`get_all_links.py` opens files for reading urls in those, but do not
closes those. This commit makes the script to properly close the files.
Signed-off-by: SeongJae Park <sj38.park@gmail.com>
Shellcheck[1] gives below warnings for `latex.sh` as below. Those are
not real problems for now, but fixing those would be helpful for future
update. This commit therefore fixes those except the shebang position,
as the warning is for Shellcheck itself.
[1] https://www.shellcheck.net/
$ shellcheck latex.sh
In latex.sh line 1:
# latex.sh
^-- SC2148: Tips depend on target shell and yours is unknown. Add a
In latex.sh line 8:
for D in $(ls ../); do
^-- SC2045: Iterating over ls output is fragile. Use globs.
In latex.sh line 12:
pandoc ../$D/README.md ../$D/linux-*.md -o build/$D.tex
--template default
^-- SC2086: Double quote to prevent globbing and word
^-- SC2086: Double quote to prevent
globbing and word splitting.
^-- SC2086:
Double quote to prevent globbing and word splitting.
In latex.sh line 16:
cd ./build
^-- SC2164: Use 'cd ... || exit' or 'cd ... || return' in case cd fails.
In latex.sh line 19:
pdflatex -interaction=nonstopmode $f
^-- SC2086: Double quote to
prevent globbing and word splitting.
In latex.sh line 22:
cd ../
^-- SC2164: Use 'cd ... || exit' or 'cd ... || return' in case cd fails.
Signed-off-by: SeongJae Park <sj38.park@gmail.com>
The screenshot for fork button, which was available from tinypic, is not
available now. This commit replaces it with other image from the Github
Docs site.
Signed-off-by: SeongJae Park <sj38.park@gmail.com>
Following abf4f68 - removes all references to the deleted [ORG 0x7c00],
and generally mention that the BIOS copies the boot sector into that
fixed memory location
Change the display names to match the correct file location, which the
link points to.
Signed-off-by: Sebastian Fricke <sebastian.fricke.linux@gmail.com>
Increase word variety, fix grammatical errors, place missing
punctuations and add missing articles.
Signed-off-by: Sebastian Fricke <sebastian.fricke.linux@gmail.com>
The old links didn't point to valid locations.
Replace the old links with the new links and test those changes with a
small script: https://github.com/initBasti/markdown_link_check .
In order to find and replace the links, I used the following commands:
grep -rwohP '.' -e "\(https\:\/\/0xax.gitbooks.io\/\S*\)" > links.txt
(Find all links recursivly in the project directories and print out the
only the matches links)
Within links.txt:
Remove the '(' & ')' => :%s/\(//g and :%s/\)//g
Remove duplicates => :sort u
Test if the links work with:
python3 md_link_check.py --pattern 0xax.gitbook --output-file bad.txt
Create replace commands:
:%s/.*/grep -rl & '.' | xargs sed -i 's#&##g'
Enter replacement URL between the 2nd & 3rd '#'
Execute commands: :w !sh
Signed-off-by: Sebastian Fricke <sebastian.fricke.linux@gmail.com>
Remove redundant 'the'
s/Now as we jumped on the startup_32 from the/Now as we jumped into `startup_32` from/
Remove redundant 'the', ensure a varied choice of words
s/we will not find anything related to the interrupt handling here/
we will not encounter anything related to interrupt handling here/
Improve sentence structure
s/The startup_32 contains code that makes preparations before the transition into long mode and directly jumps in to it/
The code inside of `startup_32` makes necessary preparations, before transitioning into the long mode with a direct jump/
Improve sentence structure and ensure a varied choice of words.
s/it makes preparations before the kernel decompression that occurs in the decompress_kernel from the/
it makes arrangements for the kernel decompression that occurs in the `decompress_kernel` function inside of ../
Remove redundant 'the', vary the choice of words
s/we jump on the startup_64 from the/we jump into `startup_64` defined at/
Reduce repetition, improve sentence structure
s/we start to build identity-mapped pages. After we have built identity-mapped pages, checked the NX bit, setup the Extended Feature Enable Register (see in links), and updated the early Global Descriptor Table with the lgdt instruction, we need to setup gs register/
Signed-off-by: Sebastian Fricke <sebastian.fricke.linux@gmail.com>
Replace a deprecated Makefile assignment with the current version.
Change was introduced with the following commit:
Signed-off-by: Sebastian Fricke <sebastian.fricke.linux@gmail.com>
Shorten the sentence to reduce repetition, as the correlation with the boot chapter
is already explained in the previous sentence.
Add 'function' to `protected_mode_jump`
s/We already know from the earliest parts that entry to protected mode is located
in the `boot_params.hdr.code32_start` and you can see that we pass the entry of
the protected mode and `boot_params` to the `protected_mode_jump`
/The entry to protected mode is located in the `boot_params.hdr.code32_start`
and passed together with the `boot_params` to the `protected_mode_jump` function/
Correct grammatical errors:
s/in the end of the/at the end of/
Improve word choices:
s/gets these two parameters in the/receives these two parameters within the/
Add missing punctuation and add filling words for a more fluent reading.
This commit introduced a new way of annotating functions: (https://lkml.org/lkml/2019/1/30/374)
This commit made in_pm32 local: (https://lkml.org/lkml/2019/10/11/192)
s/2: .long in_pm32/2: .long .Lin_pm32/
Signed-off-by: Sebastian Fricke <sebastian.fricke.linux@gmail.com>
s/So, as you can understand there is no sense to have two similar structures which differ only by name./
It would make no sense to create two structures that only differ in their names./
Set missing punctuation.
Signed-off-by: Sebastian Fricke <sebastian.fricke.linux@gmail.com>
s/in the `go_to_protected_mode` function by the call of the `setup_idt`/
in the `go_to_protected_mode` function by calling `setup_idt`/
Signed-off-by: Sebastian Fricke <sebastian.fricke.linux@gmail.com>
The initialization of gate descriptors was changed from using
set_intr_gate_ist() to idt_setup_from_table, which initalizes the
struct idt_data def_idts[] array.
Commit: https://lkml.org/lkml/2017/8/25/732
Update the entry point definition to contain the new read_cr2 attribute
Commit: https://lkml.org/lkml/2019/7/4/656
Update ENTRY and END macro to the new SYM_CODE_START & SYM_CODE_END
Commit: https://lkml.org/lkml/2019/10/11/344
Update the description of the code passages accordingly.
Replace irq_stack_union with fixed_percpu_data
Add missing punctuation
Improve sentence structure:
s/the ability to switch to a new stack for events non-maskable interrupt
interrupt/the ability to switch to a new stack for events like a non-maskable interrupt/
s/as if a single task/as if they were a single task/
s/The least unit which scheduler operates is an individual task or thread. But a process is not only one type of entities of which the scheduller may operate./
The smallest unit that the scheduler works with is an individual task or thread. However, a process is not the only type of entity that the scheduler can operate with./
s/these options provides support/these options provide support/
s/The first one option provides support for group scheduling with `completely fair scheduler` policies and the second with `real-time` policies respectively./
The first option provides support for group scheduling with the `completely fair scheduler` policies and the second with the `real-time` policies respectively./
s/It means that it supports/That means it supports/