(coins, "slip44")
if print_collision_buckets(slip44, "key"):
check_passed = False
nocashaddr = [coin for coin in coins if not coin.get("cashaddr_prefix")]
print("Checking address_type collisions...")
address_type = find_address_collisions(nocashaddr, "address_type")
if print_collision_buckets(address_type, "address type"):
check_passed = False
print("Checking address_type_p2sh collisions...")
address_type_p2sh = find_address_collisions(nocashaddr, "address_type_p2sh")
# we ignore failed checks on P2SH, because reasons
print_collision_buckets(address_type_p2sh, "address type")
return check_passed
def check_dups(buckets, show_tok_notok, show_erc20):
def coin_str(coin):
if coin_info.is_token(coin):
color = "cyan"
color = "red"
highlighted = highlight_key(coin, color)
if not coin.get("duplicate"):
prefix = crayon("green", "*", bold=True)
prefix = ""
return f"{prefix}{highlighted}"
check_passed = True
for symbol in sorted(buckets.keys()):
bucket = buckets[symbol]
if not bucket:
nontokens = [coin for coin in bucket if not coin_info.is_token(coin)]
# string generation
dup_str = ", ".join(coin_str(coin) for coin in bucket)
if not nontokens:
level = logging.DEBUG
elif len(nontokens) == 1:
level = logging.INFO
level = logging.ERROR
check_passed = False
# deciding whether to print
if not nontokens and not show_erc20:
if len(nontokens) == 1 and not show_tok_notok:
if symbol == "_override":
print_log(level, "force-set duplicates:", dup_str)
print_log(level, f"duplicate symbol {symbol}:", dup_str)
return check_passed
def check_backends(coins):
check_passed = True
for coin in coins:
genesis_block = coin.get("hash_genesis_block")
if not genesis_block:
backends = coin.get("blockbook", []) + coin.get("bitcore", [])
for backend in backends:
print("checking", backend, "... ", end="", flush=True)
j = requests.get(backend + "/api/block-index/0").json()
if j["blockHash"] != genesis_block:
raise RuntimeError("genesis block mismatch")
except Exception as e:
check_passed = False
return check_passed
def check_icons(coins):
check_passed = True
for coin in coins:
key = coin["key"]
icon_file = coin.get("icon")
if not icon_file:
print(key, ": missing icon")
check_passed = False
icon =
except Exception:
print(key, ": failed to open icon file", icon_file)
check_passed = False
if icon.size != (96, 96) or icon.mode != "RGBA":
print(key, ": bad icon format (must be RGBA 96x96)")
check_passed = False
return check_passed
# ====== coindefs generators ======
def convert_icon(icon):
"""Convert PIL icon to TOIF format"""
# TODO: move this to python-trezor at some point
DIM = 32
icon = icon.resize((DIM, DIM), Image.LANCZOS)
# remove alpha channel, replace with black
bg ="RGBA", icon.size, (0, 0, 0, 255))
icon = Image.alpha_composite(bg, icon)
# process pixels
pix = icon.load()
data = bytes()
for y in range(DIM):
for x in range(DIM):
r, g, b, _ = pix[x, y]
c = ((r & 0xF8) << 8) | ((g & 0xFC) << 3) | ((b & 0xF8) >> 3)
data += struct.pack(">H", c)
z = zlib.compressobj(level=9, wbits=10)
zdata = z.compress(data) + z.flush()
zdata = zdata[2:-4] # strip header and checksum
return zdata
def coindef_from_dict(coin):
proto = CoinDef()
for fname, _, fflags in CoinDef.FIELDS.values():
val = coin.get(fname)
if val is None and fflags & protobuf.FLAG_REPEATED:
val = []
elif fname == "signed_message_header":
val = val.encode("utf-8")
elif fname == "hash_genesis_block":
val = binascii.unhexlify(val)
setattr(proto, fname, val)
return proto
def serialize_coindef(proto, icon):
proto.icon = icon
buf = io.BytesIO()
protobuf.dump_message(buf, proto)
return buf.getvalue()
def sign(data):
h = sha256(data).digest()
sign_key = ed25519.SigningKey(b"A" * 32)
return sign_key.sign(h)
# ====== click command handlers ======
help="Force colored output on/off",
def cli(colors):
USE_COLORS = colors
# fmt: off
@click.option("--missing-support/--no-missing-support", "-s", default=False, help="Fail if support info for a coin is missing")
@click.option("--backend/--no-backend", "-b", default=False, help="Check blockbook/bitcore responses")
@click.option("--icons/--no-icons", default=True, help="Check icon files")
@click.option("-d", "--show-duplicates", type=click.Choice(("all", "nontoken", "errors")),
default="errors", help="How much information about duplicate shortcuts should be shown.")
# fmt: on
def check(missing_support, backend, icons, show_duplicates):
"""Validate coin definitions.
Checks that every btc-like coin is properly filled out, reports address collisions
and missing support information.
