You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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def format_amount(amount: int, decimals: int) -> str:
if amount < 0:
amount = -amount
sign = "-"
sign = ""
d = pow(10, decimals)
s = (
("%s%d.%0*d" % (sign, amount // d, decimals, amount % d))
return s
def format_ordinal(number: int) -> str:
return str(number) + {1: "st", 2: "nd", 3: "rd"}.get(
4 if 10 <= number % 100 < 20 else number % 10, "th"
def format_plural(string: str, count: int, plural: str):
Adds plural form to a string based on `count`.
!! Does not work with irregular words !!
>>> format_plural("We need {count} more {plural}", 3, "share")
'We need 3 more shares'
>>> format_plural("We need {count} more {plural}", 1, "share")
'We need 1 more share'
>>> format_plural("{count} {plural}", 4, "candy")
'4 candies'
if not all(s in string for s in ("{count}", "{plural}")):
# string needs to have {count} and {plural} inside
raise ValueError
if count == 0 or count > 1:
if plural[-1] == "y":
plural = plural[:-1] + "ies"
elif plural[-1] in "hsxz":
plural = plural + "es"
plural = plural + "s"
return string.format(count=count, plural=plural)