2.1 KiB
I appreciate any help and love pull requests. Here are some things you need to respect:
- no hard-wired external services
- no support for ancient browsers (e.g. IE6-9)
Reporting Issues
Disqus import fails
If isso import /path/to/disqus.xml
fails, please do NOT attach the raw
dump file to GH:Issues. Please anonymize all IP addresses inside the <ipAddress>
tag first, as second step, replace all email addresses with a generic one (
email tag).
embed.min.js-related issues
In case of a JavaScript traceback, please setup Isso in development mode described below. Otherwise it is very hard to "guess" the reason.
isso-related issues
Copy and paste traceback into a ticket and provide some details of your usage.
If you want to hack on Isso or track down issues, there's an alternate way to set up Isso. It requires a lot more dependencies and effort.
On Debian/Ubuntu install the following packages
~> sudo aptitude install python-setuptools python-dev npm ruby
~> ln -s /usr/bin/nodejs /usr/bin/node
Get the repository:
~> git clone https://github.com/posativ/isso.git
~> cd isso/
Install virtualenv
and create a new environment for Isso (recommended):
~> pip install virtualenv
~> virtualenv .
~> source ./bin/activate
Install Isso dependencies:
~> python setup.py develop
~> isso run
Compile SCSS to CSS:
~> gem install sass
~> scss --watch isso/css/isso.scss
Install JS components:
~> cd isso/js
~> bower install almond q requirejs requirejs-domready requirejs-text
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/isso/static/isso.css" />
<script src="/isso/js/config.js"></script>
<script data-main="/isso/js/embed" src="/isso/js/components/requirejs/require.js"></script>
~> npm install -g requirejs uglifyjs
~> cd isso/js
~> r.js -o build.embed.js
~> r.js -o build.count.js