Speed things up a bit with some humble greps. Consolodate regexes and remove the need for so many mapfile/arrays

Signed-off-by: Adam Warner <me@adamwarner.co.uk>
Adam Warner 2 years ago
parent 1dc33129e5
commit 1a73275ad0
No known key found for this signature in database

@ -563,56 +563,36 @@ parseList() {
# 1. Add all valid domains
sed -r "/^${valid_domain_pattern}$/!d" "${src}" > "${temp_file}"
# 2. Add valid ABP style domains if there is at least one such domain
if grep -E "^${abp_domain_pattern}$" -m 1 -q "${src}"; then
echo " ${INFO} List contained AdBlock Plus style domains"
sed -r "/^${abp_domain_pattern}$/!d" "${src}" >> "${temp_file}"
# Find lines containing no domains or with invalid characters (not matching regex above)
# This is simply everything that is not in $temp_file compared to $src
# Remove duplicates from the list
mapfile -t non_domains < <(grep -Fvf "${temp_file}" "${src}" | sort -u )
# 3. Remove trailing period (see https://github.com/pi-hole/pi-hole/issues/4701)
# 4. Append ,adlistID to every line
# 5. Ensures there is a newline on the last line
# and write everything to the target file
sed "s/\.$//;s/$/,${adlistID}/;/.$/a\\" "${temp_file}" >> "${target}"
# A list of items of common local hostnames not to report as unusable
# Some lists (i.e StevenBlack's) contain these as they are supposed to be used as HOST files
# but flagging them as unusable causes more confusion than it's worth - so we suppress them from the output
false_positives="localhost|localhost.localdomain|local|broadcasthost|localhost|ip6-localhost|ip6-loopback|lo0 localhost|ip6-localnet|ip6-mcastprefix|ip6-allnodes|ip6-allrouters|ip6-allhosts"
# if there are any non-domains, filter the array for false-positives
# Credit: https://stackoverflow.com/a/40264051
if [[ "${#non_domains[@]}" -gt 0 ]]; then
mapfile -d $'\0' -t non_domains < <(printf '%s\0' "${non_domains[@]}" | grep -Ezv "^${false_positives}")
# Extract valid domains from source file and append ,${adlistID} to each line
grep -E "^(${valid_domain_pattern}|${abp_domain_pattern})$" "${src}" | sed "s/$/,${adlistID}/" > "${temp_file}"
cat ${temp_file} >> ${target}
# Get the number of domains added from the above
num_domains="$(grep -c "^" "${temp_file}")"
# Check if the source file contained AdBlock Plus style domains, if so we set the global variable and inform the user
if grep -E "^${abp_domain_pattern}$" -m 1 -q "${src}"; then
echo " ${INFO} List contained AdBlock Plus style domains"
# Get a sample of non-domain entries, limited to 5 (the list should already have been de-duplicated)
IFS=" " read -r -a sample_non_domains <<< "$(tr ' ' '\n' <<< "${non_domains[@]}" | head -n 5 | tr '\n' ' ')"
# For completeness, we will get a count of non_domains (this is the number of entries left after stripping the source of comments/duplicates/false positives/domains)
grep -Ev "^(${valid_domain_pattern}|${abp_domain_pattern}|${false_positives})$" "${src}" > /tmp/invalid.domains
# Get the number of domains added
num_domains="$(grep -c "^" "${temp_file}")"
# Get the number of non_domains (this is the number of entries left after stripping the source of comments/duplicates/false positives/domains)
num_non_domains="$(grep -c "^" "/tmp/invalid.domains")"
# If there are unusable lines, we display some information about them. This is not error or major cause for concern.
if [[ "${num_non_domains}" -ne 0 ]]; then
echo " ${INFO} Imported ${num_domains} domains, ignoring ${num_non_domains} non-domain entries"
echo " Sample of non-domain entries:"
for each in "${sample_non_domains[@]}"
echo " - ${each}"
invalid_lines=$(grep -Ev "(${false_positives})" /tmp/invalid.domains | head -n 5)
echo "${invalid_lines}" | awk '{print " - " $0}'
rm /tmp/invalid.domains
echo " ${INFO} Imported ${num_domains} domains"
