The old links didn't point to valid locations.
Replace the old links with the new links and test those changes with a
small script: .
In order to find and replace the links, I used the following commands:
grep -rwohP '.' -e "\(https\:\/\/\/\S*\)" > links.txt
(Find all links recursivly in the project directories and print out the
only the matches links)
Within links.txt:
Remove the '(' & ')' => :%s/\(//g and :%s/\)//g
Remove duplicates => :sort u
Test if the links work with:
python3 --pattern 0xax.gitbook --output-file bad.txt
Create replace commands:
:%s/.*/grep -rl & '.' | xargs sed -i 's#&##g'
Enter replacement URL between the 2nd & 3rd '#'
Execute commands: :w !sh
Signed-off-by: Sebastian Fricke <>
s/as if a single task/as if they were a single task/
s/The least unit which scheduler operates is an individual task or thread. But a process is not only one type of entities of which the scheduller may operate./
The smallest unit that the scheduler works with is an individual task or thread. However, a process is not the only type of entity that the scheduler can operate with./
s/these options provides support/these options provide support/
s/The first one option provides support for group scheduling with `completely fair scheduler` policies and the second with `real-time` policies respectively./
The first option provides support for group scheduling with the `completely fair scheduler` policies and the second with the `real-time` policies respectively./
s/It means that it supports/That means it supports/