You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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import os
import time
import tempfile
import unittest
from isso.models import Comment
from isso.db import SQLite
class TestSQLite(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
fd, self.path = tempfile.mkstemp()
self.db = SQLite(self.path, False)
def test_get(self):
rv = self.db.add('/', Comment(text='Spam'), '')
c = self.db.get('/', rv["id"])
assert c["id"] == 1
assert c["text"] == 'Spam'
def test_add(self):
self.db.add('/', Comment(text='Foo'), '')
self.db.add('/', Comment(text='Bar'), '')
self.db.add('/path/', Comment(text='Baz'), '')
rv = list(self.db.retrieve('/'))
assert rv[0]["id"] == 1
assert rv[0]["text"] == 'Foo'
assert rv[1]["id"] == 2
assert rv[1]["text"] == 'Bar'
rv = list(self.db.retrieve('/path/'))
assert rv[0]["id"] == 1
assert rv[0]["text"] == 'Baz'
def test_add_return(self):
self.db.add('/', Comment(text='1'), '')
self.db.add('/', Comment(text='2'), '')
assert self.db.add('/path/', Comment(text='1'), '')["id"] == 1
def test_update(self):
rv = self.db.add('/', Comment(text='Foo'), '')
rv = self.db.update('/', rv["id"], {"text": "Bla"})
c = self.db.get('/', rv["id"])
assert c["id"] == 1
assert c["text"] == 'Bla'
assert c["created"] < c["modified"]
def test_delete(self):
rv = self.db.add('/', Comment(
text='F**CK', author='P*NIS', website=''), '')
assert self.db.delete('/', rv["id"]) == None
def test_recent(self):
self.db.add('/path/', Comment(text='2'), '')
for x in range(5):
self.db.add('/', Comment(text='%i' % (x+1)), '')
assert len(list(self.db.recent(mode=7))) == 6
assert len(list(self.db.recent(mode=7, limit=5))) == 5
def tearDown(self):
class TestSQLitePending(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
fd, self.path = tempfile.mkstemp()
self.db = SQLite(self.path, True)
def test_retrieve(self):
self.db.add('/', Comment(text='Foo'), '')
assert len(list(self.db.retrieve('/'))) == 0
def test_activate(self):
self.db.add('/', Comment(text='Foo'), '')
self.db.add('/', Comment(text='Bar'), '')
self.db.activate('/', 2)
assert len(list(self.db.retrieve('/'))) == 1
assert len(list(self.db.retrieve('/', mode=3))) == 2
def tearDown(self):