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from typing import *
class FlashOTP:
11 months ago
def __init__(self) -> None:
def write(self, block: int, offset: int, data: bytes) -> None:
Writes data to OTP flash
def read(self, block: int, offset: int, data: bytearray) -> None:
Reads data from OTP flash
def lock(self, block: int) -> None:
Lock OTP flash block
def is_locked(self, block: int) -> bool:
Is OTP flash block locked?
class HID:
11 months ago
USB HID interface configuration.
def __init__(
iface_num: int,
ep_in: int,
ep_out: int,
emu_port: int,
report_desc: bytes,
subclass: int = 0,
protocol: int = 0,
polling_interval: int = 1,
max_packet_len: int = 64,
) -> None:
def iface_num(self) -> int:
Returns the configured number of this interface.
def write(self, msg: bytes) -> int:
Sends message using USB HID (device) or UDP (emulator).
def write_blocking(self, msg: bytes, timeout_ms: int) -> int:
Sends message using USB HID (device) or UDP (emulator).
def poll(ifaces: Iterable[int], list_ref: list, timeout_ms: int) -> bool:
Wait until one of `ifaces` is ready to read or write (using masks
11 months ago
`list_ref[0]` - the interface number, including the mask
`list_ref[1]` - for touch event, tuple of:
(event_type, x_position, y_position)
- for button event (T1), tuple of:
(event type, button number)
- for USB read event, received bytes
11 months ago
If timeout occurs, False is returned, True otherwise.
class SBU:
11 months ago
def __init__(self) -> None:
def set(self, sbu1: bool, sbu2: bool) -> None:
Sets SBU wires to sbu1 and sbu2 values respectively
class USB:
11 months ago
USB device configuration.
def __init__(
vendor_id: int,
product_id: int,
release_num: int,
device_class: int = 0,
device_subclass: int = 0,
device_protocol: int = 0,
manufacturer: str = "",
product: str = "",
interface: str = "",
usb21_enabled: bool = True,
usb21_landing: bool = True,
) -> None:
def add(self, iface: HID | VCP | WebUSB) -> None:
Registers passed interface into the USB stack.
def open(self, serial_number: str) -> None:
Initializes the USB stack.
def close(self) -> None:
Cleans up the USB stack.
class VCP:
11 months ago
USB VCP interface configuration.
def __init__(
iface_num: int,
data_iface_num: int,
ep_in: int,
ep_out: int,
ep_cmd: int,
emu_port: int,
) -> None:
def iface_num(self) -> int:
Returns the configured number of this interface.
class WebUSB:
11 months ago
USB WebUSB interface configuration.
def __init__(
iface_num: int,
ep_in: int,
ep_out: int,
emu_port: int,
subclass: int = 0,
protocol: int = 0,
polling_interval: int = 1,
max_packet_len: int = 64,
) -> None:
def iface_num(self) -> int:
Returns the configured number of this interface.
def write(self, msg: bytes) -> int:
Sends message using USB WebUSB (device) or UDP (emulator).
from . import fatfs, sdcard
POLL_READ: int # wait until interface is readable and return read data
POLL_WRITE: int # wait until interface is writable
11 months ago
TOUCH: int # interface id of the touch events
TOUCH_START: int # event id of touch start event
TOUCH_MOVE: int # event id of touch move event
TOUCH_END: int # event id of touch end event
BUTTON: int # interface id of button events
BUTTON_PRESSED: int # button down event
BUTTON_RELEASED: int # button up event
BUTTON_LEFT: int # button number of left button
BUTTON_RIGHT: int # button number of right button
USB_CHECK: int # interface id for check of USB data connection
WireInterface = Union[HID, WebUSB]