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from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
from trezor.crypto.hashlib import sha256
from trezor.utils import HashWriter
from apps.common import coininfo
from .. import scripts, writers
from ..common import tagged_hashwriter
from typing import Protocol, Sequence
from ..common import SigHashType
from trezor.messages import PrevTx, SignTx, TxInput, TxOutput
class SigHasher(Protocol):
def add_input(self, txi: TxInput, script_pubkey: bytes) -> None:
def add_output(self, txo: TxOutput, script_pubkey: bytes) -> None:
def hash143(
txi: TxInput,
public_keys: Sequence[bytes | memoryview],
threshold: int,
tx: SignTx | PrevTx,
coin: coininfo.CoinInfo,
hash_type: int,
) -> bytes:
def hash341(
i: int,
tx: SignTx | PrevTx,
sighash_type: SigHashType,
) -> bytes:
def hash_zip244(
txi: TxInput | None,
script_pubkey: bytes | None,
) -> bytes:
# BIP-0143 hash
class BitcoinSigHasher:
def __init__(self) -> None:
self.h_prevouts = HashWriter(sha256())
self.h_amounts = HashWriter(sha256())
self.h_scriptpubkeys = HashWriter(sha256())
self.h_sequences = HashWriter(sha256())
self.h_outputs = HashWriter(sha256())
def add_input(self, txi: TxInput, script_pubkey: bytes) -> None:
self.h_prevouts, txi.prev_hash, writers.TX_HASH_SIZE
writers.write_uint32(self.h_prevouts, txi.prev_index)
writers.write_uint64(self.h_amounts, txi.amount)
writers.write_bytes_prefixed(self.h_scriptpubkeys, script_pubkey)
writers.write_uint32(self.h_sequences, txi.sequence)
def add_output(self, txo: TxOutput, script_pubkey: bytes) -> None:
writers.write_tx_output(self.h_outputs, txo, script_pubkey)
def hash143(
txi: TxInput,
public_keys: Sequence[bytes | memoryview],
threshold: int,
tx: SignTx | PrevTx,
coin: coininfo.CoinInfo,
hash_type: int,
) -> bytes:
h_preimage = HashWriter(sha256())
# nVersion
writers.write_uint32(h_preimage, tx.version)
# hashPrevouts
prevouts_hash = writers.get_tx_hash(
self.h_prevouts, double=coin.sign_hash_double
writers.write_bytes_fixed(h_preimage, prevouts_hash, writers.TX_HASH_SIZE)
# hashSequence
sequence_hash = writers.get_tx_hash(
self.h_sequences, double=coin.sign_hash_double
writers.write_bytes_fixed(h_preimage, sequence_hash, writers.TX_HASH_SIZE)
# outpoint
writers.write_bytes_reversed(h_preimage, txi.prev_hash, writers.TX_HASH_SIZE)
writers.write_uint32(h_preimage, txi.prev_index)
# scriptCode
h_preimage, txi, public_keys, threshold, coin
# amount
writers.write_uint64(h_preimage, txi.amount)
# nSequence
writers.write_uint32(h_preimage, txi.sequence)
# hashOutputs
outputs_hash = writers.get_tx_hash(self.h_outputs, double=coin.sign_hash_double)
writers.write_bytes_fixed(h_preimage, outputs_hash, writers.TX_HASH_SIZE)
# nLockTime
writers.write_uint32(h_preimage, tx.lock_time)
# nHashType
writers.write_uint32(h_preimage, hash_type)
return writers.get_tx_hash(h_preimage, double=coin.sign_hash_double)
def hash341(
i: int,
tx: SignTx | PrevTx,
sighash_type: SigHashType,
) -> bytes:
h_sigmsg = tagged_hashwriter(b"TapSighash")
# sighash epoch 0
writers.write_uint8(h_sigmsg, 0)
# nHashType
writers.write_uint8(h_sigmsg, sighash_type & 0xFF)
# nVersion
writers.write_uint32(h_sigmsg, tx.version)
# nLockTime
writers.write_uint32(h_sigmsg, tx.lock_time)
# sha_prevouts
h_sigmsg, self.h_prevouts.get_digest(), writers.TX_HASH_SIZE
# sha_amounts
h_sigmsg, self.h_amounts.get_digest(), writers.TX_HASH_SIZE
# sha_scriptpubkeys
h_sigmsg, self.h_scriptpubkeys.get_digest(), writers.TX_HASH_SIZE
# sha_sequences
h_sigmsg, self.h_sequences.get_digest(), writers.TX_HASH_SIZE
# sha_outputs
h_sigmsg, self.h_outputs.get_digest(), writers.TX_HASH_SIZE
# spend_type 0 (no tapscript message extension, no annex)
writers.write_uint8(h_sigmsg, 0)
# input_index
writers.write_uint32(h_sigmsg, i)
return h_sigmsg.get_digest()
def hash_zip244(
txi: TxInput | None,
script_pubkey: bytes | None,
) -> bytes:
raise NotImplementedError