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9 years ago
#TREZOR Core Bootloader
Bootloader code is split into two stages. See [Memory Layout]( for more info about in which sectors the code is stored.
First stage checks the integrity and signatures of second stage and runs it if everything is OK.
However, if first stage bootloader finds a valid second stage bootloader on the SD card (in raw format, no filesystem), it will replace the internal second stage, allowing an upgrade of the second stage.
First stage is stored in write-protected area, which means only upgrade of the second stage bootloader is allowed.
##Common notes
* Hash function used is SHA-256 and signature system is Ed25519 (allows combining signatures by multiple keys into one).
* All multibyte integer values are little endian.
##Bootloader Format
TREZOR Core (second stage) bootloader consists of 2 parts:
1. bootloader header
2. bootloader code
###Bootloader Header
Total length of bootloader header is 256 bytes.
| offset | length | name | description |
| 0x0000 | 4 | magic | firmware magic `TRZB` |
| 0x0004 | 4 | hlen | length of the bootloader header |
| 0x0008 | 4 | expiry | valid until timestamp (0=infinity) |
| 0x000C | 4 | codelen | length of the bootloader code |
| 0x0010 | 1 | vmajor | version (major) |
| 0x0011 | 1 | vminor | version (minor) |
| 0x0012 | 1 | vpatch | version (patch) |
| 0x0013 | 1 | vbuild | version (build) |
| 0x0014 | 1 | slsigidx | SatoshiLabs signature indexes (bitmap) |
| 0x0015 | 64 | slsig | SatoshiLabs signature |
| 0x0079 | 135 | reserved | not used yet |
##Firmware Format
TREZOR Core firmware consists of 3 parts:
1. vendor header
2. firmware header
3. firmware code
###Vendor Header
Total length of vendor header is 82 + 32 * (number of pubkeys) + (length of vendor string) + (length of vendor image) bytes rounded up to the closest multiply of 256 bytes.
| offset | length | name | description |
| 0x0000 | 4 | magic | firmware magic `TRZV` |
| 0x0004 | 4 | hlen | length of the vendor header |
| 0x0008 | 4 | expiry | valid until timestamp (0=infinity) |
| 0x000C | 1 | vsig_m | number of signatures needed to run the firmware from this vendor |
| 0x000D | 1 | vsig_n | number of pubkeys vendor wants to use for signing |
| 0x000E | 2 | reserved | not used yet |
| 0x0010 | 32 | vpub1 | vendor pubkey 1 |
| ... | ... | ... | ... |
| ? | 32 | vpubn | vendor pubkey n |
| ? | 1 | vstr_len | vendor string length |
| ? | ? | vstr | vendor string |
| ? | ? | vimg | vendor image (in [TOIf format]( |
| ? | 1 | slsigidx | SatoshiLabs signature indexes (bitmap) |
| ? | 64 | slsig | SatoshiLabs signature |
###Firmware Header
Total length of firmware header is 256 bytes.
| offset | length | name | description |
| 0x0000 | 4 | magic | firmware magic `TRZF` |
| 0x0004 | 4 | hlen | length of the firmware header |
| 0x0008 | 4 | expiry | valid until timestamp (0=infinity) |
| 0x000C | 4 | codelen | length of the firmware code |
| 0x0010 | 1 | vmajor | version (major) |
| 0x0011 | 1 | vminor | version (minor) |
| 0x0012 | 1 | vpatch | version (patch) |
| 0x0013 | 1 | vbuild | version (build) |
| 0x0014 | 1 | vndsigidx | vendor signature indexes (bitmap) |
| 0x0015 | 64 | vndsig | vendor signature |
| 0x0079 | 135 | reserved | not used yet |
##Various ideas
* Bootloader should be able to read vendor+firmware header and send info about FW to client in features message.
* Bootloader should not try to run firmware if there is not any.
* Storage wiping rule: Don't erase storage when old FW and new FW are signed using the same key set. Otherwise erase.
* Bootloader should send error to client when firmware update fails and allow client to try one more time. This prevents storage area erasure by accident.