You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

413 lines
16 KiB

11 years ago
/* Automatically generated nanopb header */
/* Generated by nanopb- */
11 years ago
#ifndef _PB_TYPES_PB_H_
#define _PB_TYPES_PB_H_
11 years ago
#include "pb.h"
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
/* Enum definitions */
typedef enum _FailureType {
FailureType_Failure_UnexpectedMessage = 1,
FailureType_Failure_ButtonExpected = 2,
FailureType_Failure_SyntaxError = 3,
FailureType_Failure_ActionCancelled = 4,
FailureType_Failure_PinExpected = 5,
FailureType_Failure_PinCancelled = 6,
FailureType_Failure_PinInvalid = 7,
FailureType_Failure_InvalidSignature = 8,
FailureType_Failure_Other = 9,
FailureType_Failure_NotEnoughFunds = 10,
FailureType_Failure_NotInitialized = 11,
FailureType_Failure_FirmwareError = 99
} FailureType;
typedef enum _OutputScriptType {
OutputScriptType_PAYTOADDRESS = 0,
OutputScriptType_PAYTOSCRIPTHASH = 1,
10 years ago
OutputScriptType_PAYTOMULTISIG = 2,
8 years ago
OutputScriptType_PAYTOOPRETURN = 3,
OutputScriptType_PAYTOWITNESS = 4,
OutputScriptType_PAYTOP2SHWITNESS = 5
} OutputScriptType;
typedef enum _InputScriptType {
InputScriptType_SPENDADDRESS = 0,
8 years ago
InputScriptType_SPENDMULTISIG = 1,
InputScriptType_EXTERNAL = 2,
InputScriptType_SPENDWITNESS = 3,
InputScriptType_SPENDP2SHWITNESS = 4
} InputScriptType;
11 years ago
typedef enum _RequestType {
RequestType_TXINPUT = 0,
RequestType_TXOUTPUT = 1,
RequestType_TXMETA = 2,
RequestType_TXFINISHED = 3,
RequestType_TXEXTRADATA = 4
11 years ago
} RequestType;
typedef enum _ButtonRequestType {
ButtonRequestType_ButtonRequest_Other = 1,
ButtonRequestType_ButtonRequest_FeeOverThreshold = 2,
ButtonRequestType_ButtonRequest_ConfirmOutput = 3,
ButtonRequestType_ButtonRequest_ResetDevice = 4,
ButtonRequestType_ButtonRequest_ConfirmWord = 5,
ButtonRequestType_ButtonRequest_WipeDevice = 6,
ButtonRequestType_ButtonRequest_ProtectCall = 7,
ButtonRequestType_ButtonRequest_SignTx = 8,
ButtonRequestType_ButtonRequest_FirmwareCheck = 9,
ButtonRequestType_ButtonRequest_Address = 10,
ButtonRequestType_ButtonRequest_PublicKey = 11
11 years ago
} ButtonRequestType;
typedef enum _PinMatrixRequestType {
PinMatrixRequestType_PinMatrixRequestType_Current = 1,
PinMatrixRequestType_PinMatrixRequestType_NewFirst = 2,
PinMatrixRequestType_PinMatrixRequestType_NewSecond = 3
} PinMatrixRequestType;
8 years ago
typedef enum _RecoveryDeviceType {
RecoveryDeviceType_RecoveryDeviceType_ScrambledWords = 0,
RecoveryDeviceType_RecoveryDeviceType_Matrix = 1
} RecoveryDeviceType;
typedef enum _WordRequestType {
WordRequestType_WordRequestType_Plain = 0,
WordRequestType_WordRequestType_Matrix9 = 1,
WordRequestType_WordRequestType_Matrix6 = 2
} WordRequestType;
11 years ago
/* Struct definitions */
typedef struct _CoinType {
bool has_coin_name;
char coin_name[17];
bool has_coin_shortcut;
char coin_shortcut[9];
bool has_address_type;
uint32_t address_type;
bool has_maxfee_kb;
uint64_t maxfee_kb;
bool has_address_type_p2sh;
uint32_t address_type_p2sh;
bool has_address_type_p2wpkh;
uint32_t address_type_p2wpkh;
bool has_address_type_p2wsh;
uint32_t address_type_p2wsh;
bool has_signed_message_header;
char signed_message_header[32];
11 years ago
} CoinType;
typedef struct {
size_t size;
uint8_t bytes[32];
} HDNodeType_chain_code_t;
11 years ago
typedef struct {
size_t size;
uint8_t bytes[32];
} HDNodeType_private_key_t;
11 years ago
typedef struct {
size_t size;
uint8_t bytes[33];
} HDNodeType_public_key_t;
11 years ago
typedef struct _HDNodeType {
uint32_t depth;
uint32_t fingerprint;
uint32_t child_num;
HDNodeType_chain_code_t chain_code;
bool has_private_key;
HDNodeType_private_key_t private_key;
bool has_public_key;
HDNodeType_public_key_t public_key;
} HDNodeType;
10 years ago
typedef struct _IdentityType {
bool has_proto;
char proto[9];
