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162 lines
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# It assumes largest possible signature size for all inputs. For segwit
# multisig it can be .25 bytes off due to difference between segwit
# encoding (varint) vs. non-segwit encoding (op_push) of the multisig script.
# Heavily inspired by:
from micropython import const
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
from trezor import wire
from trezor.enums import InputScriptType
from .. import common, ownership
from trezor.messages import TxInput
# transaction header size: 4 byte version
_TXSIZE_HEADER = const(4)
# transaction footer size: 4 byte lock time
_TXSIZE_FOOTER = const(4)
# transaction segwit overhead 2 (marker, flag)
# transaction input size (without script): 32 prevhash, 4 idx, 4 sequence
_TXSIZE_INPUT = const(40)
# transaction output size (without script): 8 amount
_TXSIZE_OUTPUT = const(8)
# size of a pubkey
_TXSIZE_PUBKEY = const(33)
# maximum size of a DER signature (3 type bytes, 3 len bytes, 33 R, 32 S, 1 sighash)
# size of a Schnorr signature (32 R, 32 S, no sighash)
# size of a multiscript without pubkey (1 M, 1 N, 1 checksig)
# size of a p2wpkh script (1 version, 1 push, 20 hash)
# size of a p2wsh script (1 version, 1 push, 32 hash)
class TxWeightCalculator:
def __init__(self) -> None:
self.inputs_count = 0
self.outputs_count = 0
self.counter = 4 * (_TXSIZE_HEADER + _TXSIZE_FOOTER)
self.segwit_inputs_count = 0
def add_input(self, i: TxInput) -> None:
self.inputs_count += 1
script_type = i.script_type
if common.input_is_external_unverified(i):
assert i.script_pubkey is not None # checked in sanitize_tx_input
# Guess the script type from the scriptPubKey.
if i.script_pubkey[0] == 0x76: # OP_DUP (P2PKH)
script_type = InputScriptType.SPENDADDRESS
elif i.script_pubkey[0] == 0xA9: # OP_HASH_160 (P2SH)
# Probably nested P2WPKH.
script_type = InputScriptType.SPENDP2SHWITNESS
elif i.script_pubkey[0] == 0x00: # SegWit v0 (probably P2WPKH)
script_type = InputScriptType.SPENDWITNESS
elif i.script_pubkey[0] == 0x51: # SegWit v1 (P2TR)
script_type = InputScriptType.SPENDTAPROOT
else: # Unknown script type.
if i.multisig:
if script_type == InputScriptType.SPENDTAPROOT:
raise wire.ProcessError("Multisig not supported for taproot")
n = len(i.multisig.nodes) if i.multisig.nodes else len(i.multisig.pubkeys)
multisig_script_size = _TXSIZE_MULTISIGSCRIPT + n * (1 + _TXSIZE_PUBKEY)
if script_type in common.SEGWIT_INPUT_SCRIPT_TYPES:
multisig_script_size += self.compact_size_len(multisig_script_size)
multisig_script_size += self.op_push_len(multisig_script_size)
input_script_size = (
1 # the OP_FALSE bug in multisig
+ i.multisig.m * (1 + _TXSIZE_DER_SIGNATURE)
6 years ago
+ multisig_script_size
elif script_type == InputScriptType.SPENDTAPROOT:
input_script_size = 1 + _TXSIZE_SCHNORR_SIGNATURE
input_script_size = 1 + _TXSIZE_DER_SIGNATURE + 1 + _TXSIZE_PUBKEY
self.counter += 4 * _TXSIZE_INPUT
if script_type in common.NONSEGWIT_INPUT_SCRIPT_TYPES:
input_script_size += self.compact_size_len(input_script_size)
self.counter += 4 * input_script_size
elif script_type in common.SEGWIT_INPUT_SCRIPT_TYPES:
self.segwit_inputs_count += 1
if script_type == InputScriptType.SPENDP2SHWITNESS:
# add script_sig size
if i.multisig:
self.counter += 4 * (2 + _TXSIZE_WITNESSSCRIPT)
self.counter += 4 * (2 + _TXSIZE_WITNESSPKHASH)
self.counter += 4 # empty script_sig (1 byte)
self.counter += 1 + input_script_size # discounted witness
elif script_type == InputScriptType.EXTERNAL:
if i.ownership_proof:
script_sig, witness = ownership.read_scriptsig_witness(
script_sig_size = len(script_sig)
witness_size = len(witness)
script_sig_size = len(i.script_sig or b"")
witness_size = len(i.witness or b"")
if witness_size > 1:
self.segwit_inputs_count += 1
self.counter += 4 * (
self.compact_size_len(script_sig_size) + script_sig_size
self.counter += witness_size
raise wire.DataError("Invalid script type")
4 years ago
def add_output(self, script: bytes) -> None:
self.outputs_count += 1
script_size = self.compact_size_len(len(script)) + len(script)
self.counter += 4 * (_TXSIZE_OUTPUT + script_size)
def get_total(self) -> int:
total = self.counter
total += 4 * self.compact_size_len(self.inputs_count)
total += 4 * self.compact_size_len(self.outputs_count)
if self.segwit_inputs_count:
# add one byte of witness stack item count per non-segwit input
total += self.inputs_count - self.segwit_inputs_count
return total
def compact_size_len(length: int) -> int:
if length < 253:
return 1
if length < 0x1_0000:
return 3
return 5
def op_push_len(length: int) -> int:
if length < 0x4C:
return 1
if length < 0x100:
return 2
if length < 0x1_0000:
return 3
return 5