Isso API ======== The Isso API uses HTTP and JSON as primary communication protocol. JSON format ----------- When querying the API you either get an error, an object or list of objects representing the comment. Here's a example JSON returned from Isso: .. code-block:: js { "text": "Hello, World!", "author": "Bernd", "website": null, "votes": 0, "mode": 1, "id": 1, "parent": null, "hash": "68b329da9893e34099c7d8ad5cb9c940", "created": 1379001637.50, "modified": null } text : required, comment as HTML author : author's name, may be ``null`` website : author's website, may be ``null`` votes : sum of up- and downvotes, defaults to zero. mode : \* 1, accepted comment \* 2, comment in moderation queue \* 4, comment deleted, but is referenced id : unique comment number per thread parent : answer to a parent id, may be ``null`` hash : user identification, used to generate identicons created : time in seconds sinde epoch modified : last modification time in seconds, may be ``null`` List comments ------------- List all visible comments for a thread. Does not include deleted and comments currently in moderation queue. GET /?uri=path You must encode ``path``, e.g. to retrieve comments for ``/hello-world/``: :: GET /?uri=%2Fhello-world%2F To disable automatic Markdown-to-HTML conversion, pass ``plain=1`` to the query URL: :: GET /?uri=...&plain=1 As response, you either get 200, 400, or 404, which are pretty self-explanatory. :: GET / 400 BAD REQUEST GET /?uri=%2Fhello-world%2F 404 NOT FOUND GET /?uri=%2Fcomment-me%2F [{comment 1}, {comment 2}, ...] Create comments --------------- ... Delete comments --------------- ... Up- and downvote comments ------------------------- ...