bool has_user;
char user[64];
bool has_host;
char host[64];
bool has_port;
char port[6];
bool has_path;
char path[256];
bool has_index;
uint32_t index;
} IdentityType;
typedef struct {
size_t size;
uint8_t bytes[520];
} TxOutputBinType_script_pubkey_t;
11 years ago
typedef struct _TxOutputBinType {
uint64_t amount;
TxOutputBinType_script_pubkey_t script_pubkey;
} TxOutputBinType;
typedef struct {
size_t size;
uint8_t bytes[32];
} TxRequestDetailsType_tx_hash_t;
11 years ago
typedef struct _TxRequestDetailsType {
bool has_request_index;
uint32_t request_index;
bool has_tx_hash;
TxRequestDetailsType_tx_hash_t tx_hash;
bool has_extra_data_len;
uint32_t extra_data_len;
bool has_extra_data_offset;
uint32_t extra_data_offset;
11 years ago
} TxRequestDetailsType;
typedef struct {
size_t size;
uint8_t bytes[73];
} TxRequestSerializedType_signature_t;
11 years ago
typedef struct {
size_t size;
uint8_t bytes[2048];
} TxRequestSerializedType_serialized_tx_t;
11 years ago
typedef struct _TxRequestSerializedType {
bool has_signature_index;
uint32_t signature_index;
bool has_signature;
TxRequestSerializedType_signature_t signature;
bool has_serialized_tx;
TxRequestSerializedType_serialized_tx_t serialized_tx;
} TxRequestSerializedType;
typedef struct _HDNodePathType {
HDNodeType node;
size_t address_n_count;
uint32_t address_n[8];
} HDNodePathType;
typedef struct {
size_t size;
uint8_t bytes[73];
} MultisigRedeemScriptType_signatures_t;
typedef struct _MultisigRedeemScriptType {
size_t pubkeys_count;
HDNodePathType pubkeys[15];
size_t signatures_count;
MultisigRedeemScriptType_signatures_t signatures[15];
bool has_m;
uint32_t m;
} MultisigRedeemScriptType;
typedef struct {
size_t size;
uint8_t bytes[32];
} TxInputType_prev_hash_t;
typedef struct {
size_t size;
uint8_t bytes[1650];
} TxInputType_script_sig_t;
typedef struct _TxInputType {
size_t address_n_count;
uint32_t address_n[8];
TxInputType_prev_hash_t prev_hash;
uint32_t prev_index;
bool has_script_sig;
TxInputType_script_sig_t script_sig;
bool has_sequence;
uint32_t sequence;
bool has_script_type;
InputScriptType script_type;
bool has_multisig;
MultisigRedeemScriptType multisig;
8 years ago
bool has_amount;
uint64_t amount;
} TxInputType;
10 years ago
typedef struct {
size_t size;
uint8_t bytes[80];
} TxOutputType_op_return_data_t;
typedef struct _TxOutputType {
bool has_address;
8 years ago
char address[41];
size_t address_n_count;
uint32_t address_n[8];
uint64_t amount;
OutputScriptType script_type;
bool has_multisig;
MultisigRedeemScriptType multisig;
10 years ago
bool has_op_return_data;
TxOutputType_op_return_data_t op_return_data;
} TxOutputType;
typedef struct {
size_t size;
uint8_t bytes[1024];
} TransactionType_extra_data_t;
11 years ago
typedef struct _TransactionType {
bool has_version;
uint32_t version;
size_t inputs_count;
TxInputType inputs[1];
size_t bin_outputs_count;
TxOutputBinType bin_outputs[1];
11 years ago
bool has_lock_time;
uint32_t lock_time;
size_t outputs_count;
TxOutputType outputs[1];
11 years ago
bool has_inputs_cnt;
uint32_t inputs_cnt;
bool has_outputs_cnt;
uint32_t outputs_cnt;
bool has_extra_data;
TransactionType_extra_data_t extra_data;
bool has_extra_data_len;
uint32_t extra_data_len;
11 years ago
} TransactionType;
/* Extensions */
extern const pb_extension_type_t wire_in;
extern const pb_extension_type_t wire_out;
extern const pb_extension_type_t wire_debug_in;
extern const pb_extension_type_t wire_debug_out;
/* Default values for struct fields */
extern const uint32_t CoinType_address_type_default;
extern const uint32_t CoinType_address_type_p2sh_default;
extern const uint32_t CoinType_address_type_p2wpkh_default;
extern const uint32_t CoinType_address_type_p2wsh_default;
11 years ago
extern const uint32_t TxInputType_sequence_default;
extern const InputScriptType TxInputType_script_type_default;