The `--show-duplicates` option can be set to:
* all: all shortcut collisions are shown, including colliding ERC20 tokens
* nontoken: only collisions that affect non-ERC20 coins are shown
* errors: only collisions between non-ERC20 tokens are shown. This is the default,
as a collision between two or more non-ERC20 tokens is an error.
In the output, duplicate ERC tokens will be shown in cyan; duplicate non-tokens
in red. An asterisk (*) next to symbol name means that even though it was detected
as duplicate, it is still included in results.
The code checks that SLIP44 numbers don't collide between different mainnets
(testnet collisions are allowed), that `address_prefix` doesn't collide with
Bitcoin (other collisions are reported as warnings). `address_prefix_p2sh`
is also checked but we have a bunch of collisions there and can't do much
about them, so it's not an error.
In the collision checks, Bitcoin is shown in red, other mainnets in blue,
testnets in green and unsupported networks in gray, marked with `(X)` for
non-colored output.
if backend and requests is None:
raise click.ClickException("You must install requests for backend check")
if icons and not CAN_BUILD_DEFS:
raise click.ClickException("Missing requirements for icon check")
defs = coin_info.get_all(deduplicate=False)
buckets = coin_info.mark_duplicate_shortcuts(defs.as_list())
all_checks_passed = True
print("Checking BTC-like coins...")
if not check_btc(defs.coins):
all_checks_passed = False
if show_duplicates == "all":
show_tok_notok = True
show_erc20 = True
elif show_duplicates == "nontoken":
show_tok_notok = True
show_erc20 = False
show_tok_notok = False
show_erc20 = False
print("Checking unexpected duplicates...")
if not check_dups(buckets, show_tok_notok, show_erc20):
all_checks_passed = False
if icons:
print("Checking icon files...")
if not check_icons(defs.coins):
all_checks_passed = False
if backend:
print("Checking backend responses...")
if not check_backends(defs.coins):
all_checks_passed = False
if not all_checks_passed:
print("Some checks failed.")
print("Everything is OK.")
@click.option("-o", "--outfile", type=click.File(mode="w"), default="./coins.json")
def coins_json(outfile):
"""Generate coins.json for consumption in python-trezor and Connect/Wallet"""
coins = coin_info.get_all().coins
support_info = coin_info.support_info(coins)
by_name = {}
for coin in coins:
coin["support"] = support_info[coin["key"]]
by_name[coin["name"]] = coin
with outfile:
json.dump(by_name, outfile, indent=4, sort_keys=True)
@click.option("-o", "--outfile", type=click.File(mode="w"), default="./coindefs.json")
def coindefs(outfile):
"""Generate signed coin definitions for python-trezor and others
This is currently unused but should enable us to add new coins without having to
update firmware.
coins = coin_info.get_all().coins
coindefs = {}
for coin in coins:
key = coin["key"]
icon =["icon"])
ser = serialize_coindef(coindef_from_dict(coin), convert_icon(icon))
sig = sign(ser)
definition = binascii.hexlify(sig + ser).decode("ascii")
coindefs[key] = definition
with outfile:
json.dump(coindefs, outfile, indent=4, sort_keys=True)
# fmt: off
@click.argument("paths", metavar="[path]...", nargs=-1)
@click.option("-o", "--outfile", type=click.File("w"), help="Alternate output file")
@click.option("-v", "--verbose", is_flag=True, help="Print rendered file names")
# fmt: on
def render(paths, outfile, verbose):
"""Generate source code from Mako templates.
For every "" filename passed, runs the template and
saves the result as "". For every directory name passed,
processes all ".mako" files found in that directory.
If `-o` is specified, renders a single file into the specified outfile.
If no arguments are given, processes the current directory.
if not CAN_RENDER:
raise click.ClickException("Please install 'mako' and 'munch'")
if outfile and (len(paths) != 1 or not os.path.isfile(paths[0])):
raise click.ClickException("Option -o can only be used with single input file")
# prepare defs
defs = coin_info.get_all()
support_info = coin_info.support_info(defs)
# munch dicts - make them attribute-accessible
for key, value in defs.items():
defs[key] = [Munch(coin) for coin in value]
for key, value in support_info.items():
support_info[key] = Munch(value)
def do_render(src, dst):
if verbose:
click.echo("Rendering {} => {}".format(src, dst))
render_file(src, dst, defs, support_info)
# single in-out case
if outfile:
do_render(paths[0], outfile)
# find files in directories
if not paths:
paths = ["."]
files = []
for path in paths:
if not os.path.exists(path):
click.echo("Path {} does not exist".format(path))
elif os.path.isdir(path):
files += glob.glob(os.path.join(path, "*.mako"))
# render each file
for file in files:
if not file.endswith(".mako"):
click.echo("File {} does not end with .mako".format(file))
target = file[: -len(".mako")]
with open(target, "w") as dst:
do_render(file, dst)
if __name__ == "__main__":