You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

334 lines
7.1 KiB

# pup
pup is a command line tool for processing HTML. It reads from stdin,
prints to stdout, and allows the user to filter parts of the page using
[CSS selectors](
Inspired by [jq](, pup aims to be a
fast and flexible way of exploring HTML from the terminal.
## Upcoming talk
I'll be giving a talk on pup on October 15th at 11:00am (PDT) for Codementor!
RSVP on the [event page](
and join the hangout to discuss, pup, Go, and command-line tools.
## Install
Direct download are available on the [releases page](
Or if you can run `go get` to download via git.
go get
## Quick start
$ curl -s
Ew, HTML. Let's run that through some pup selectors:
$ curl -s | pup 'td.title a[href^=http] attr{href}'
Even better, let's grab the titles too:
$ curl -s | pup 'td.title a[href^=http] json{}'
## Basic Usage
$ cat index.html | pup [flags] [selectors] [optional display function]
$ pup < index.html [flags] [selectors] [optional display function]
## Examples
Download a webpage with wget.
$ wget -O robots.html
####Clean and indent
By default pup will fill in missing tags and properly indent the page.
$ cat robots.html
# nasty looking HTML
$ cat robots.html | pup --color
# cleaned, indented, and colorful HTML
####Filter by tag
$ pup < robots.html title
Robots exclusion standard - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
####Filter by id
$ pup < robots.html span#See_also
<span class="mw-headline" id="See_also">
See also
####Chain selectors together
The following two commands are (somewhat) equivalent.
$ pup < robots.html table.navbox ul a | tail
$ pup < robots.html table.navbox | pup ul | pup a | tail
Both produce the ouput:
<a href="/wiki/Stop_words" title="Stop words">
Stop words
<a href="/wiki/Poison_words" title="Poison words">
Poison words
<a href="/wiki/Content_farm" title="Content farm">
Content farm
Because pup reconstructs the HTML parse tree, funny things can
happen when piping two commands together. I'd recommend chaining
commands rather than pipes.
####Limit print level
$ pup < robots.html table -l 2
<table class="metadata plainlinks ambox ambox-content" role="presentation">
<table style="background:#f9f9f9;font-size:85%;line-height:110%;max-width:175px;">
<table cellspacing="0" class="navbox" style="border-spacing:0;">
Slices allow you to do simple `{start:end:by}` operations to limit the number of nodes
selected for the next round of selection.
Provide one number for a simple index.
$ pup < robots.html a slice{0}
<a id="top">
You can provide an end to limit the number of nodes selected.
$ # {:3} is the same as {0:3}
$ pup < robots.html a slice{:3}
<a id="top">
<a href="#mw-navigation">
<a href="#p-search">
## Implemented Selectors
For further examples of these selectors head over to [MDN](
cat index.html | pup .class
# '#' indicates comments at the command line so you have to escape it
cat index.html | pup \#id
cat index.html | pup element
cat index.html | pup [attribute]
cat index.html | pup [attribute=value]
# Probably best to quote enclose wildcards
cat index.html | pup '[attribute*=value]'
cat index.html | pup [attribute~=value]
cat index.html | pup [attribute^=value]
cat index.html | pup [attribute$=value]
You can mix and match selectors as you wish.
cat index.html | pup element#id[attribute=value]
## Display Functions
Non-HTML selectors which effect the output type are implemented as functions
which can be provided as a final argument.
#### `text{}`
Print all text from selected nodes and children in depth first order.
$ cat robots.html | pup .mw-headline text{}
About the standard
Nonstandard extensions
Crawl-delay directive
Allow directive
Universal "*" match
Meta tags and headers
See also
External links
#### `attr{attrkey}`
Print the values of all attributes with a given key from all selected nodes.
$ pup < robots.html a attr{href} | head
#### `json{}`
Print HTML as JSON.
$ cat robots.html | pup div#p-namespaces a
<a href="/wiki/Robots_exclusion_standard" title="View the content page [c]" accesskey="c">
<a href="/wiki/Talk:Robots_exclusion_standard" title="Discussion about the content page [t]" accesskey="t">
$ cat robots.html | pup div#p-namespaces a json{}
"attrs": {
"accesskey": "c",
"href": "/wiki/Robots_exclusion_standard",
"title": "View the content page [c]"
"tag": "a",
"text": "Article"
"attrs": {
"accesskey": "t",
"href": "/wiki/Talk:Robots_exclusion_standard",
"title": "Discussion about the content page [t]"
"tag": "a",
"text": "Talk"
Use the `-i` / `--indent` flag to control the intent level.
$ cat robots.html | pup --indent 4 div#p-namespaces a json{}
"attrs": {
"accesskey": "c",
"href": "/wiki/Robots_exclusion_standard",
"title": "View the content page [c]"
"tag": "a",
"text": "Article"
"attrs": {
"accesskey": "t",
"href": "/wiki/Talk:Robots_exclusion_standard",
"title": "Discussion about the content page [t]"
"tag": "a",
"text": "Talk"
If the selectors only return one element the results will be printed as a JSON
object, not a list.
$ cat robots.html | pup --indent 4 title json{}
"tag": "title",
"text": "Robots exclusion standard - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia"
Because there is no universal standard for converting HTML/XML to JSON, a
method has been chosen which hopefully fits. The goal is simply to get the
output of pup into a more consumable format.
## Flags
-c --color print result with color
-f --file file to read from
-h --help display this help
-i --indent number of spaces to use for indent or character
-n --number print number of elements selected
-l --limit restrict number of levels printed
--version display version
Add more tests!