10 years ago
extern const uint32_t IdentityType_index_default;
11 years ago
/* Initializer values for message structs */
#define HDNodeType_init_default {0, 0, 0, {0, {0}}, false, {0, {0}}, false, {0, {0}}}
#define HDNodePathType_init_default {HDNodeType_init_default, 0, {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}}
#define CoinType_init_default {false, "", false, "", false, 0u, false, 0, false, 5u, false, 6u, false, 10u, false, ""}
#define MultisigRedeemScriptType_init_default {0, {HDNodePathType_init_default, HDNodePathType_init_default, HDNodePathType_init_default, HDNodePathType_init_default, HDNodePathType_init_default, HDNodePathType_init_default, HDNodePathType_init_default, HDNodePathType_init_default, HDNodePathType_init_default, HDNodePathType_init_default, HDNodePathType_init_default, HDNodePathType_init_default, HDNodePathType_init_default, HDNodePathType_init_default, HDNodePathType_init_default}, 0, {{0, {0}}, {0, {0}}, {0, {0}}, {0, {0}}, {0, {0}}, {0, {0}}, {0, {0}}, {0, {0}}, {0, {0}}, {0, {0}}, {0, {0}}, {0, {0}}, {0, {0}}, {0, {0}}, {0, {0}}}, false, 0}
8 years ago
#define TxInputType_init_default {0, {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, {0, {0}}, 0, false, {0, {0}}, false, 4294967295u, false, InputScriptType_SPENDADDRESS, false, MultisigRedeemScriptType_init_default, false, 0}
10 years ago
#define TxOutputType_init_default {false, "", 0, {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, 0, (OutputScriptType)0, false, MultisigRedeemScriptType_init_default, false, {0, {0}}}
#define TxOutputBinType_init_default {0, {0, {0}}}
#define TransactionType_init_default {false, 0, 0, {TxInputType_init_default}, 0, {TxOutputBinType_init_default}, false, 0, 0, {TxOutputType_init_default}, false, 0, false, 0, false, {0, {0}}, false, 0}
#define TxRequestDetailsType_init_default {false, 0, false, {0, {0}}, false, 0, false, 0}
#define TxRequestSerializedType_init_default {false, 0, false, {0, {0}}, false, {0, {0}}}
10 years ago
#define IdentityType_init_default {false, "", false, "", false, "", false, "", false, "", false, 0u}
#define HDNodeType_init_zero {0, 0, 0, {0, {0}}, false, {0, {0}}, false, {0, {0}}}
#define HDNodePathType_init_zero {HDNodeType_init_zero, 0, {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}}
#define CoinType_init_zero {false, "", false, "", false, 0, false, 0, false, 0, false, 0, false, 0, false, ""}
#define MultisigRedeemScriptType_init_zero {0, {HDNodePathType_init_zero, HDNodePathType_init_zero, HDNodePathType_init_zero, HDNodePathType_init_zero, HDNodePathType_init_zero, HDNodePathType_init_zero, HDNodePathType_init_zero, HDNodePathType_init_zero, HDNodePathType_init_zero, HDNodePathType_init_zero, HDNodePathType_init_zero, HDNodePathType_init_zero, HDNodePathType_init_zero, HDNodePathType_init_zero, HDNodePathType_init_zero}, 0, {{0, {0}}, {0, {0}}, {0, {0}}, {0, {0}}, {0, {0}}, {0, {0}}, {0, {0}}, {0, {0}}, {0, {0}}, {0, {0}}, {0, {0}}, {0, {0}}, {0, {0}}, {0, {0}}, {0, {0}}}, false, 0}
8 years ago
#define TxInputType_init_zero {0, {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, {0, {0}}, 0, false, {0, {0}}, false, 0, false, (InputScriptType)0, false, MultisigRedeemScriptType_init_zero, false, 0}
10 years ago
#define TxOutputType_init_zero {false, "", 0, {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, 0, (OutputScriptType)0, false, MultisigRedeemScriptType_init_zero, false, {0, {0}}}
#define TxOutputBinType_init_zero {0, {0, {0}}}
#define TransactionType_init_zero {false, 0, 0, {TxInputType_init_zero}, 0, {TxOutputBinType_init_zero}, false, 0, 0, {TxOutputType_init_zero}, false, 0, false, 0, false, {0, {0}}, false, 0}
#define TxRequestDetailsType_init_zero {false, 0, false, {0, {0}}, false, 0, false, 0}
#define TxRequestSerializedType_init_zero {false, 0, false, {0, {0}}, false, {0, {0}}}
