* remove package_check to avoid situations like #1760
Signed-off-by: Adam Warner <adamw@rner.email>
* Prevent redundant entries in to adlists.list
Grep ${args[3]} and only add if grep -c -eq 0
Signed-off-by: Ryan Knapper <ryanknapper@gmail.com>
* lan to local
Reduced differences.
Signed-off-by: Ryan Knapper <ryanknapper@gmail.com>
* Require exact match
Updated to require an exact match to reduce false-positives, as suggested by DL6ER.
Signed-off-by: Ryan Knapper <ryanknapper@gmail.com>
* fix empty ports on some systems
Signed-off-by: Jacob Salmela <jacob.salmela@pi-hole.net>
* debug user locale; improve function to parse variables and files
Signed-off-by: Jacob Salmela <jacob.salmela@pi-hole.net>
* Split declaration and population for stickler.
Signed-off-by: Dan Schaper <dan.schaper@pi-hole.net>
* implement dschapers suggestions--better command, less subshells, and finer formatting
Signed-off-by: Jacob Salmela <jacob.salmela@pi-hole.net>
* flip uninstall compatability check
Signed-off-by: bcambl <blayne@blaynecampbell.com>
* Update index.php
Avoiding calling empty() on a function allows this to work under PHP5. Making the check for blocklist generation in this way instead is compatible with both PHP5 and PHP7.
Signed-off-by: Rob Gill <rrobgill@protonmail.com>
* Update index.php
thanks stickler-ci .......
Signed-off-by: Rob Gill <rrobgill@protonmail.com>
* changes as requested
changes as requested
Signed-off-by: Rob Gill <rrobgill@protonmail.com>
* oh stickler bot...
accidentally a space
Signed-off-by: Rob Gill <rrobgill@protonmail.com>
* linting: Double quote to prevent globbing and word splitting
Signed-off-by: bcambl <blayne@blaynecampbell.com>
* unbind resolved on ubuntu 18.04
Stop systemd-resolved from interfering with dnsmasq/ftl
Signed-off-by: Rob Gill <rrobgill@protonmail.com>
* restore resolvd.conf
If dnsmasq is removed, resolved will need to be restored.
Signed-off-by: Rob Gill <rrobgill@protonmail.com>
* Update uninstall.sh
Signed-off-by: Rob Gill <rrobgill@protonmail.com>>
* Minor correction for double instance of the word "found".
Signed-off-by: RamSet <RamSet@gmail.com>
* message text
Signed-off-by: Rob Gill <rrobgill@protonmail.com>>
* relocate as function
The check for systemd-resolved DNSStubListener, and disabling as necessary is a new function, called just prior to start_service pihole-FTL.
The check for ubuntu bionic 18.04 specifically is removed.
The check if resolved is enabled is made with check_service_active()
An additional check that the dnsstublistener is enabled is made.
Signed-off-by: Rob Gill <rrobgill@protonmail.com>
* Regex & case fix
grep & sed regexes match commented or uncommented
Signed-off-by: Rob Gill <rrobgill@protonmail.com>
* Update basic-install.sh
Force reloading of relsolved config where available
Signed-off-by: Rob Gill <rrobgill@protonmail.com>
* reload resloved
reload resolved config if possible, restart otherwise
Signed-off-by: Rob Gill <rrobgill@protonmail.com>
* user-facing messages
Signed-off-by: Rob Gill <rrobgill@protonmail.com>
* move & clarify comments
* Use inverse if statement, instead of IF/ELSE when checking setupVars.conf
* Remove $svFQDN
* Add or elaborate on more comments
* Add $serverName to $authorizedHosts if admin has specified `setenv.add-environment = ("fqdn" => "true")` within lighttpd's external.conf
* e.g: `$HTTP["host"] == "pihole.domain.com" { setenv.add-environment = ("fqdn" => "true") }`
* Move "No exact results" check to top of exception handling
* Remove unnecessary IF/ELSE when handling $queryAds error
Signed off by WaLLy3K <wally3k@pi-hole.net>
If Pi-Hole is behind a reverse proxy that uses SSL, then the block page will not load resources such as `blockingpage.css` and `jquery.min.js` as the insecure `http://` is hard coded. Browsers will block attempts to load insecure resources if the page is loaded of SSL.
The fix is acheived by checking `$_SERVER['HTTPS']` and setting the variable `$proto` to either `http` or `https`. The harcoded `http` is replaced by the contents of this variable.
Since Pi-hole redirects ad domains to itself, accessing the script via de.ign.com is the same as pi.hole in this case. The fix should be as simple as adding a / before admin on this line.
* An "About Pi-hole" link on the block page provides an ELI5 explanation to those not familiar with Pi-hole
* An email contact link on the block page provides users of your Pi-hole with a means to easily get in touch with you
* Browsing to your Pi-hole's address will show a simple "landing page", which can be replaced by adding "landing.php" within "/var/www/html"
* Users manually browsing to file/image based content (i.e: non HTML based content) on blocked sites will be greeted with a small "Blocked by Pi-hole" image
* Sites that are manually blacklisted will display a notice of this on the block page
* Sites that aren't directly blocked, but have a CNAME record, will show a notification on the block page (e.g: If raw.githubusercontent.com is not blocked, but github.map.fastly.net is)
* On the block page, "Back to Safety" now directs the user to "about:home" if Javascript is disabled
* Whitelisting is disabled for installs without a password, or if a client does not have Javascript
* Known issues:
* Admin Console needs a text field under "Web User Interface" where the admin can enter a preferred contact email when a site needs to be whitelisted, to be saved to setupVars.conf with the key "ADMIN_EMAIL"
* Admin Console needs a text field under "Networking" where the admin can enter their Pi-hole's externally contactable FQDN, allowing access to their landing page when browsing to mypi.duckdns.org, to be saved to setupVars.conf with the key "FQDN"
* I am not aware of expected output of `$_SERVER["VIRTUAL_HOST"]`, so I have assumed it should be filtered as if it's a domain
If someone tries to access 'http://pi.hole/', it will take them to the "Website blocked" page. Very confusing if you don't know to go to 'http://pi.hole/admin/'. This just redirects them to the admin panel.