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from trezor.crypto import hashlib
from apps.cardano.helpers.paths import ACCOUNT_PATH_INDEX, unharden
from . import bech32
if False:
from typing import List, Optional
def variable_length_encode(number: int) -> bytes:
Used for pointer encoding in pointer address.
Encoding description can be found here:
if number < 0:
raise ValueError("Negative numbers not supported. Number supplied: %s" % number)
encoded = []
bit_length = len(bin(number)[2:])
encoded.append(number & 127)
while bit_length > 7:
number >>= 7
bit_length -= 7
encoded.insert(0, (number & 127) + 128)
return bytes(encoded)
def to_account_path(path: List[int]) -> List[int]:
return path[: ACCOUNT_PATH_INDEX + 1]
def format_account_number(path: List[int]) -> str:
if len(path) <= ACCOUNT_PATH_INDEX:
raise ValueError("Path is too short.")
return "#%d" % (unharden(path[ACCOUNT_PATH_INDEX]) + 1)
def format_optional_int(number: Optional[int]) -> str:
if number is None:
return "n/a"
return str(number)
def format_stake_pool_id(pool_id_bytes: bytes) -> str:
return bech32.encode("pool", pool_id_bytes)
def format_asset_fingerprint(policy_id: bytes, asset_name_bytes: bytes) -> str:
fingerprint = hashlib.blake2b(
# bytearrays are being promoted to bytes:
# but bytearrays are not concatenable, this casting works around this limitation
data=bytes(policy_id) + bytes(asset_name_bytes),
return bech32.encode("asset", fingerprint)