10 years ago
#define IdentityType_init_zero {false, "", false, "", false, "", false, "", false, "", false, 0}
11 years ago
/* Field tags (for use in manual encoding/decoding) */
#define CoinType_coin_name_tag 1
#define CoinType_coin_shortcut_tag 2
#define CoinType_address_type_tag 3
#define CoinType_maxfee_kb_tag 4
#define CoinType_address_type_p2sh_tag 5
#define CoinType_address_type_p2wpkh_tag 6
#define CoinType_address_type_p2wsh_tag 7
#define CoinType_signed_message_header_tag 8
11 years ago
#define HDNodeType_depth_tag 1
#define HDNodeType_fingerprint_tag 2
#define HDNodeType_child_num_tag 3
#define HDNodeType_chain_code_tag 4
#define HDNodeType_private_key_tag 5
#define HDNodeType_public_key_tag 6
10 years ago
#define IdentityType_proto_tag 1
#define IdentityType_user_tag 2
#define IdentityType_host_tag 3
#define IdentityType_port_tag 4
#define IdentityType_path_tag 5
#define IdentityType_index_tag 6
11 years ago
#define TxOutputBinType_amount_tag 1
#define TxOutputBinType_script_pubkey_tag 2
#define TxRequestDetailsType_request_index_tag 1
#define TxRequestDetailsType_tx_hash_tag 2
#define TxRequestDetailsType_extra_data_len_tag 3
#define TxRequestDetailsType_extra_data_offset_tag 4
11 years ago
#define TxRequestSerializedType_signature_index_tag 1
#define TxRequestSerializedType_signature_tag 2
#define TxRequestSerializedType_serialized_tx_tag 3
#define HDNodePathType_node_tag 1
#define HDNodePathType_address_n_tag 2
#define MultisigRedeemScriptType_pubkeys_tag 1
#define MultisigRedeemScriptType_signatures_tag 2
#define MultisigRedeemScriptType_m_tag 3
#define TxInputType_address_n_tag 1
#define TxInputType_prev_hash_tag 2
#define TxInputType_prev_index_tag 3
#define TxInputType_script_sig_tag 4
#define TxInputType_sequence_tag 5
#define TxInputType_script_type_tag 6
#define TxInputType_multisig_tag 7
8 years ago
#define TxInputType_amount_tag 8
#define TxOutputType_address_tag 1
#define TxOutputType_address_n_tag 2
#define TxOutputType_amount_tag 3
#define TxOutputType_script_type_tag 4
#define TxOutputType_multisig_tag 5
10 years ago
#define TxOutputType_op_return_data_tag 6
11 years ago
#define TransactionType_version_tag 1
#define TransactionType_inputs_tag 2
#define TransactionType_bin_outputs_tag 3
#define TransactionType_outputs_tag 5
#define TransactionType_lock_time_tag 4
#define TransactionType_inputs_cnt_tag 6
#define TransactionType_outputs_cnt_tag 7
#define TransactionType_extra_data_tag 8
#define TransactionType_extra_data_len_tag 9
11 years ago
#define wire_in_tag 50002
#define wire_out_tag 50003
#define wire_debug_in_tag 50004
#define wire_debug_out_tag 50005
/* Struct field encoding specification for nanopb */
extern const pb_field_t HDNodeType_fields[7];
extern const pb_field_t HDNodePathType_fields[3];
extern const pb_field_t CoinType_fields[9];
10 years ago
extern const pb_field_t MultisigRedeemScriptType_fields[4];
8 years ago
extern const pb_field_t TxInputType_fields[9];
10 years ago
extern const pb_field_t TxOutputType_fields[7];
11 years ago
extern const pb_field_t TxOutputBinType_fields[3];
extern const pb_field_t TransactionType_fields[10];
extern const pb_field_t TxRequestDetailsType_fields[5];
11 years ago
extern const pb_field_t TxRequestSerializedType_fields[4];
10 years ago
extern const pb_field_t IdentityType_fields[7];
11 years ago
/* Maximum encoded size of messages (where known) */
#define HDNodeType_size 121
#define HDNodePathType_size 171
#define CoinType_size 99
#define MultisigRedeemScriptType_size 3741
8 years ago
#define TxInputType_size 5508
#define TxOutputType_size 3934
10 years ago
#define TxOutputBinType_size 534
#define TransactionType_size 11042
#define TxRequestDetailsType_size 52
#define TxRequestSerializedType_size 2132
10 years ago
#define IdentityType_size 416
11 years ago
#ifdef __cplusplus
} /* extern "C" */