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84 lines
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from trezor import wire
from apps.common import HARDENED, coininfo
from apps.common.keychain import get_keychain
from .common import BITCOIN_NAMES
if False:
from protobuf import MessageType
from typing import Callable, Optional, Tuple, TypeVar
from typing_extensions import Protocol
from apps.common.keychain import Keychain, MsgOut, Handler
class MsgWithCoinName(MessageType, Protocol):
coin_name = ... # type: Optional[str]
MsgIn = TypeVar("MsgIn", bound=MsgWithCoinName)
HandlerWithCoinInfo = Callable[
[wire.Context, MsgIn, Keychain, coininfo.CoinInfo], MsgOut
def get_namespaces_for_coin(coin: coininfo.CoinInfo):
namespaces = []
slip44_id = coin.slip44 | HARDENED
# BIP-44 - legacy: m/44'/slip44' (/account'/change/addr)
namespaces.append([44 | HARDENED, slip44_id])
# BIP-45 - multisig cosigners: m/45' (/cosigner/change/addr)
namespaces.append([45 | HARDENED])
# "purpose48" - multisig as done by Electrum
# m/48'/slip44' (/account'/script_type'/change/addr)
namespaces.append([48 | HARDENED, slip44_id])
if coin.segwit:
# BIP-49 - p2sh segwit: m/49'/slip44' (/account'/change/addr)
namespaces.append([49 | HARDENED, slip44_id])
# BIP-84 - native segwit: m/84'/slip44' (/account'/change/addr)
namespaces.append([84 | HARDENED, slip44_id])
if coin.coin_name in BITCOIN_NAMES:
# compatibility namespace for Casa
namespaces.append([49, slip44_id])
# compatibility namespace for Greenaddress:
# m/branch/address_pointer, for branch in (1, 4)
# m/3'/subaccount'/branch/address_pointer
namespaces.append([3 | HARDENED])
# sign msg:
# m/0x4741b11e
# m/0x4741b11e/6/pointer
return namespaces
async def get_keychain_for_coin(
ctx: wire.Context, coin_name: Optional[str]
) -> Tuple[Keychain, coininfo.CoinInfo]:
if coin_name is None:
coin_name = "Bitcoin"
coin = coininfo.by_name(coin_name)
except ValueError:
raise wire.DataError("Unsupported coin type")
namespaces = get_namespaces_for_coin(coin)
slip21_namespaces = [[b"SLIP-0019"]]
keychain = await get_keychain(ctx, coin.curve_name, namespaces, slip21_namespaces)
return keychain, coin
def with_keychain(func: HandlerWithCoinInfo[MsgIn, MsgOut]) -> Handler[MsgIn, MsgOut]:
async def wrapper(ctx: wire.Context, msg: MsgIn) -> MsgOut:
keychain, coin = await get_keychain_for_coin(ctx, msg.coin_name)
with keychain:
return await func(ctx, msg, keychain, coin)
return wrapper