You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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Isso API
The Isso API uses HTTP and JSON as primary communication protocol.
JSON format
When querying the API you either get an error, an object or list of
objects representing the comment. Here's a example JSON returned from
.. code-block:: js
"text": "Hello, World!",
"author": "Bernd",
"website": null,
"votes": 0,
"mode": 1,
"id": 1,
"parent": null,
"hash": "68b329da9893e34099c7d8ad5cb9c940",
"created": 1379001637.50,
"modified": null
text : required, comment as HTML
author : author's name, may be ``null``
website : author's website, may be ``null``
votes : sum of up- and downvotes, defaults to zero.
mode : \* 1, accepted comment \* 2, comment in moderation queue \* 4,
comment deleted, but is referenced
id : unique comment number per thread
parent : answer to a parent id, may be ``null``
hash : user identification, used to generate identicons
created : time in seconds sinde epoch
modified : last modification time in seconds, may be ``null``
List comments
List all visible comments for a thread. Does not include deleted and
comments currently in moderation queue.
GET /?uri=path
You must encode ``path``, e.g. to retrieve comments for
GET /?uri=%2Fhello-world%2F
To disable automatic Markdown-to-HTML conversion, pass ``plain=1`` to
the query URL:
GET /?uri=...&plain=1
As response, you either get 200, 400, or 404, which are pretty
GET /?uri=%2Fhello-world%2F
GET /?uri=%2Fcomment-me%2F
[{comment 1}, {comment 2}, ...]
Create comments
Delete comments
Up- and downvote comments